Madison Memos
The Madison School Newsletter / October 24, 2014
Madison School
Location: 1620 Mayo Ave. , Wheaton
Phone: 682-2095
PTA fundraising directly impacts each child at Madison
When you join Madison PTA and when you support fundraising efforts, you are directly helping each child at Madison. Last year, we spent more than $65 per child (this amount does not include the climbing wall). Here’s a breakdown of where Madison PTA spent its general budget dollars last year, per child:
$16 Needs in classrooms (rugs, books, math tools, etc.)
$14 Multicultural Day/Explore More Day
$9 Field trips
$7 Parties/Ice cream/5th grade celebration/Field day/Beautification
$5 Reading improvement/incentives/birthday books/TV turnoff week
$4 Assemblies
$3 Math Club/Chess Club/Battle of the Books/Jr Battle/Patrol/Madison Cares
$2 Staff appreciation
Money not spent directly on the kids or teachers went toward operating expenses (insurance, state dues, paper, supplies, postage, tax return and filing fees, etc.), which accounts for about 7% of our total budget. About 96% of the money the PTA raises comes from dues and fundraisers. About 4% comes from corporate grants. This does not include the product donations we receive for auction items, luncheons, etc.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, click here or please make your check out to “Madison PTA,” write “donation” in the memo line, and send it to the attention of “PTA Treasurer.”
Volunteers spend thousands of hours in classrooms, at home, in meetings and in the community working to enhance the education of the students at Madison. If you would like to join Madison PTA, click here. If you would like to sign up for a committee, click here.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact anyone on the PTA executive committee:
Janet Mathis, co-president,
Julie Ippolito, co-president,
Monica Fahey, membership v.p.,
Robyn Beres, ways and means v.p.,
Jen Pashup-Graham, treasurer,
Amy Fiorato, secretary,
Thank you for your support of Madison PTA!
Traffic reminder during pick up and drop off
Mayo Avenue is one way, west to east, during pick-up and drop-off times (8:45-9:15 a.m. and 3:15-3:45 p.m.). Do not back up or turn around in driveways or parking lots. This one-way traffic pattern helps keep our children safe during the busiest times before and after school.
Volunteers planning “trips” for Multicultural Day
Get ready to do some traveling! Many volunteers are busy preparing to celebrate diversity on Nov. 13. Families and businesses are donating time and resources to support this wonderful opportunity to learn and grow.
The morning will be busy with a “tour” around different regions of the world:
Kindergarten- Mexico
1st grade-Asia: China, South Korea, Japan, and India
2nd grade- Europe: Sweden and Norway, Ireland and Spain
3rd grade- Pacific Rim: Australia/Great Barrier Reef, Kamchatka Peninsula, and Indonesia
4th grade-Latin America: Columbia, Cuba, and the South American Rainforest
5th grade- Africa: An African Experience
All volunteers for this event are invited to attend a luncheon from 12-1 p.m. Regretfully, children/siblings should not attend.
Madison students will participate in an afternoon assembly entitled World Music Tour by Guy Louis. Morning kindergarteners are invited to attend while accompanied by an adult. The first assembly for grades 3-5 will be from 1:15-2:05 p.m. with another following at 2:15-3:05 p.m. for grades K-2.
Many volunteers are still needed for set-up on Nov. 12 and in the classroom on Nov. 13. Check your calendars and work schedules! This is a fantastic opportunity to be part of something wonderful in the classroom with your children. Look for volunteer forms to come home in the next week or two.
Butter Braid sale going on now
Stock your freezer with delicious Butter Braids for the upcoming holidays!
Please use the order form that was sent home in Friday Folders to place orders for Butter Braid. Return the forms and checks to school in an envelope marked Butter Braid.
There is no need to split orders between siblings. Instead, just write all kids from the same family on the envelope with teacher's names to get credit. Classrooms will compete against each other for a special surprise. The class with the highest number of students participating in the sale will win.
Please turn all forms in by Nov. 7, 2014. Questions? Contact Robyn Beres at
Halloween activity schedule
The Halloween parade will start at 1:45 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 31. The afternoon kindergarten class will lead the parade and grades 1 through 5 will follow. Parties will begin immediately following the parade. The morning kindergarten parade will begin at 10:10 a.m. with the parties following at 10:30 a.m. If participating in Halloween activities, morning kindergarten students should come to school wearing their costume.
If weather permits, the parade will be outdoors. Children should be dressed for the possible cold outdoor temperatures. During the parade, each class will stop to line up along the sidewalks and watch the parade so that the kids have the opportunity to, not only parade, but watch the rest of the school parade as well.
If weather is poor, we will parade throughout the school. The gym and multi-purpose room will be reserved for parents and family members to view the parade. If inclement weather requires us to parade indoors, the parade will begin with the afternoon kindergarten class. Each class will sit in the hallway outside their class and watch the parade. As the parade passes each class, that class will stand and join the parade.
Parents who wish to view the indoor parade are required to enter Door 3 or 4 and sign in at the table. Everyone must sign in. No one will be allowed on school grounds unless he/she has properly signed in. All parents and family are welcome to watch the parade in the gym, not outside classrooms or in hallways.
Please keep the costumes simple. With 440 students in school, we ask that children be able to put their costumes on by themselves.
All participating students must follow the following costume guidelines:
· All costumes should be non-violent. Please eliminate all weapons. TOY KNIVES, AXES, GUNS, BLOOD ETC. are not allowed.
· Sharp objects should not be part of the costume.
· Costumes should not demean or poke fun at any group of people. They should be respectful of all people.
· Students should not wear masks or include hand held props in costumes.
· Parents that choose to dress in costume may do so without hiding their identity.
Students may bring their costume to school in the morning. They may put them on after the lunch/recess hour. Students are welcome to go home for lunch at noon and return at 1:00 p.m. dressed in costume. Madison will keep a regular school schedule during the morning hours.
If you do not want your child to participate in the Halloween activities, please notify your child’s teacher and the office so that we can provide an alternate activity. We will have normal school activities throughout the morning and lunch hour. Students not in attendance in the morning will miss valuable instructional time.
We look forward to a safe and fun Halloween! Thank you for your support in making Halloween festivities safe and fun for all. As always, if you have questions, please call, email, or stop in to see me.
Tim Callahan, Principal
Madison Elementary
Trivia Night was a success!
Madison's first Trivia Night was a blast! The PTA is still finalizing the numbers, but it looks like we raised just under $7,000.
The night would not have been possible without the generous donations to the silent auction. Special thanks to Ivan and Kathryn Medanic, Mark Mathis, Arlene Welninski, Mike Pascente, Greg and Cecilia Horejs, Amy Stout, Ron Schutz, Tom Greene and Denise Carlson, Louise Kirkman, Jeff and Sandy Armstrong, Heather Herr, Julie Fasano, Mike Szudarski, John and Suzi Weber, Marilyn Stangeland, Griffin Sonntag and Jennifer Sutherland, and Tim Callahan.
We also organized a successful 50/50 raffle run by Adam Ippolito and Steve Roberts that the Okers won, only to give back all their earnings.
Many people helped make the evening run smoothly. Thank you members of the planning committee: Misse Roberts, Jen Hasbrouck, Amy Stout, Cecilia Horejs, Arlene Welninski, Jody Gosain, Mike Pascente, and Nicole Richwine. We also want to thank Julie Wenger who solicited a donation of 200 cheeseburgers from McDonalds and Jeff Caprini and Mike Beres who delivered the burgers to our hungry crowd.
Thank you Fall Clean-up volunteers
Madison Fall Clean-up was a great success! Many thanks to those who made it possible. Together, we were able to remove two dozen bags of yard waste and transplant a great number of hostas along the west side of the school. Thank you Mrs. Circelli for getting the Girl Scouts involved earning a badge. Altogether, we had such a good turn-out of volunteers that we finished a half hour sooner than the allocated time. Thank you to the following families who arrived so eager to work: Adam, Angolkar, Buttell, Czarnecki, Doherty, Draus, Fasano, Gochel, Guevara, Hann, Hurtado, Idstein, Jamen, Mathis, Muff, Klink, Klotz, Ledvora, Osborne, Payne, Phanthavong, Thomas, Toppen, Seifert, Valente, Wagner, Walken, and Wenger.
Does your child want to learn to play chess?
All Madison students (K-5) are welcome! Chess club meets on Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Art and Music rooms. Enter at Door 2. Our first meeting is Thurs., Oct. 30. There will be a short informational meeting for parents of Chess Club members at the first meeting.
Questions? Please contact Samuel Hurtado (, Krista Caprini ( or Jennifer Sutherland (
Come to the fall book fair
Madison's annual fall book fair is Oct. 27-30. Please support the Library Learning Center and encourage reading in your families.
Book fair and volunteer hours:
Mon.: 1-3:30 p.m. and 4-8 p.m., plus special evening hours during conferences
Tues.: 9:15-3:30 p.m.
Wed.: 8-9 a.m. (Bagels and Books with Dad)
9:15-3:30 p.m. and 4-8 p.m., plus special evening hours during conferences
Thurs.: 9:15-3:30 p.m.
Additional volunteer hours:
Mon.: 9:15 a.m. (set-up)
Mon.: 1-3:30 p.m. (wish lists)
Tues. & Wed: 9:15 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. (wish lists)
Fri.: 9:15 a.m. (take down)
If you can volunteer, or if you have questions, contact Stacy Circelli ( or Diane Graham (
Find out more about Senate Bill 16 and what you can do
Illinois Senate Bill 16 (SB16) would redistribute state funding for schools and annually take millions away from District 200. It has already passed in the Senate. Learn about how if this bill becomes law, it will negatively impact District 200. You can find information at or attend one of these community information sessions:
Wed., Oct. 29, 7-9 p.m., Monroe Middle School
Thurs., Nov. 13, 7-9 p.m., Hubble Middle School
Sign up for Madison basketball
Attention 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students! There's still time to sign up for Madison basketball. We are also in need of volunteer coaches and assistant coaches for this fun-filled co-ed program that meets once a week from Nov. 2014 through Mar. 2015. There is a coach meeting in late October. Forms and payment must be mailed in or dropped off at the Wheaton Park District Community Center.
Please contact Brittanyanne Schumacher ( if you have any questions or would like to coach this year.
Shop Amazon; earn cash for Madison
Earn for Madison by spending at Target
Save the dates
Click on the calendar on the Madison section of to view upcoming dates. See below for some highlights:
Oct. 27 & 29: Parent/teacher conferences
Oct. 27-31: Book Fair
Nov. 12: Market Day
Nov. 13: Multicultural Day
Nov. 14: No School
Nov. 20: PTA Meeting at 12 p.m.
Nov. 24-28: Thanksgiving Break - No school
Jan. 24, 2015: Pancake breakfast
Feb. 6, 2015: Winter Carnival
May 22, 2015: Explore More Day