Mighty Maverick News
The Weekly Update for Arlon Seay Elementary.
December 2, 2022
Dear Mighty Maverick Families,
It is a challenge to believe that we are almost half way through the school year. I am so proud of our students. They are extremely kind to each other and taking pride in our campus. Today was a day that we celebrated the Core Value of COURTESY. Our Mighty Mavericks do a great job of showing courtesy to their peers, teachers, and guests on campus.
Our Mavericks are doing amazing things and showing strong academic growth. Please remember that the teachers are planning a full day of instruction. When students leave early they are missing quality lessons and opportunities for growth. Also, early check-outs can create a congestion in the front office. Please be mindful of this as you make plans. If your child leaves early for an appointment, sending in the doctor's slip will have that check-out coded as excused.
Lost and Found is growing. Please ask your child if they have all of their items. Names in jacket and on water bottles helps reunite items with their owners.
Looking ahead for December:
Elf Shelf - December 5th - 9th
See flyers and communication from PTA for details.
5th Grade Performance - December 8th
Maverick Cafeteria Students arrive at 6:00 pm; Performance begins at 6:30 pm
Holiday Spirit Week - December 12th - 16th
See below for the theme for each day.
Winter Wonderland - December 15th
3rd Annual Evening drive through holiday celebration. Food trucks, Hot Coco, the Mighty Maverick Choir, and maybe even Saint Nick himself will all be at this special winter event.
Early Release & Grade Level Party Day- December 16th
This is a special time for teachers and students to bond and celebrate their first semester together. Grade levels will send out specific Sign-up Genius lists for supply requests as needed. Volunteers may or may not be needed due to the specific activity. We ask the adult attendance is limited to volunteer help as to not overcrowd the rooms and take away from the student experience.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Theressa Engel
Thank you!
HOLIDAY SPIRIT WEEK - December 12th - 16th
Yearbook Forms
Arlon Seay Elementary
Email: theressa.engel@comalisd.org
Website: https://ase.comalisd.org/
Location: 20911 Highway 46 , New Braunfels ,TX, 78070
Phone: 830 885 8700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CISDArlonSeayES/?eid=ARDYQb10S9UrJBcufgufWNQWxq8FcsHKHD60MbL8wWqTIS3iXuWfXjxPxt1FvM4RwLhBOmpSQ6PjdT3R
Twitter: @ASES_Mavericks