
Grass withers, flowers fade, but the word of our God will stand forever. Is 40:3
Looking Back on Last Week
Cullman County Fair Queen Miss Congeniality
Miss Evelyn Griffin, CCS Senior, represented our school in the 2024 Cullman County Fair Queen Pageant on Tuesday night.
She did an amazing job and named this year's Miss Congeniality! This title is voted on by the contestants. We are so proud of how she represented!
Kindergarten at the 4D Farm
Kindergarten students and teachers visited the 4D Farm on Friday. Students had a blast playing games, diving in dried corn, and spending time with friends.
Chapel Time Lessons
At this week's 1st-3rd grade chapel, Mrs. Vermillion had planned a special lesson with pumpkins. Just before the lesson, her special sparkly pumpkin fell off the table and broke. The first though is to think that the lesson is ruined. However, God used the broken pumpkin to illustrate something even more impactful as she talked to students about God filling a broken place in us that only He can.
Preschool Literacy and Art
This week in Mrs. Snow’s class, students embarked on an exciting journey into the world of books and libraries! This theme sparked creativity and exploration, engaging the children in various activities in celebrated literacy and art.
Taco Ending
Mrs. Haynes Life Skills and Healthy Living class concluded their nutrition unit with a yummy finale. The finished up by cooking a group meal that includes all the food groups- tacos! They were enjoyed by all! 😊🌮
Each student brought a grocery item & helped set it up on the taco bar.
Pizza Tag
Upper elementary students enjoyed a game of Pizza Tag on Friday with Coach Nikki and Coach Cydney!
Return to the Gym
Students will be able to return to normal gym activities this week. The court is now sporting our CCS colors, navy and Carolina blue.
Point Mallard Run
The XC team had an excellent day at the Point Mallard Run in Decatur on Saturday. Many of the runners achieved their PR!
See More Photos from October 7-12, 2024
Dates to Remember
Praying Parents
Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024, 08:00 AM
1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Upcoming Items on the Calendar
- October 15 - ACT with Writing (Seniors)
- October 15 - University of West Alabama High School Leaders Day
- Oct 16 - Volleyball Area Tournament at Addison
- October 17 - 1st Quarter Report Cards Visible in Gradelink
- October 17 - 4H Robotics After School
- October 20 - FALL FESTIVAL (3:00=5:00)
- October 22 - PSAT/NMSQT (10th and 11th Grade)* New Date
- October 22 - Feed the Need Kickoff at 6:30
- October 25 - $1 Dress Down Day
Looking Ahead
Fall Festival
Mark your calendar and invite your friends and neighbors!
Our annual Fall Festival will take place on Sunday, October 20th from 3:00-5:00 at the Beech Avenue Campus.
This event will be held in the afternoon and be filled with lots of good, old-fashioned fun! All games and the petting zoo are FREE! We will also have concessions for purchase.
**Click here if you would like to volunteer to help, or donate supplies: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4CA4A62BA2FDC70-52257077-fall .
Hurricane Disaster Donations
See the attached flyer for additional details.
Volleyball Area Tournament
The Varsity Volleyball team will be competing in its first Area Tournament on Wednesday, October 15th. If the team plays well and beats Meek this Wednesday they will play Thursday 10/24 at 11:00.
Go Lions!
ACEA Academic Competition
The Alabama Christian Education Association (ACEA) has announced that the 2024-2025 State Academic Testing will begin November 18 through December 18. All tests will be taken online at our school. Students in grades 3-12 are eligible to participate.
Please refer to the letter that was sent home for additional details.
The deadline to sign up is October 28th.
Veterans Day Program
This year's Veterans Day Program will be held on Friday, November 8th.
Details will be released soon.
**We will have the picture slide show of veterans again this year. Any additional pictures not sent in last year can be emailed to Mrs. Yearwood.**
Feed the Need 2024
Feed The Need is an event which allows Cullman Christian families to make a true difference in the world. The concept behind Feed The Need is essentially bringing an overseas “mission trip” experience onto our school campus.
Feed The Need has captured the hearts of participants, media and donors beyond any event in our history. In a Feed The Need event, CCS students will pack 10,000 meals in an indoor Packing Party for hungry children and orphans. Of the 10,000 meals we pack, 1,500 remain for local distribution in Cullman and 8,500 are distributed overseas directly to orphans and children facing extreme hunger in third-world countries.
The event gives CCS participants the opportunity to make a hands-on difference in the world while learning direct character lessons of selflessness, serving others, generosity and gratitude.
A few more items...
Upper School Morning Drop Off
Reminder for Upper School Students: When you arrive to school, you should come directly in the building.
Upper School 30-Day Challenge
Please be in prayer for the students in 7th-12th grade as they seek God to find opportunities for thankfulness, kindness, and mercy.
Check your Spam!
We seem to be having an issue with school emails from Gradelink going to spam/junk folders. This can happen when emails are sent out in bulk to a large number of email addresses. Please check your email spam folder for missed emails.
Visitors & Volunteers
We love having visitors and volunteers on campus!
If you are visiting, please be sure to check in at the main desk.
If you would like to volunteer, applications are available.
Tell Your Friends
We’ve had lots of phone calls and questions about future year waitlists at Cullman Christian School. If you know someone who would like to receive notification of when lists open, they can sign up to receive information. This will help us plan space for the growth we are experiencing.
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu