Mrs. Hendren's 2nd Grade Class

Updates for 3/17-3/21
We had so much fun on our Field Trip on Friday! I hope your child enjoyed their experience and was able to share many memories with you.
This week is a "normal" with no notable events going on. Please continue to work with your child every night on their reading and math homework. Every little bit counts as we gear up for the end of the year and preparing for 3rd grade.
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know!
Updates for 3/10-3/14
Hello families! We are looking forward to our field trip to the Greensboro Science Center on Friday of this week. Please remember to let me know if you are planning on attending with us. We look forward to sharing this experience together!
Also, please remember to send your child with a snack and water bottle every day.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know! Thanks!
Updates for 3/3-3/7
We have made it to March! Please remember, we have an upcoming field trip on March 14th. Families are invited to attend with us, but please send me a message on Remind to let me know if you are coming so we can look for you to meet us there. I will be sending out more information about this field trip closer to time, but please note that this field trip pick up time is around 4:00. Pick up will have to be arranged for this day since regular buses will already be gone.
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hestiate to let me know!
Home Practice
Your child will have home practice each night, as described on the back of their green folder. We will have a weekly spelling test each Friday that will review the skills from the week. I encourage you to go over these words with your child each night as a practice. They will also have a short book to read and a few math fluency practice questions. If you have questions about homework, please don't hesitate to let me know!
Green Folders
Each night, your child will bring home their green folder. If your child is out sick, please make sure to send an excuse note in their green folder within 3 days of their last absence. They will also be bringing home their work from the week on Friday's in their green folder. Please review this work with your child and if you have any questions, please let me know!
Many of you have asked about donations to the classroom. Below is a QR Code to my Amazon Wish List and also to my TpT Class Fund. I appreciate the thought and kindness you all share to make our classroom an amazing place to learn!
TpT Class Fund
Learning Targets for the Week
Students Will Be Able To.....
-- Ask and answer questions about stories read aloud and/or read to self
-- Understand regrouping in three digit addition and subtraction problems
-- Understand weather and the tools used to collect weather data
-- Decode words using spelling patterns with a concentration on "ore, oor, our"
Zoom Invitation in Case We Need it for Remote Day :)
Josie Hendren is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Josie Hendren's Personal Meeting Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 223 117 4414
Passcode: hendren21
Our Classroom Schedule
Mrs. Hendren is Here to Help
Email: hendrenj@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: wes.wilkescountyschools.org
Location: 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC, USA
Phone: 336-838-4261