Jayhawk Weekly Communication
April 28, 2024
Hey, Hey Happy Birthday, Mr. Lee! Thank you for being our Interim Principal!
Join us tomorrow night!
5th Grade Parents/Guardians:
5th grade students have already had their orientation,
so this is just for YOU - Parents/Guardians!
8th Grade News
8th Grade Dance - Saturday, May 11 from 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Graduation Materials Distribution - Wednesday, May 22 @ 3:15pm
Chromebook and Charger Collection - Thursday, May 30
Graduation Rehearsal - Friday, May 31 @ 10:00am
Graduation Ceremony - Friday, May 31 @ 6:30pm
Community News
School Office hours
As we prepare for the end of the year celebrations, field trips, graduation activities, etc., please be aware that the school office will close at 4:00 p.m. on the following days:
- Wednesday, May 22 (Graduation Materials Distribution)
- Friday, May 24
- Friday, May 31 (Graduation Day)
- Tuesday, June 4 (Last Day of School)
Students that do not own cell phones are allowed to use classroom phones, with the classroom teachers' permission, at the end of the school day to call home for rides. Or they can ask their coach or after-school club sponsor to use their classroom phone to reach a parent or guardian when the school office is closed. If you have any questions, please contact us via email at julianoffice@op97.org.
Register for the 2024-2025 school year
If you have not already done so, please register now!
6th and 7th grade families:
Online registration for the 2024-25 school year in District 97 is now open for all students. Complete details about the process—including residency documents, timelines and other helpful resources—are available on the district web site: www.op97.org/registration.
Returning Students
Registration for returning District 97 students is now open. Complete details can be found at https://www.op97.org/hr/returning-student-registration.
New Students and Kindergarteners
Registration for kindergarten and new students opened Feb. 22. Please click the links below to learn more about the registration process for kindergarteners and new students.
In order to register your student, you must be the custodial parent/guardian and currently reside in Oak Park. Students who are registering for kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year must be at least 5 years old and must be born on or before Sept. 1, 2019.
We appreciate your partnership in preparing for a successful 2024-25 school year!
We need YOU!
Career Exploration Day
Calling all Parents/ Family/ Friends of Julian Middle School:
Career day is here! and we need your help! We will be splitting Career Exploration over two days this year and are in need of presenters for Thursday May 23 or Panelists for Friday May 24. Presenters on Thursday would need to be willing to plan a 30 minute presentation with a hands on or activity component for the students about their career and career path. Students will rotate to four different presenters throughout the afternoon on Thursday. Panelists on Friday will answer a series of questions about their career, questions will be e-mailed in advance. More details and the opportunity to sign up to present or speak on the panel are located at this link. We are still looking for at least 40 more career professionals so please share with family and friends that you believe would have something wonderful to share with our students. The google form will close April 30th.
Questions? Please contact Adrienne Court(acourt@op97.org) and Laura Barlich (lbarlich@op97.org).
Spring Panorama Student Survey - May 6 - 15
Please take a moment to review the details about the upcoming Spring Panorama Student survey.
Background Checks for Chaperones
We will be utilizing a new link to sign up for background checks. This new format utilizes Google Calendar.
Community Block Party
Sunday, May 19 from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Join Oak Park and River Forest High School for an exciting day featuring the legendary alumni band The Jade 50's, a variety of food trucks, face painting, bounce houses, and numerous other family-friendly activities. It’s all happening on the Mall on the west side of OPRF, where you’ll also have the chance to take a lap on the new track! Don’t miss out on the fun! Check out the flyer here.
Cheer and Drill Team Info
Oak Park and River Forest High School will have summer programs and tryouts coming up soon. Please check out the flyers or scan the QR codes for more information. Contact the high school if you have any questions.
**Cuyler and Washington Blvd Intersection
If your child is in the habit of crossing the sidewalk from the school to the North side of Washington Blvd at Cuyler Ave, PLEASE remind them that this is not a sanctioned crosswalk. All Julian students who are walking or biking, to and from school, should cross the street at the light with a crossing guard. There is no official crosswalk at the Cuyler Ave and Washington Blvd intersection. Therefore, students should not cross themselves. Students should walk to the corner of Ridgeland Ave and then walk to the North side of Washington Blvd. Crossing guards are posted at the light, where students should cross the street. Please be sure to discuss this safety habit with your Julian student.
The Food Delivery policy is still in place:
In recent weeks, we have observed a number of students missing instructional time to come down to the first floor to meet delivery drivers at the front entrance or at the commons' doors. No child should be meeting a stranger at the door of the school or during their lunch/recess time outside. This is a major safety and security concern. Parents and Guardians are welcome to drop off forgotten lunches to their children. Also, sandwiches and salads are available for purchase from the lunchroom if a student forgets their lunch at home (it can be billed to their lunch account, they do not need cash to purchase a lunch in the lunchroom).
Julian Middle School will no longer accept food/beverage deliveries for students from outside food delivery services, and students are not permitted to order GrubHub, DoorDash, UberEats, etc for lunches, snacks or beverages. Parents/Guardians are welcome to drop off forgotten lunches to their children. However, students are not permitted to place orders via their chromebooks or cellphones. We appreciate your cooperation and we thank you in advance for helping to remind your student of the safety & security protocols. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a Julian administrator.
2024-25 District 97 Blended Preschool Program
District 97 is now accepting applications for the early childhood blended classrooms at Whittier Elementary School for the 2024-25 school year. There are a limited number of spaces available. Click here to view the 2024-25 D97 Blended Preschool flyer >>
District 97 is seeking students who:
are non-IEP students who will be between the ages of 3 and 4 years by Sept. 1, 2024;
demonstrate age-appropriate language and social skills;
are Oak Park residents;
are not enrolled in a preschool program.
The registration window will be open through May 24, 2024. For more information about the Early Childhood Blended Program or to apply, please visit https://www.op97.org/teach-learn/ecblended.
Acceleration opportunities for the 2024-25 school year
District 97's Single Subject and Whole Grade Level Acceleration process for the 2024-25 school year is open now!
District 97 believes that all students should be challenged and supported to develop to their maximum potential. For students who demonstrate they may benefit from accelerated placement, we provide opportunities to participate in an instructional setting that is usually reserved for students who are older or in higher grades than the child. This includes, but is not limited to:
Single subject acceleration
Whole grade acceleration
In accordance with the Illinois Accelerated Placement Act, District 97 has continued to refine procedures to ensure equitable access to acceleration opportunities for all students. Continuing this year: all students who are grade eligible to take the Illinois Assessment for Readiness (IAR) must participate in the assessment in order to be deemed eligible for acceleration. The IAR is a critically important measure in determining the mastery of grade level standards and must be considered by the school team along with other sources of data.
Applications for single-subject and whole-grade acceleration will be accepted from March 1 to May 15 of each school year. The general process is outlined HERE.
Information about the District 97 Accelerated Placement Program, including definitions and timelines, can be found at http://www.op97.org/acceleration.
Health Office
Health Department: Uptick in Fifth Disease Cases in Oak Park
The Oak Park Department of Public Health has been informed of an increase in Fifth disease cases in our community. Fifth disease (parvovirus B19) is a viral infection that typically presents with a red rash on the face, in addition to other symptoms. Please review the letter provided by the health department for more information.
The health department notes:
- Families should not send child(ren) to school with a rash without first being evaluated by a physician. A return to school note may be required.
- Any individuals who are pregnant should carefully review the letter, as Fifth disease can pose complications. Please contact your physician for additional guidance.
Additional information about health guidelines for District 97 students can be found at https://www.op97.org/health-services/sick-day-guidelines.
SAFE AND HEALTHY SCHOOLS: Information about Student Illness
District 97 remains committed to maintaining safe and healthy schools. We continue to work in partnership with the Oak Park Department of Public Health, following guidance set by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH).
When should a child remain home from school?
Staying home if you are ill is essential to keep infections—including the virus that causes COVID-19— out of schools and prevent spread to others. Please visit the District 97 Health Services page for more information about when to stay home. If you have specific questions, please contact your school nurse.
COVID-19 Guidelines for 2023-24
Following IDPH guidelines, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must stay home for five days after the first day of symptoms or testing positive (Day 0). They may return to school on Day 6 if:
They are 24 hours fever free with no fever-reducing medication AND
No diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours AND
Improvement of other symptoms.
Masks are strongly recommended around others for five days (through Day 10). Per local guidance, anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 should also complete Oak Park Department of Public Health's Positive at Home COVID 19 Test form.
For more information, please visit: COVID-19 Guidelines for D97 Students and Staff
Reporting Absences
When calling the Julian attendance line at 708-665-3064 or leaving a message on the school office voicemail at 708-524-3040, please slowly state the following:
- Your Name
- Your Child’s First and Last Name
- Your Child’s Grade Level and Advisory Teacher
- Reason for the Absence
- Best phone number to reach you