Panther Tales
January 23, 2025
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Principal's Message
Dear Ridgeview Families
Second Semester has already gotten off to an excellent start. It has been great to welcome our students back into the building- even if we have been interrupted by multiple Snow Days!
In the coming days we will be taking time to celebrate our students' tremendous success. We will host an Honor Roll celebration to honor those students who have earned all As and Bs for the first semester. We will also be having our PBIS Fun Friday and PBIS Rewards distribution events to celebrate the positive behavior choices our students make every day.
We have welcomed our new counselor to RCMS and look forward to welcoming a new Assistant Principal in the coming weeks. We are grateful for your continued support and involvement in our RCMS Community and look forward to an exciting and fulfilling second semester at RCMS.
Kind Regards,
Principal Garrett
On the Calendar
Please note these dates and deadlines coming up in the near future!
January 23rd: Tacos & Test Scores meeting for Parents (students welcome), 5:30 - 6:30 pm
January 27th: Jewish Heritage Club Meeting in Orchestra Room at 8am (All students are welcome.)
January 30th: Experience Riverwood Parent Night. Register HERE. Scroll for more info.
January 31st: Deadline for 8th Grade Field Trip Permission Slips (Return to homeroom teacher.)
January 31st: PBIS Reward Distribution and Celebration (Volunteer links below!)
January 31st: Honor Roll Celebration (Students only, During School). Volunteer HERE.
February 3rd: Girls Soccer Tryouts Begin. Full Schedule HERE
February 8th: ArtBeat Concert at City Springs (Scroll for info!)
February 13th: "Scheduling 101" Presentation for parents. 9:30 AM (Virtual), 6:00 PM (In-Person)
Academics- Important Info for Parents
Tacos and Test Scores! January 23rd, 5:30- 6:30 pm, RCMS Media Center
- Learn more about using Infinite Campus and accessing critical information about your student's progress.
- Learn more about the Georgia Milestones and how to help your student prepare for success.
- Meet our new school counselor Ms. McAfee.
- Hear more about what the PTA has done in 2024 and has planned in 2025.
- Enjoy Tacos!
Come ready with your parent login for InfiniteCampus so you can “drill down” on your student’s scores and progress. Your student is encouraged to attend! It's going to be a night of learning - we can't wait to see you there!
"Scheduling 101" Presentation for Parents, February 13, 2025
Assistant Principal Ms. Bulluck will offer her famous "Scheduling 101" presentation on February 13th at two different times in two different formats. This presentation is packed full of useful information for any parents of rising 6th, 7th and 8th graders. If you have questions about how scheduling works, how to read your student's schedule and how to ensure your student is in the correct classes, you do not want to miss this presentation!
9:30 AM: Virtual Presentation on Microsoft Teams. Be on the lookout in future communications for a link.
6:00 PM: In-Person presentation in the RCMS Cafeteria.
RCMS is excited to have several field trips planned for our 8th graders this year.
- February 25/26/27 (Date determined by homeroom): Atlanta History Center and the Georgia Aquarium
- March 26: STEM Field Trip Experience to a Atlanta Gladiators game
- In-House Field Trip: Guest Speaker from the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust.
January 31st: Deadline for returning permission slips and behavioral contracts to your homeroom teacher.
- The requested donation for the field trips is $100 per student. You can make this payment using Online School Payments "OSP" by clicking HERE.
- If you are able to sponsor another child, or pay a portion of another child's cost, you can do so by clicking HERE.
- If you cannot cover the entire $100, but can pay a portion of it, please click HERE.
- If you need to pay with cash, please have your student bring cash payments to their homeroom teachers.
Volunteering & Support
It is time to celebrate our students' hard work and success!
There are several volunteer opportunities available for January 30 and January 31. Please sign up using the links below if you can help during the PBIS Rewards Distribution/PBIS Fun Friday and Honor Roll Celebration.
Help Needed Sorting Books!
FCS is improving and updating our Science and Social Studies textbook curriculums in the 25-26 school year! Volunteers needed to help make room for new materials and to reorganize our current inventory of books. Please contact Kelly Bradley at bradleyk@fultonschools.org if you can assist during any of the time slots below:
- Tuesday February 18 11:00-4:00
- Thursday March 13 4:30-7:30
- Thursday May 1 4:30-7:30
- Saturday May 3 11:00-4:00
Thank you to the volunteers and staff who helped make our winter sports Spirit Night a huge success!
Basketball season continues and our teams are all having TREMENDOUS seasons! Way to go Panthers!
Tryouts: Baseball tryouts have begun and Girls Soccer tryouts will begin on February 3rd. Please check the Athletics website below for full schedules of all sporting events and try outs.
Events and Opportunities
Experience Riverwood Night for Parents has been rescheduled for January 30th due to the inclement weather closures. Come see all that Riverwood has to offer your rising 9th grader! Register for the event by clicking HERE.
Send a friend, teacher or student a box of Smarties Conversation Heart treats. Each Candygram is $1- Cash only please! Candygrams will be for sale during all lunch periods beginning Monday, February 3 through Thursday, February 6 or until they sell out! They will be delivered to the student's homeroom teacher for distribution. This fundraiser benefits our 8th grade programming, including the 8th grade dance. Sign up to help with sales and delivery HERE.
ArtBeat 2025: February 8, 2025, 2:30 PM, Byers Theater, City Springs
Come to this FREE art extravaganza featuring our very own RCMS Musicians and artists along with students from the three other public Middle and High Schools in Sandy Springs! No registration needed and there is no cost to attend. Please consider bringing a box of crayons or colored pencils to donate to one of our Sandy Springs Elementary schools. You can learn more about the event by clicking HERE.
Student Life
Japanese Students (and staff) celebrate Japanese New Year and welcome the Year of the Snake!
Community Partners & Sponsors
Thank you to these local businesses who have chosen to support our Panthers.
Jaguar Partners
Cougar Partners
Leopard Partners
Want to be Social?
Ridgeview Charter Middle School
Email: Ridgeview@fultonschools.org
Location: 5340 South Trimble Road, Sandy Springs, GA, USA
Phone: (470)254-7710
Twitter: @RCMSPanther