Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 17 - July 9 2021
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, FaŹ»afeiloaiga, Bula
Term 2 Week 10 Reach Goal
REACH Goal: Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Te Reo: Waiho oo ringaringa me oo waewae ki a koe anoo.
Happy end of Term 2
The winter bugs are hitting us all, so as per our Ministry of Health recommendations, keep up the sanitising and hand washing. We are asking if your children as unwell, please keep them home to rest and recuperate.
We are hoping the two week break will also enable our staff to distance from the bugs as well and be refuelled, re-energised and ready for Term 3. Staff will be at school at various times over the two week non-contact time undertaking various responsibilities and meetings, however you are more than welcome to use the school grounds for various outdoor activities.
Thank you
New Buildings, Car Park relocation and Driveway upgrade
One will be a single space, like the one out the front of Panitahi (without the breakout space at the back) and this will be placed at the end of Puke Haupapa (Miro Street side). The swings will be removed.
There is a double teaching space going on the space where the portacoms were. This building is a replica of the learning space at the front of Panitahi, however a double. This will face out toward the new builds and will be inline with Te Moa (the hall) allowing for a gap for emergency vehicles to get through.
After the building are in, the driveway will be dug out and resurfaced (much needed). In conjunction with this, a new car park is being developed on the space where the tennis courts are, allowing for 22 vehicles and a pathway up to the main school area. This is a much needed project as the current placement of the carpark is not ideal in a school of our size.
All this work will commence from September through to Dec, which we are very excited about. At all times, we will follow strict Health and Safety protocols for the construction and worksite safety for all.
We are very excited by this progress as this will ensure we have the appropriate number of teaching and learning spaces within our kura for the number of children we are predicting we are going to have.
Enrolment Scheme - Message from BoT and MoE
As you may be aware, the Inglewood Primary School Board have been working collaboratively with the Ministry of Education to develop an enrolment scheme.
As part of the process we are asking for public submissions on the proposed scheme via the Ministry of Education website link below
All submissions are confidential and will be considered as part of the final report. Submissions close on 6 August.
Change in timetable Term 3 & 4
Due to hot lunches we are changing the timetable to suit a longer eating time in the morning block to cater for these meals;
9-11am - Learning Block
11-11:30am - Early Lunch PLAY
11:30- 11:50pm - Early Lunch EATING
11:50-1:30pm - Learning Block
1:30- 1:50pm - Afternoon PLAY
1:50- 2pm - Afternoon Tea EATING
2-3pm - Learning Block
School Photos
Happy Birthday
Current IPS School Roll - 392 Students
Students of the Week - Term 2 Week 10
The Love Bunch Florist NE - Y2
For always helping out others without being asked. You are a kind and caring student who always displays great REACH values.
Drain Master Ltd Y3 & Y4
Lakin Bailey
For his quiet manner in supporting others and taking care of our classroom.
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y5 & Y6
Makayla Quigley
For quietly and conscientiously applying herself to her learning. You are an awesome REACH role model.
Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages Y7 & Y8
For always being a positive and awesome class member. Gives everything 100%, including Rippa where he helped his team do magnificently.
Design The Future - By Jahmaine Pihama
If I could design the future, the world would have more homeless shelters for people that are less fortunate and more people to go out on boats and pick up every bit of rubbish they see in the ocean. And for people that own dog slaughterhouses to give all the dogs up for adoption and put them into dog shelters. More safe shelters in places where there are earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunami so people could run to safety.
Also for anyone that has Covid to be taken to a special place to get special care and were people there were a mask but they get their own room and for family members to visit if they are wearing a covid mask and for the scientists to try see how maybe there could be a cure for it.
Racism to be stopped and no more homophobic talk or people and for every Friday once a month women and men to go around town with body-positive signs and posters and for every girl that isn't happy with there body to come together and celebrate and be given a poster to take with them so when they wake up the can look in the mirror and be happy with themselves. For girls to get taught how to protect themselves from anything they might come across one day and to get given a mini pepper spray that is illegal to take around.
For more animals to be rescued and for animals to get freed from the zoo and for monkeys to be legal around the hole world wide and for every almost extinct animal to be taken to a safe place that is massive where they can all be free and eat and live happy lives with their species. People can then come and see them but cannot bring food that is in a packet just to make sure that they don't litter.
For children that can't afford to go to school to be taken to a special academy where they can learn and if the parents can't afford food they can offerred a job there or where ever so they can get money to afford food. When the children grow up they can be put in high school and live just as much as a normal kid's life. For kids that are in juvy or foster care to be taken to good homes where the government to give the parents that are willing to adopt. The government also to check on the kids to make sure they are alright and are healthy and that they like where they are staying and are happy with the family and that they feel safe where they are. If they need anything they can just go to the government and ask and they will get what they asked for.
That is how I would make this world and our future a better place for people to live.
Term 2/3 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Friday 9 July
Last Day of Term 2
Monday 26 July
First Day of Term 3
Tues 27 - Fri 30 July
Lets Go Cycle Skills
Friday 30 July
Kickstart Breakfast - Whole School
Monday 2 August
Year 5 & 6 Interschool
Tuesday 3 August
Year 8 Inglewood High School Enrolments at IPS
Wednesday 4 August
BoT Hui 6.45pm in the Staffroom
Thursday 12 August
Year 7/8 Interschool Sports Exchange Tournament Day
Tuesday 24 August
Kahui Ako Cross Country
Thursday 26 August
Year 8 Inglewood High School Enrolments at IPS
Monday 30 - Tues 31 August
School Closed (MoE Collective Days - Staff undertaking Professional Development
Tuesday 14 September
Panitahi Trip to Puke Ariki
Monday 20 September
Panitahi Trip to Puke Ariki
Tuesday 21 September
Panitahi Trip to Puke Ariki
Tuesday 28 September
Sports Photo Day
Friday 1 October
Last day of Term 3
Monday 18 October
First day of Term 4