FORES Counseling Newsletter
2nd 9 Weeks
Your FORES Counseling Team
Ashley Collins
Mollie Malin
Marisa Perez
Great 8 Skill for 2nd Nine Weeks: Self-Awareness
Why is this important?
Self awareness leads to better decision-making, improved social interactions, increased self-confidence, and a greater ability to manage behavior and reactions in different situations. I mean, who doesn’t want that for their child?
How can you teach self-awareness to your child at home?
- Model self-awareness yourself.
- Teach your child "I" statements ( “I feel _____(emotion)_____ when _____(the cause of the feeling)_____.”)
- Let your child come up with solutions to their own problems.
- Teach your child estimation and prediction skills (how long do they think it will take them to do...or, how do they think this is going to turn out...)
- Teach empathy
- Teach self-reflection
- Teach kids about brain function and what parts of the brain are fired up with certain actions/feelings.
- Ask your child what they think their strengths and weaknesses are. We all have them!
Family Pursuits for Self-Awareness
Work together as a family - we ALL can grow in becoming more self-aware, working to recognize our strengths and areas we have room to grow.
Pursuit #1 - Sometimes something we need to improve on is doing a task more consistently to help turn it into a healthy habit. Consistency is hard! Have each person in the family commit to 1 thing they need to be more consistent in doing. Maybe it is flossing, drinking a certain amount of water, getting to bed at a certain time, limiting screen time, or exercising. Create a place where each person can tally their progress and see who can keep their streak going the longest.
Pursuit #2 - Review Self-Awareness as a family! Remember that part of Self-Awareness is discovering your strengths, weaknesses, triggers, patience, and other traits about yourself. How do you handle challenging situations? Here’s a fun challenge: Can you fit your head through an index card? While it sounds impossible, with the correct folding and cutting technique, you can make it happen! Give each family member a 4x6 index card and a pair of scissors. Ready for the answer? Use this link to watch a YouTube Video on how to do this. Even when something seems impossible, does not mean it is always so. We can learn so much about ourselves and each other when we are working to solve a challenge!
Pursuit #3 - We all have some self-awareness, and we are also discovering new things about ourselves all the time. Knowing our strengths and also being able to identify areas we need to work on helps us reach goals and become stronger in our lives. Stories are powerful tools for connecting as a family. Protect time this week to share stories about self-awareness with each other (you can use the story prompts to get started). At the end of the conversation, reflect with each other on strengths you see in one another, as well as ways you can help each other grow!
Story Prompts:
● A time a felt very confident was _____.
● A time something really challenged me was _____.
Book Recommendations for Self-Awareness
- "I Am Enough" by Grace Byers: This beautiful picture book encourages children to love themselves and recognize their worth.
- "The Invisible Boy" by Trudy Ludwig: This story highlights the importance of kindness and empathy and how it can help children feel seen and valued.
- "My Mouth is a Volcano!" by Julia Cook: A fun story that helps children understand the importance of self-regulation and thinking before they speak.
- "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds: A wonderful tale that inspires children to express themselves creatively and to believe in their abilities.
- "The Name Jar" by Yangsook Choi: This book explores themes of identity and cultural pride, encouraging children to embrace their uniqueness.
- "What Do You Do With a Problem?" by Kobi Yamada: This story helps children understand that problems are a part of life and encourages them to face challenges with resilience.
- "Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon" by Patty Lovell: A heartwarming story about self-confidence and embracing one's individuality.
- "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" by Carol McCloud: A great book to teach children about positive behavior and self-worth through the concept of "bucket filling."
- "I Like Myself!" by Karen Beaumont: This lively, rhyming book celebrates self-acceptance and self-love.
- "All Are Welcome" by Alexandra Penfold: A reassuring book that promotes inclusivity and celebrates the diversity of children’s identities and backgrounds.
Capturing Kids Hearts
The 4 essential questions teachers ask students when they are off task are:
What are you doing?
What are you supposed to be doing?
Are you doing it?
What are you going to do about it?
Try using these questions at home for redirection and self reflection!
Cowboys on Campus
Calling all Dads, Uncles, Grandpas and other male role-models!!
Are you looking for a way to volunteer at FORES? Please volunteer as a "Cowboy on Campus." We have volunteer opportunities for morning drop-off, lunch, recess and after school pick-up. If you would like more information, please visit www.cowboysoncampus.com! You can even submit questions through this website to get answers directly from a volunteer dad! You do need a cleared background check from within the last year (link below).You can also reach out to Ashley Collins at 830-357-4807 for more information.
Link to Background Check: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MzQ1Nzplbi1VUw==
Link to Sign-Up: https://forms.gle/Ro1ENy8RiBCBd9aY7
Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendars!!
Unified Mustangs Goodwill Donation Drive
Clean out those closets, get that garage organized and then donate all your gently used items at our Goodwill Fundraiser, December 7th from 10am to 1pm! All proceeds go to support our Unified Mustangs Club! See flyer for more information!
Coffee with the Counselors
Please come join Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Malin for a discussion on worry and anxiety in elementary students. Coffee and breakfast items to be provided. PLEASE RSVP HERE!