Assawompset News
March 7, 2025

March Madness Has Officially Begun!
We are going strong with our MARCH MATH-NESS!
Winners for ROUND ONE will be announced to classes on Monday morning. The winners are determined by the number of puzzles each class completes!! We would like to give a HUGE thank you to the PTO for funding the PRIZE for our 2 winning classes.
March Madness Challenge #2
This is our school wide book tournament! This March Madness involves students voting on books to determine a champion. Our hopes are to continue our love for reading as students choose their favorites. Here are just a few of the books we will be reading! Check them out with your kiddos!
Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao by Kat Zhang
Amy loves to make bao with her family. But it takes skill to make the bao taste and look delicious. And her bao keep coming out all wrong.
The Wings of an Eagle - the story of Billy Millis
Billy Mills was once an orphan on the Oglala Lakota Pine Ridge Reservation. But before his father was called to the ancestors, he told Billy how to conquer his suffering: You have broken wings, son. You have to dig deeper, below the anger, the hurt, the self-pity. The pursuit of a dream will heal you.
The Yellow Bus by Loren Long
There is a bright yellow bus who spends her days driving. She loves carrying children from one important place to another. Every morning they climb in . . . Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, giggle, giggle-patter. And they fill her with joy. As time passes, things change, yet the Yellow Bus still finds joy and discovery in the world around her.
BOOK FAIR - March 10th - 14th
STEM Night - March 20th
PTO Meeting
Tuesday - March 11th - PTO Meeting - 7:00 P.M.
SPRING is in the air - but don't forget it is still winter.
Just a reminder to send your children in with GLOVES, HATS and a WARM winter coat! It looks like snow is coming our way! We allow play in the snow. Snow boots (and pants depending on accumulation) can be brought into school with your child.
This Week's Flyers
After the Bell
Football and Cheer
Flag Football
Field Hockey
Flag Football
Save the Date! Our Scholastic Book Fair starts next week during their library time! The Book Fair will be from March 10th to March 14th. Thank you to the PTO for all their hard work getting the library ready!
Our students have started listening to books for our March Book Madness. Students in all grade levels are listening to certain books and are voting on their favorites! It’s a great way to get students excited about reading!
Also, notes are being sent home this week in regards to overdue library books. Please take a look around your house and send in any library books on your child’s next library day. Thank you!
K: The K kiddos worked on playing unpitched percussion instruments using a few different dynamics, piano and forte!
1st: If you have not sent in an adult size t-shirt for your child to tie-dye for the Grandparents Day performance, please do ASAP!
2nd: The 2nd graders are working on learning a new song for their big performance in May. They also worked on their rhythm patterns playing a game in small groups.
3rd: This week the 3rd graders are prepping for their 2nd playing assessment on the recorder with letters B and A.
Kinders used watercolors over their oil pastel designs. They are amazing!
First graders completed their Kandinsky trees.
Second graders are finishing their story quilts.
Third graders had their first day of using ceramic glazes. If your child did not receive the vocabulary/directions sheet, you can get it here.
This week in PE, students in all grades are practicing dribbling and passing through fun and engaging games.
In Kindergarten and 1st grade, we are focusing on dribbling and trapping the ball in space and around others.
In 2nd and 3rd grade, we are working on protecting the ball from defenders and passing in a variety of different ways.
These activities help develop coordination, control, and teamwork.
This week Kindergarten students are learning and reading about different kinds of weather. Students learned about what a fantasy is and read the story “Rain” by Manya Stojic. In this story, there are different animals that notice the different signs that indicate that rain is coming soon. For example, the story touches upon the five senses that the animals use that tell them that it is going to rain. This week we learned the sight words ‘is’ and ‘little.’ In Math, we are learning how to count to 100 by ones and by tens. We are working on counting groups of objects up to 100 items and counting on.
This week we are having a review week. Our first graders are beginning to learn about opinion writing.
We are also learning about elements of light. We are having fun trying to say all our new vocabulary words. Do you know how to say these words? (transparent,translucent and opaque)?
Happy March! 2nd graders continue to be very busy this week completing their animal research projects. They are working hard and we are very proud of their efforts! In reading we are reading fables and learning about the story elements in fables. In phonics we are working on the letters and vowel teams that make the long i sound. In math we are learning different strategies for solving 2 digit addition problems.
This week, Grade 3 had a wonderful field trip to the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra’s Young People’s Concert! The children loved seeing the work they’ve done since October come together, and they were extremely well behaved and attentive.
In Math we are at various points in area, word problems, and graphing. We will be wrapping up Unit 3, which is based in using all four operations in various ways, and will soon move into fractions. In Reading we continue our focus on comprehension, using character perspective, figurative language, summarizing and more.
In Social Studies we are beginning our study of the American Revolution.
A Note From our Counselor
Bus Safety Reminders for Families
In an effort to maintain student safety during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal, below are highlights of the Massachusetts law pertaining to school bus operation. These rules are also expected in the school driveway during parent drop off and parent pick up. There have been several drivers who have disregarded the buses’ flashing lights and stop signs, particularly at the end of the day, when students are dismissed. While we understand your family may have an activity, cars cannot pass the buses even when leaving the visitor lot. Please remember the following:
Drivers must remain at least 100 feet behind a school bus.
Flashing yellow lights means the bus is about to stop. Drivers on both sides of the road should slow down and stop if there is time.
Flashing red lights and a stop sign extended means drivers must come to a complete stop because children are either getting on or off the bus. It does not matter which side of the road you are on as many children may cross the street at this time. Drivers must remain stopped until the red lights stop flashing and the stop signs fold back.
Please join us to work together and keep all of our AES children safe!