Marlette Elementary School
September Update - September 9th, 2024
Note from the Principal - Mr. Reynolds
Hi everyone,
Last week, there was more devastating news in our country about a school shooting in Georgia. Those affected by this act of violence will be changed forever. Mr. Marshall (Marlette Community Schools Superintendent) and School Resource Officer Jim Sanchez have continued to make the school safe by recent upgrades in the past year. Please feel confident that everyone at Marlette Community Schools, Marlette Police Department, and surrounding agencies are taking every step to keep your child safe.
On a separate note, the school is slowly getting back into the groove of things. For a few days, it has taken awhile for daily routines to get back in place, such as bus drop-off, bus pick-up, breakfast, lunch, etc. While we continue throughout the year, these routines will run even better. Thank you for your patience as we figure it out.
Mr. Reynolds
Marlette Elementary PBIS Help
Our school is taking a new approach to acknowledge positive behavior with our amazing students! This year, they will be able to "cash in" their Red Raider Tickets at our Red Raider Store. We are looking for donations for these prizes! We will have Marlette apparel, coupons, and much more!
Everything purchased through this Amazon Wishlist will be sent to the school for this new venture.
Amazon Wishlist: HERE
Bookworms - New ELA Curriculum
If interested, the following website (LINK) gives information about Bookworms, our new ELA curriculum. It is a very extensive curriculum backed by Dr. Sharon Walpole at the University of Delaware and created based off of the Science of Reading. If you have any questions about the new ELA curriculum, please reach out to our Reading Instructional Coach Jenn Boyne (jennifer.boyne@marletteschools.org)
iReady - New Math Curriculum
Note from Math Instructional Coach Beverly George:
Teachers and students are both excited about the new methods, materials, and strategies being implemented into the math classroom. Students are learning to have meaningful math conversations about real world situations through classroom discourse and concrete manipulatives. We are excited to see the learning continue!
Box Tops for Education
Marlette Elementary is still a Box Tops for Education school. Although we no longer physically clip our Box Tops, you can still submit Box Tops through the Box Tops for Education app available for Apple or Android. Last year, we raised a little under $1,000. This year we have a goal of $500. Please help by taking pictures of your receipts.
Charleston Wrap Fundraiser - Elementary Student Council
Marlette Elementary Student Council is running our annual Charleston Wrap fundraiser from now through Friday, September 27th. Families can register to sell at www.registercw.com using Organization ID: 15826. Up to 40% of sales goes towards annual assemblies, field trip scholarships, and other supplies needed throughout the school.
LAST CALL - Beginning of the Year Packets/Free Breakfast and Lunches
Mrs. Bell will be sending letters out to families who have not completed the Beginning of the Packets. If you have not done so, please complete all of the forms in the Beginning of the Year packet and return them to school.. Like last year, breakfast and lunches will be free to all students. For funding purposes, please fill out the "Educational Benefits Form SY 2024-2025" to help with our school's reimbursement.
24-25 Calendar
The link below will direct you to the school calendar, especially for those who like to plan Spring Break ahead of time.
Click here: LINK
Future Calendar
Wednesday, September 18th - 4th Grade to Project Red
Friday, September 27th - Charleston Wrap Fundraiser Due
Wednesday, October 2nd - Fall Count Day
Thursday, October 3rd - Picture Retake Day
Thursday, October 10th - NED Show Assembly
Monday, October 14th - Board Meeting, 7pm