Bobcat Blitz
Weekly Newsletter | Feb. 3rd - Feb. 7th
Principal's Update
We made it through last week without any further weather delays/cancellations, and second semester began on Wednesday, 1/29/25. Please note that at the absolute earliest, 1st semester grades will be published on Friday, January 31st, or early the following week.
New Locker Assignments for 2nd Semester
6th - 11th graders were reassigned lockers this week at the start of 2nd semester to utilize the three new locker banks that were installed in October. Every student has their own locker, including 6th and 7th grade students. Generally speaking, we group grades together in specific sections, which can be seen in the map below. New locker assignments can be viewed via the Infinite Campus Student and Parent Portals.
Care Solace
When you or a family member needs help, it's hard to know where to turn. In an effort to ease the burden of finding the mental health and substance use services you need, we have partnered with Care Solace, your central hub of care.
With a network of over 560,000 providers and services. Care Solace will help you find the right help at the right time, 24/7/365, at no cost to you. They will connect you with providers accepting all medical insurances, including Medicaid, Medicare, and sliding scale options for those without insurance.
You can access Care Solace services in three ways:
- Call 888-515-0595 at any time. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365. A dedicated Care Companion will help you every step of the way to research options, secure appointments, and follow up to make sure it is a good fit.
- Search anonymously to get matched with an extensive list of care providers at: www.caresolace.com/whiteford
- Contact your school counselor or principal, and they will submit a referral on your behalf.
No matter what you're experiencing, there is hope and help. We are confident that our new partnership with Care Solace will help us build a healthier, more vibrant school community.
If you have a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1 or The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 9-8-8. Care Solace is not an emergency response service or mental health services provider.
Whiteford MS/HS "Peer to Peer" Program
High School News
National Honor Society 2025 Inductees
Congratulations to the following students on their induction into the 2025 NHS class. An induction ceremony will take place on Wednesday, February 5th.
SENIOR News & Important Information
Senior Slideshow
Any senior that would like to contribute to the senior slideshow that will occur at Senior Sunday must submit pictures via DM through Instagram @whitefordclass2025
Post-Graduation Informational Packet
It's never too early to begin planning for the future! Per Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) 380.1293, school districts are required to provide pupils in grades 8-12 with this Post-Graduation Opportunities Informational Packet. The site helps students and parents learn more about Colleges/Financial Aid, entering the workforce after graduation, and entering the military.
Middle School News
Arcadian Adventures Newsletter
Check out the upcoming edition of the Middle School Arcadian Adventures Newsletter.
6th Grade Student Newsletter
Check out February's newsletter from 6th grade teachers, Mrs. Hoppe and Mrs. Diesing!
Yearbooks are on sale NOW!
Bobcats, be sure to get your middle school yearbook NOW while they are on sale for a lower price!
Reminder: The athletic office is now located in the east end of the building, or "Middle School" hallway. During the school day, visitors will have to check in at the main office and receive clearance to visit the athletic office. The best time to visit the school for athletic needs is between the hours of 12-3, as Athletic Administrative Assistant Ashley Van Camp is available in the main High School office at that time.
Whiteford no longer takes cash payments for sporting events. Spectators can purchase tickets using the GoFan website, GoFan App, or use of our debit/credit card readers at the ticket gate. All middle/high school athletic events are $7 for adults, students, and seniors.
Athletic Passes can be purchased online and are $150 for a family all-year pass, $100 for an individual all-year pass, and $35 for student (non-participating current Whiteford students) or senior citizen all-year pass.
Per the Athletic Agreement that was presented at the all-sports parent meeting, we have started to pull grades for eligibility. Grades are pulled on a bi-weekly basis. Any student that is failing two or more classes will have to sit out the following week. The next grades eligibility pull will be on February 13th, 2025.
Winter Sports SENIORS
As we near the end of our Winter sports season, let's recognize the accomplishments of our Senior student-athletes that excel on the court and in the classroom.
2025 Hall of Fame Inductees
Our 2025 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees are seniors Nate Stevens and Chase Lee. Nate earned Second Team All-State honors in baseball last season while helping the Bobcats win league and district championships. Chase earned Division 7 First Team All-State honors from The Detroit Free Press after and outstanding season on the Bobcat offensive and defensive lines. As inductees, plaques will be installed for Nate and Chase and hang alongside the all-time great athletes at Whiteford High School.
Important Information
"Let Us Know" Reporting form for students
This form has been created to increase student agency and voice as we maintain and improve a safe learning environment where all students can thrive. Any information provided is collected anonymously, so you will not be identified or contacted regarding anything you may submit. Thank you in advance for providing any information that can improve Whiteford MS/HS and improve your high school experience. We can only improve and address issues when we are provided information. If you need IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE, please notify the teacher or main office.
School Store
We have begun the process of accepting on-line payments using our School Store. You can access the School Store on the district website’s home page button labeled “School Store (On-Line Payments)”. Right now, athletic passes can be purchased through this process. We offer Family ($150), Individual ($100), Student ($35), and Senior Citizen ($35) passes. Note: The Senior Citizen pass is good for individuals 63 years of age and older, and is good for all TCC home/away events.
School meals are free this year, but students who wish to purchase additional lunch items will still have to fill out envelopes with cash/check, as in years past.
Meal Charges and Free/Reduced Applications
Our students will again receive free breakfast and lunch in the State of Michigan. Even though meals are free, it is critical for families that may qualify to continue to complete the Free and Reduced - Price Meal Application (see below). Click the following link to submit your information: https://whiteford.familyportal.cloud/ Here is a PDF letter/guide for families.
Also, please click HERE to visit our family meal purchase guide (for payment info and for those who wish to purchase additional lunch/a la carte items).
Student Grades and Attendance Reporting
Infinite Campus Parent Portal: Student Registration, marking period and semester grades, credits, and attendance are always visible in the Parent Portal throughout the school year. An app can be downloaded to your phone, or you can click HERE for the web version. Students will also have their own login so they can see their information at any time.
Schoology: Our K-12 teaching staff uses Schoology to communicate with students and families, post assignments and grades, and sometimes include instructional videos. Here is a Schoology Parent Account video sharing introductory information about Schoology. If your family has yet to access Schoology or downloaded the App for your phone, you can email your child’s teacher for log-in details or contact Corey Mills for support at: mills@whiteford.k12.mi.us
1:1 Technology
Students will be supplied a Chromebook and a charger for the 2024-2025 school year, and will not be able to access our WIFI network with a personal device. Chromebooks will be distributed on Monday, August 26 from 9:00-12:00 PM, and 1:00-3:30 PM. Insurance for Chromebook is $25.00 for the year; students/parents who elect not to purchase insurance will be responsible for paying for any damage to the Chromebook. Details outlining insurance can be read HERE. In addition, only ACCIDENTAL damage or wear will be covered by insurance. Damage caused by misuse/mistreatment of the Chromebook will be charged to the student, regardless of insurance status. The insurance form and payment can be made through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Volunteer Forms
Whiteford Agricultural School District appreciates your willingness to serve as a volunteer in our district and become a substantial and vital part of our school programs! You can access the form here or from any school office. Please complete both sides of the form and return it to your student’s building office, teacher, or coach. Background checks will be done on an annual basis. The background check process is time consuming; therefore, appropriate lead time must be given to ensure background checks are completed prior to volunteer service at the school or for any function conducted by the school.
If your student will be taking medication during the school day (including over the counter meds) there are forms that need to be completed and turned in to the office. All medications are stored in the MS/HS office. Students are not permitted to keep any medication, including over the counter, in their locker. Parents must drop medicine off at the MS/HS office, as students are not permitted to do so. The office will be open at Registration Day and Open House to receive any medication that is accompanied with the appropriate forms, which can be accessed by clicking HERE and scrolling to the bottom/right of the page.
Updated Cell Phone Policy
Please be advised of the following policy changes regarding cell phones and other wireless communication devices:
Middle school students are prohibited from using cell phones and other personal devices during classes or passing times. Middle school students may use devices before school, after school, or during lunch only.
High school students may possess their device or store it in their locker during class, but the device must be powered off. If possessed in the classroom, the student is prohibited from using the device unless given express and direct consent from the teacher, dean, principal, or other school personnel. Should the student possess the device in the classroom when not given express permission, the teacher/principal/dean of students has the right to enact discipline based on this policy. Teachers may also designate places in their classrooms where students must keep phones/devices; should students refuse to keep wireless devices in designated areas, they will be found in violation of this policy and subject to discipline. High school students may use devices during passing times, before school, after school, or during lunch.
Air Pods, headphones, or other wired/wireless listening devices are prohibited in hallways and classrooms unless given express and direct consent from the teacher, dean, assistant principal, principal, or other school personnel.
Students who need to communicate with parents in regards to matters of illness, safety, transportation, etc., should communicate through the school office so administration is aware of any visitors to the building, medications, or potential illnesses/safety concerns.
Except as authorized under Board policy, use of WCDs and electronic storage devices in school, on school property, at after school activities and at school-related functions will be subject to disciplinary action.
Reasonable suspicion that a communication device has been used to violate District policies or administrative guidelines shall be subject to disciplinary action and may result in the communication device being confiscated.
Wireless Communication Device (WCD) Discipline Protocol
First offense - Device is confiscated by school personnel. The administrator will return the phone or device in question at the end of the day. The parents will be informed. The phone or device may be prohibited from school for a period of at least two weeks, and may be prohibited for the remainder of the semester/school year, depending on the nature of offense. The infraction will be documented.
Second offense - The device is confiscated by school personnel and delivered to the office. The parents will be informed and the student will be assigned a detention, restorative action, or other disciplinary action will occur. The phone or device will be returned at the end of the school day; the phone or device will be prohibited from school for a period of one-to-two weeks and may be prohibited for the remainder of the semester/school year, depending on the nature of offense. The infraction will be documented.
Third and successive offenses - The device is confiscated by school personnel and delivered to the office. The parents will be informed and the student may be subject to a one-day in school or out-of-school suspension. The phone or device in question will not be returned until a parent comes in to pick it up. The phone or device will be prohibited from school for a period of at least two weeks, and may be prohibited for the remainder of the semester/school year, depending on the number and nature of previous offenses. The infraction will be documented.
Contact Us
MS/HS Principal
734 856-1443 ext. 102
Malinda Luzier
MS/HS Administrative Assistant
734 856-1443 ext. 108
Ken Groch
Dean of Students 6-12
734 856-1443 ext. 240
Jennifer Head
MS/HS Counselor
734 856-1443 ext. 216
Marcus Luzier
Athletic Director
734 856-1443 ext. 103
Ashley VanCamp
MS/HS Athletics Administrative Assistant
734 856-1443 ext. 125
Sheila Smiddy
MS/HS Administrative Assistant
734 856-1443 ext. 109