Palumbo Updates - Students/Parents
September 23-27, 2024
Weekly Schedule
Monday, September 23, 2024 - Regular Bell Schedule
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - Regular Bell Schedule
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - Regular Bell Schedule
- Open House 9AM - 2PM
Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 1 Hour Advisory Bell Schedule
- 12th Grade Meeting during advisoy
- Community Meeting
Friday, September 27, 2024 - 12:04 Dismissal
- Professional Development - 12:30 PM
- Philly School Fair - Convention Center
Saturday, September 28, 2024
- Philly School Fair - Convention Center
The Palumbo Class of '25 is fundraising to offset the costs of their Senior Prom! Consider helping out by supporting their DoubleGood Popcorn sale! You can also help by simply sharing this link on your social media platforms. All proceeds will go towards prom costs for an amazing group of seniors. (If you are the parent of a senior, go through your student's account so they can get the credit :))
On Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, children ages 6-17 who have not had or have not passed an eye exam are eligible for free eye screenings and glasses. This event is by appointment only, and families can easily register at this link: https://jefferson.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0fC5VEgYGOQWBpk
Palumbo Home & School Association News
The HSA invites you to become a member and to support the "Health & Wellness" of our school community through The Griffin Fund. Also, check out our new community building initiative for Spanish-Speaking Families called Academy at Palumbo Familias.
To learn more about the HSA and membership, The Griffin Fund, and Academy at Palumbo Familias, please visit the HSA website here.
Follow us on Facebook | Contact us: palumbogriffinshsa@gmail.com
Check out just a few highlights from Mr. Sheridan & Palumbo Athletics, with more to come!
You may use this electronic form to submit an excuse for your child's absence from school within three days of the absence. A doctors note must be provided after three consecutive days of absence. After 9 parental excuses, a doctors note will be required. Be sure to complete each section below to ensure the excuse is accepted. Written notes are also accepted in the main office. All request are subject to administrative approval.
Many families have been inquiring about purchasing Palumbo gear. Here's the link to our online store, where there's lots of selections, and personalization is available on some items. Click the picture to access the online store.
School Selection for 2025-26 has started! Potential students and families are invited to attend one of our Open House dates. Tours will be given every hour on the hour during the school day events, with the last tour starting at 1:00 PM.
FREE Virtual Financial Empowerment Workshop Series!
FREE Virtual Financial Empowerment Workshop Series!
Our school has partnered with Philadelphia Financial Scholars (PFS) to offer personal finance education to our students and families!
Are you looking to take charge of your finances?
Could you benefit from financial education?
Want to learn more about Budgeting, Borrowing / Credit, Insurance, Real Estate & Building Equity, Paying for College, and Investing?*
Join us for a FREE, six-week virtual financial empowerment workshop for school staff, parents, and caregivers!
The virtual workshops will be held on Tuesday evenings from October 15 – November 19 from 7PM – 8PM on Zoom.
The first 20 people who register will receive a $250 contribution to their child’s 529 or other qualifying education savings account once they have attended all six sessions! (Only one contribution will be made for each qualifying registrant caregiver/parent)
*Information provided in these seminars is for educational purposes only. PFS does not provide investment advice. Everyone’s financial situation is unique, and the products and strategies discussed may not be right for your circumstances.
The School District of Philadelphia is excited to announce that our schools can now accept online payments from parents through SchoolCash Online.
By minimizing cash and check payments at our schools, we can increase safety & security in the schools, allow staff to focus on students, and make life more convenient for teachers and parents:
Keep track of your child's school items and activity fees
Check your account history
View and print receipts
Pay for school fees with a simple click
Visit https://philasd.schoolcashonline.com or use the QR code below. After you have signed up, you will receive notifications of upcoming events and items involving your child, including: field trips, yearbooks, spirit wear, athletic fees, and more. Enjoy the convenience of making payments from the convenience of your phone, home or office.
Benefits to parents and schools
SchoolCash Online helps parents and community members pay school-related fees safely, quickly, and easily. In addition to convenience for yourself, you will help increase efficiency and security at our school by making payments directly into our school's bank account. This allows teachers and secretaries to focus on helping students, and not counting cash. In addition, you are immediately informed about school activities!
How to create a SchoolCash Online account
The process has two steps: 1) You create a free SchoolCash Online account; 2) You attach your student(s) to your profile to pay for their fees/items and receive automated notifications about fee availability and due dates.
There are two ways for parents to create an account:
Our SchoolCash system sends an invitation email to primary guardians, who can click a link to start the registration process and attach their student(s) to their profile.
Any parent can create an account by visiting our district's SchoolCash Online page: https://philasd.schoolcashonline.com.
How it works
Powered by KEV Group, SchoolCash Online is the industry leader in the safe and secure management of school fees. This system puts all of the school-related fees for your student online for purchase. Schools post their items and activities and assign the relevant fees to your student, so you can then make purchases online using your credit card or any Visa or Mastercard product. This allows you to stay informed about upcoming school activities while keeping track of the school fees that require your attention.
Our online payment system, SchoolCash Online, also will be sending some Primary Guardians an email in addition to this email.
If you are a Primary Guardian in the school's Student Information System and you don't yet have a SchoolCash Online account with that email address, you will receive an automated invitation from SchoolCash Online to create one. You can always create an account at any time by visiting https://philasd.schoolcashonline.com.
If you are a Primary Guardian in the school's Student Information System, and if you already have a SchoolCash Online account with that email address but you haven't yet linked your student(s) to your account, you will receive an automated email from SchoolCash Online for each unlinked child. This email will ask you to confirm that you want the system to automatically connect your child to your account.
If you are a Primary Guardian, once you have logged into SchoolCash Online, you will be able to share the child's access to other guardians.