Finn Hill Falcon Flyer
Week of November 1, 2021
Happy Halloween from Finn Hill Middle School!
Good Things
Season 1 wrapped up this week. All athletes represented Finn Hill well and made us proud. Extra shoutout to regional boys basketball for going undefeated this season!
Ms. Holland wants to give a shout-out to her 7th grade science students for running their first Socratic Seminar so successfully!
This Week at FHMS
- Season 2 sports begin
- SBA Testing, all grades
Wednesday, November 3
- SBA Testing, 6th grade science only
- PTSA Restaurant Night at Chipotle, 4:00-8:00 pm
- SBA Testing, all grades
Friday, November 5
- Last Day of 1st Quarter
Popcorn & Prize Pick Up
Looking Ahead
- Make-up SBA testing dates
November 9
- PTSA General Membership Meeting, 7:00-9:00 pm, online
- No School-Veterans Day
November 12
- Panorama Survey (FT)
November 15
- Panorama Survey (Make Up)
- LWSD Board of Education Meeting, 7:00 pm, online
- LWSD - LWPTSA Special Education Group Meeting
FHMS @ EMS Girls Badminton
- Half Day, 8:35-11:35 am
- Thanksgiving Break
SBA Information for Students & Families
As a reminder, students will be taking state tests this week. Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will take the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) in Math on Tuesday, 11/2, and English/Language Arts on Thursday, 11/4. Students in grade 6 only will take the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS) on Wednesday, 11/3. The daily schedule/bell schedule for each test day is included below.
Preparing for the Assessments
- Please send a wired set of headphones with your student every day of testing. We will provide headphones to students who do not bring a wired set. Note: Bluetooth headphones may not be used during state testing. If students prefer to use a mouse on the test, they may bring a wired mouse to school on testing days. Bluetooth mice are not allowed.
- Students should bring their fully charged laptop to school each day.
- Students should arrive on time to school. Assessments start second period so students should be in their testing rooms by that time. Students were given their testing rooms on October 26 during practice testing.
- Students should bring a book to read in case they finish the test early. Students will not be able to complete homework or work on their laptops if they finish the test early.
SBA Bell Schedule
Bathroom Vandalism at FHMS
Dear FHMS Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers:
We have had increasing incidents of stolen items and vandalism that mimic the popular TikTok trend, “Devious Licks,” where students steal objects and damage property and then show off what was done in their own social media posts. The vandalism has mostly occurred in the school restrooms and has led to considerable disruption to bathroom accessibility, damage to school property, and costly repair expenses. These behaviors place undue stress on our school staff who work diligently to ensure our campuses are clean and safe. Please see just one of many examples that are happening daily in the photo above.
Students and parents should know that the Finn School Middle School administration takes these offenses very seriously. Please understand, FHMS will call this “challenge” what it is—theft and vandalism. Damage and/or theft may be reported to local law enforcement and if our school staff determine who is responsible for theft or damage to our schools, there will consequences.
It is important to note that the vast majority of our students are respectful to each other and our school. While some students may view these as fun, innocent pranks, they can result in your child harming themselves or others. We do have to lock bathrooms when conditions are unsafe and/or in need of repair. However, any student can use the restroom at any time.
As a strong, tightknit community, we ask that our families speak to their children about social media, current trends taking place, and how these temporary fads can ultimately impact their futures. We want nothing more than our students and staff to take pride in our school and respect the property.
As always, our goal is to provide a safe and productive environment for all students to learn and grow. We look forward to our continued work together to help our students make responsible decisions in and out of school.
Thank you for your support in helping us try and put this situation behind us as quickly as possible. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
We are grateful for your partnership to ensure a safe, healthy, and successful year for all of our students.
Jennifer Cleaves, Interim Principal
Stacy Mehlberg, Associate Principal
Reminder: Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
There are two options for pick-up and drop-off at Finn Hill:
Option 1:
Enter the parking lot and drop students off at the curb next to the school, then continue around the parking lot to the exit. Do not park next to the curb. Remember, this is a “no idle zone.”
Option 2:
Drop students off on 132nd in front of the school instead of entering the parking lot. USE THE LANES LOCATED ON THE EAST AND WEST SIDE OF OUR DRIVEWAY AND DO NOT BLOCK THE DRIVEWAY OR THE STREET.
Car Pick-Up and Drop-Off Safety Rules:
- Observe the speed limit and drive very slowly around the school. The speed limit in school zones is 20 miles per hour any time children are present: this includes before and after school.
- Do not enter the bus parking lot or BLOCK THE BUS ENTRANCE.
- Always stop for students crossing at the crosswalk.
- Remind your student to cross streets only at the crosswalks.
- DO NOT park in the pick-up/drop-off lane or near open parking stalls in the parking lot.
- Pull forward in pick-up/drop-off lane as far as you can so traffic doesn't back up on 132nd St.
- Show respect to the parent volunteers and staff that are trying to help move the flow through the car pick-up/drop-off lane.
- Please do not enter neighbors' driveways during car pick-up/ drop-off times.
- Please turn right only when exiting our parking lot between the hours of 8: 05-8:35 am and 3:05-3: 25 pm.
By working together, we can ensure the safety of our students and allow the smooth flow of traffic in our neighborhood.
Panorama Survey November 12
Dear Families,
As you may already be aware, growing our students’ social-emotional (“SEL”) skills is an important goal for our school. As part of these activities, we survey students (grades 3-12) and ask them to reflect on their own mindsets and approaches to learning. The data we get back helps us continue to identify opportunities for growth and development with our students.
We partner with a leader in the SEL space, Panorama Education. Panorama develops tools to empower schools and districts to learn about students’ self-perceptions, better understand student experiences in their learning environment, and identify opportunities to enhance support of teachers and counselors as they implement SEL programs.
Panorama’s SEL survey is grouped into three categories:
· Student competencies
· Student supports and environment
· Teacher skills and perspectives
These surveys will help shape the districts’ approach to supporting teachers’ work in service of the whole student.
The survey will take place between November 12. Survey questions are available for parent/guardian/caregiver review upon request.
If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your partnership!
Thank you,
Finn Hill Middle School
Lake Washington School DistrictNovember is National Diabetes Awareness Month
What is Type 1 Diabetes?
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease in which insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas are mistakenly destroyed by the body’s immune system. T1D seems to have a genetic component and can be diagnosed early in life but also in adulthood. Its causes are not fully known, and there is currently no cure. People with T1D are dependent on injected or pumped insulin to survive.
What are the warning signs?
T1D is identified in children and adults as they show signs of the following symptoms:
- Frequent urination
- Increased thirst
- Dry mouth
- Itchy or dry skin
- Increased appetite
- Unexplained weight loss
- Yeast infections
For more information about diabetes please visit:
Operation School Bell
Dear Finn Hill Families,
Do you need help providing school clothes for your student? The Assistance League Eastside is sponsoring Operation School Bell again this year. We have a limited number of spots still open.
Please fill out the Finn Hill Resources Form link or turn in a hard copy of the form to the office, as soon as possible to have your student considered for the program. Pantry Packs, our weekend food supplement program, is also launching soon. If you are interested in this resource, please let us know by filling out the Finn Hill Resources Form.
If you have questions, please contact Kirstin Doughty at or 425-936-2340.
Caras Famílias Finn Hill,
Você precisa de ajuda para fornecer roupas escolares para seu aluno? A Assistance League Eastside está patrocinando a Operation School Bell novamente este ano. Temos um número limitado de vagas ainda abertas.
Preencha o link do Formulário de Recursos do Finn Hill ou entregue uma cópia impressa do formulário ao escritório, o mais rápido possível, para que seu aluno seja considerado para o programa. Pantry Packs, nosso programa de suplemento alimentar de fim de semana, também será lançado em breve. Se você estiver interessado neste recurso, informe-nos preenchendo o Formulário de Recursos Finn Hill.
Se você tiver dúvidas, entre em contato com Kirstin Doughty em ou 425-936-2340.
Estimadas familias de Finn Hill,
¿Necesita ayuda para proporcionarle ropa escolar a su estudiante? La Liga de Asistencia Eastside está patrocinando Operation School Bell nuevamente este año. Tenemos un número limitado de plazas aún abiertas.
Por favor complete el enlace del Formulario de Recursos de Finn Hill o entregue una copia impresa del formulario a la oficina, tan pronto como sea posible para que su estudiante sea considerado para el programa. Pantry Packs, nuestro programa de complementos alimenticios de fin de semana, también se lanzará pronto.
Si está interesado en este recurso, háganoslo saber llenando el formulario de recursos de Finn Hill. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con Kirstin Doughty en o al 425-936-2340. Formulario de recursos y apoyo de FH 2021-2022
The PTSA Perch
Finn Hill Middle School
Each student will graduate prepared to lead a rewarding, responsible life as a contributing member of our community and greater society.
Every student future ready: Prepared for college, Prepared for the global workplace, Prepared for personal success
Location: 8040 NE 132nd St, Kirkland, WA, USA
Phone: (425) 936-2340
Twitter: @FinnHillMS