St. Michael Elementary Newsletter
January 2025
Welcome Back STME Families:
I hope your student(s) had an opportunity to relax, rest, and recharge over the winter break. We are excited to have them back in the building and ready to dive into the second half of the school year.
This is a great time for students to refocus, work hard, and continue where they left off before break.
Thank you for your continued support, and let’s make the rest of the year a fantastic one!
Corey Lahr
STME Principal
December Students Of The Month
Upcoming Dates
2 - School Resumes
6 - School Board Meeting - 6 pm
13 - PTO Meeting - 6 pm
14 - Grade 2 Music Concerts
20 - No School - Teacher Workshop - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
21 - School Board Meeting - 6 pm
30 - Early Release and Conferences - Students Will Arrive Home 2 hrs. 15 min. Earlier Than Usual
Monthly Character Trait - Perseverance
Request For Donations - Health Office
We are looking for gently used or new donations for the following:
*Sweatpants, joggers or pants but no jeans please - SIzes 5, 6, 10, 12 and 18/20
*Socks - small, medium and large
*Sweatpants, joggers, leggings or jeggings - Sizes 5, 14/16 and 18/20
*Socks - small, medium and large
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is getting full. If your child is missing something, please have them check the Lost and Found. Our teachers also walk by with students to have them check if they are missing something. All Lost and Found items will be donated to the Hanover Food Shelf on Wednesday, January 15th.
Remaining 2024—2025 Concert Dates
Concerts are performed at Middle School West Auditorium at 6:00 and 7:00
2nd Grade: Tuesday, January 14th
3rd Grade: Thursday, February 27th
1st Grade: Thursday, April 10th
Kindergarten Registration For 2025-2026 School Year
Online kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school opens on Thursday, February 3rd! Please visit the Albertville Primary website at: https://ap.stma.k12.mn.us/kindergarten-registration1 for more information, as well as the link to register.
Registration information and details for Kindergarten Open House (May 2025) and Kindergarten Orientation (September 2025) will be mailed to families with potential kindergarteners at the end of January.
Please call the Albertville Primary office at 763-497-2688 if you have any questions.
If students are well enough to attend school, they are expected to go outside for recess. Weather permitting, students will go outside. Students are expected to dress appropriately for each season. Parents are encouraged to check the weather and monitor students’ dress. When our school receives doctor or parent notes excusing students from Physical Education, those students will not be able to participate in recess.
School Weather Closing, Delays, and Early Dismissals
When inclement weather has the potential of impacting the safety of students and staff, the school district will rely upon many professional resources to guide the decision to close, delay, or dismiss school. An automated announcement will be sent to families and staff and will be posted on the district website, WCCO, KSTP, KARE, and KMSP (Fox 9). Announcements will be made when school is closed or delayed and not to confirm that school is on time.
Procedures for Determining Closings and School Delays
While school closings and delays can cause hardships for parents/guardians/caregivers, a decision will always be based solely upon the safety of students and staff. In addition, a decision will not always be the same as decisions of neighboring school districts because weather patterns, geographic characteristics, and road conditions may be different. Whenever possible, the district will decide to close or delay school prior to 5:30 a.m. A decision to delay school two hours may be made in order to allow additional time to monitor weather, permit road crews to plow and treat roads, or allow for weather conditions to improve. A final decision to close school will be made by 8:00 a.m. if the start of school was initially delayed two hours.
During a late start event, absences and tardies will be excused if the parent/guardian/caregiver indicates it is due to weather or they are concerned with the safety of their child.
The superintendent will begin at 4:00 a.m. by checking National Weather Service reports/webinars, reviewing radar, and driving roads in the district to check conditions. In making a decision, the superintendent may consult with other school districts, Don’s Bus staff, public works departments from the City of Albertville and City of St. Michael, and district buildings and grounds staff. School closings and delays will be based upon the following:
Current weather conditions and future forecast including temperatures and wind chill conditions
Timing of the start and end of a storm and of other weather conditions such as fog and ice
Ability of road crews to plow and maintain roads and apply chemicals in conditions that improve road surfaces
Ability of district grounds staff and contracted services to remove snow in parking lots
If because of unexpected changes in weather conditions, a decision is made to close school after buses have begun routes, buses will be directed to complete the route and bring students to the school for further instructions. Students will be kept at the school until parents/guardians can make arrangements to pick them up.
Occasionally, the district may issue an announcement that for safety reasons rural school buses are running on plowed roads only. This announcement will be made by automated announcement and on the district website. This announcement will be made because city streets are plowed and safe; however rural roads are not plowed or are blowing shut. Families who live on rural roads may: 1) keep their student home for safety reasons and call their school to report the absence, which is excused or 2) transport students to and from school themselves. All other students would be expected to attend school. This approach will provide an opportunity for learning to continue for most students and at the same time maintain safe school bus travel.
Bus drivers have the discretion to determine if it is safe to drive on a road. If a driver makes a decision not to drive on a road, the driver will contact the dispatcher who will contact the district office with the names of students who will not be picked up. District and building personnel will notify parents/guardians or emergency contacts.
Early Dismissals
Early dismissal may occur because of weather conditions that may result in unsafe road conditions during normal dismissal times. Generally, early dismissals will be two hours before the early dismissal time. A decision for an early dismissal will be made by 10:30 a.m. and communicated to families and staff by 11:00 a.m. in order to provide time for families to make arrangements.
All activities and practices are generally canceled when school is closed or dismissed early.
Afternoon/Evening Activities Canceled
Afternoon and evening activities may be canceled. This decision will be made with input from the Activities Director and Don’s Bus. Kid’s Play may remain open (consult with Cameron Goude and Lisa Becker). The Activities Center may remain open or have shortened hours.
Cold Weather Guidelines
The district uses the National Weather Service Wind Chill Chart to decide to delay or close school. The school will delay or close school if frostbite times are in the range of 10 minutes or less as measured by the chart.
For school closings, delays or early dismissal communication to parents/guardians and staff will occur as follows:
Automated announcements by voice and email will be sent to families and staff.
Announcement on the district and school websites.
Announcements on WCCO, KSTP, KARE and KMSP (Fox 9).
Posts on Facebook and Twitter.
STMA Online
STMA Online will follow the same schedule as the district (i.e. district is two hours late, STMA Online is two hours late).
Kids Play
If school is closed before the start of school (7:45 a.m.) or after a two hour delay that is changed to a school closing before the start of school, Kids Play/Just 4 Kids will be closed. Parents/guardians will be notified to pick up their child as soon as possible.
If school closed early, all Kids Play children that are scheduled to attend on that day for the 2:00-6:00 p.m. program will be sent to their scheduled site. Kids Play/Just 4 Kids will remain open until 4:00 p.m. The programs reserve the right to close earlier if weather is severe.