Principles of Art, AV, & Com | Trm. 1, No. 1, September 2024
Welcome Parents & Students!
Welcome to our first issue of PAAVTC Times at willowridge and Hightower High School! Our class newsletters will be published every month going forward with news and updates from our class and career technical student organizations. I hope you enjoy our newsletter.
Trm. 1, No. 1, September 2024
Thank You!
Thank you for Your Donations!
I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has generously donated items to our classroom supplies. Your support not only benefits your own child but also enriches the learning experience for all the students in our class.
I am actively advocating for our media lab, which is significantly behind others in the district. There are many essential equipment items I will need purchased to ensure that your students receive a high-quality, real-world education. My goal is to provide them with training using industry-grade equipment.
This is a process, and I am committed to fighting for our students because they truly deserve it. I will keep you updated throughout the semester on any funding our classroom receives for new equipment.
If you would like to continue to support our classroom please check out our current Donors Choose Project, which is bundle of lab equipment to test out for our students:
(All Donations will benefit Both Classrooms Equally)
Thank you once again for your support!
Schoology Access
Attention Parents! All of you should have access to your scholars schoology profile. Schoology is the Districts LMS (Learning Management System). Our daily operations are held in schoology including assignments, quizzes, test, and projects. Please be sure to check schoology regularly as your scholar's performance is always updated there. You can also send me quick messages in the schoology app!
Parent Schoology Login: https://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/83209
This is a friendly reminder that this is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course designed to equip our students for success in the 21st-century workplace. I maintain high standards for all my students, and our classes are structured to reflect a professional environment. My goal is for every student to develop a strong sense of responsibility and be fully prepared to enter the workforce. I hold them accountable just as they would be in a real job setting. On the flip side, students also have a great deal of flexibility in my class, similar to what they would experience in the workplace. They are responsible for managing their own assignments and are challenged to use their in-class time wisely. I do not micromanage; instead, I encourage them to make responsible choices and decisions. I look forward to seeing them succeed and play a major role in their preparedness for the next phases of their lives.
Term Assignments 🤘
All Assignments for the Current Term are Listed Below:
*** Please Note that our class is assignment heavy. This is to ensure that every scholar has the opportunity to achieve a high grade in class. As this can help scholars achieve high scores, they must have impeccable time management skills to get all assignments complete on time. ***
All Major Grades are completed in class with eh exceptions of class projects that may have to be completed at home for extra time. Scholars receive ample time in class to complete Major Grades.
All Assignments for the Current Term are Listed Below:
- Schoology Check-In & Registration (Due: 8/16/24)
- Elements and Principles Foldable Check-In (Due: 8/23/24)
- Elements and Principles of Design Poster (Due: 8/28/24)
- Elements and Principles Foldable Final (Due: 9/2/24)
- Digital Portfolio Link (Due: 9/20/24)
- Color Wheel Project (Due: 9/27/24)
- Term I Exam Review (Due: 10/1/24)
- Term I Exam (Due: 10/2-3/24)
✅Daily Grades: (Daily Assignments, Bellringers, Exit Tickets, and Quizzes)
All scholars have ample time to complete daily assignments in class. In addition students are allowed two days from the day the assignment was given to complete the assignment and turn it in.
*All Due dates for assignments are posted in schoology!
- Discussion Post: things About Me
- All About Me Assignment
- Digital Locker Design
- Discussion Post: 7 Elements of Art
- Art Audit Report
- Discussion Post: Defining the 7 Elements
- Elements and Principles of Design Pop Quiz
- Principles of Design Keywords Poster
- Unit 4 Quiz Part 1: Quick Design: Event Invitation
- Unit 4 Quiz Part 2: Elements and Principles
- Discussion Post: Digital Portfolios
- Digital Portfolio Check-In
- Discussion Post: What is your Favorite Color?
- Color Wheel Activity Sheet
- Color Theory Worksheet
- Color Theory Quiz
Grading Reminders
- I provide students with ample time to complete their assignments and offer generous grading, including opportunities for extra points. My class is designed to be supportive, making it quite difficult to fail, although students can hinder their own success by not submitting their work.
Make-Up Days are scheduled throughout each term, specifically the day before the reporting term ends. On these days, students have a full class period to catch up on any missing assignments.
If a student scores below 70 on any test, they will have the chance to retake the test on Make-Up Day.
Grades are updated no later than two days after the due date. If a student has not submitted an assignment, it will be marked as missing and receive a score of 0 until turned in. This helps ensure that their grade reflects their current progress.
Please keep in mind that grades may be lower at the beginning of the term due to the limited number of assignments. There’s no need to worry if your student’s grade appears low during the first two weeks.
I am always available to help students who need assistance. In most cases, students can receive assistance during class time as I offer built-in class tutorial times each week. Should your student need my assistance before or after school, please have them reach out at least a day before they would need me.
Failure reports will be sent out during the second progress reporting period each term. Students whom are at risk of failing the term will not be eligible to participate in any class game days as they will be using that time to make up assignments.
Things to Note & Quick Links 📔
Mr.Jones-Channel (Mr. JC) - CTE Instructor
Let's Stay Connected:
Email: Mckenzie.joneschanne@fortbendisd.gov
Please don't hesitate to send me an email or message in Schoology!