PLA@103 Friday Family News
The PLA@103 Phalen Falcons - United We SUCCEED
PLA@103 Friday Family News
January 10, 2025
PLA@103 Falcons - United We SUCCEED
Read on for information including upcoming early dismissal dates and school breaks, our Falcon Families Read event, cold weather and recess guidelines, safety information about drop off and pick up, important upcoming dates, a partnership with Boys and Girls Club for after school, our wireless device policy, our uniform policy, and information from our school nurse.
Early Dismissal is WEDNESDAY, January 15 at 11:20am
Mark your calendars! Please plan to pick up your car rider at 11:20am on WEDNESDAY, January 15, 2025.
Falson Families Read ENDS on January 17, 2025
PLA@103 Falcon Families Read!
Here at PLA@103 we work hard to help our scholars grow and reach their personal best. One skill that all life-long learners need is READING! The competition began December 2! Our scholars and their families have already started reading and recording their minutes!
Do you already have a library card? If not, you can get one for free at your local Marion County Public Library. (While you don't HAVE to have a library card, it's fun to check-out books from your local library to read with your family at home.)
Read on for all the details:
From December 2-January 17, scholars and families should set a goal to read at least 15 minutes five days a week. Track your reading on the Falcon Families Read paper reading log we sent home (ask your teacher for another one if needed!) or scan the QR code in the bottom left of this flyer to submit your minutes online. Individual prizes will be given for 525 minutes, 700 minutes, and 875 minutes or MORE! Classroom prizes will be awarded per grade level, and an overall TOP CLASSROOM will be chosen! Extra points can be earned by submitting photos with your library card and/or of you/your family reading!
Cold Weather Guidelines
Winter Weather and Recess
Please be sure your child is coming to school dressed appropriately for the weather. Recess will take place outdoors as the weather permits, and scholars should be dressed for that. Coats, hats, and gloves are a necessity. If your child is in need of a winter coat, hat, or gloves, please contact the school.
Ideally, recess should take place outdoors on school grounds as weather, space, and safety permit. Outdoor recess allows children to get fresh air, provides an opportunity for children to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity, and gives students more activity options than most indoor spaces. Outdoor recess is an important part of a child’s school day and schools are highly encouraged to provide students with the opportunity to play outside whenever possible. PLA@103 uses the following guidelines to determine whether recess is held indoors or outdoors each day:
All cars should pull up to the circle. NO CARS can be in the bus lane by the sidewalks until all 6 buses have been loaded and have departed.
Car Rider Procedures
Please Follow These Procedures to Keep Our Scholars Safe
*Please note, we have more buses this year. The front sidewalk/curb IS NOT available, and is not the designated drop off area due to safety concerns. Cars may not be in the bus lane until all six buses have been loaded and have departed.*
*Doors open at 7:30am
* Do not drop scholars off before 7:30am. due to safety concerns.
* Do not drop scholars off anywhere but the circle drive.
* Pull as far forward as possible; do not drop scholars off until you've
pulled up to where staff are directing you to go
* Encourage your scholar to exit the vehicle quickly
* Stay in line. Dropping children off in the middle of the
circle drive is an extreme safety hazard that puts your child(ren) and others at risk.
* If you arrive after 8:15am, you must walk your child to the door and buzz to be let in.
Your child will be marked tardy.
* If you arrive at 10:30am or later, your scholar will not be admitted unless you
provide a written excuse from a medical professional. This will be an unexcused absence.
*Please note, we have more buses this year. The front sidewalk/curb IS NOT available as the pick-up line. Cars may not be in the bus lane until all six buses have been loaded and have departed.*
* If your child is walking home, they will not be dismissed until the busses have left.
* If your child is a car rider, you must be in the car rider line ON THE CIRCLE.
* There will be a staff member at the entrance to the circle drive.
You must stop and speak to them to give them your car rider number.
* Your child will not be dismissed from class until you've given your car rider number.
* DO NOT cut line. Your number will be skipped, and you'll end up waiting longer.
* DO NOT park and walk up to the building. STAY IN LINE.
* We know the line looks long, but it moves fast when everyone
cooperates and follows the procedures.
* Stay in line. Do not encourage your child to walk into the parking lot.
This is an extreme safety issue.
* Encourage your child to enter the vehicle quickly so the line can move efficiently.
* Talk to your child about exiting the building quickly.
They are not to stop by other classrooms or hang around in the halls talking to friends.
* Honking adds unnecessary noise and stress to the procedure. Please don't honk.
* Do not encourage your child to come to your vehicle if you are far back in line.
If you are changing the way your scholar gets home (permanently or temporarily) please call the office before 1:30pm (317-226-4103).
Scholars will not be dismissed early unless you arrive before 1:30pm. Please plan accordingly.
The office phones will not be answered after 1:30pm so that we may carry out safe and organized end-of-day and dismissal routines.
Mark Your Calendars
* January 15- 11:20am EARLY DISMISSAL - Please plan ahead and be on time!
* January 20- NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
* February 5- 11:20am EARLY DISMISSAL - Please plan ahead and be on time!
* February 17 - NO SCHOOL- Presidents Day
* February 26 - Spring PIT Day Conferences - Your scholar's teacher will be in touch if a conference is requested.
* March 3-14 - IREAD testing for grades 2nd and 3rd
* March 28 - 11:20am EARLY DISMISSAL - Please plan ahead and be on time!
* March 31-April 4 - SPRING BREAK - No School!
* April 7 - Scholars return to school
* April 9 - 11:20am EARLY DISMISSAL - Please plan ahead and be on time!
* April 14-May 9 - ILEARN testing for grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th
* May 26 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
* June 4 - 11:20am EARLY DISMISSAL - Please plan ahead and be on time! LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
Boys & Girls Club Afterschool Resource
PLA@103 Updated Cellphone/Device Policy
In response to the statewide Senate Bill (SB 185) passing and going into effect as state law in 2024, PLA@103 will operate within the following guidelines and procedures regarding all personal student devices (including cell phones and smart watches) during the school day (7:30am-2:30pm):
Scholars are encouraged to keep all electronic devices (including cell phones and smart watches) home during the school day.
Scholars who chose to bring their personal devices (including cell phones and smart watches) to school will be required to keep the device(s) in their backpack or a protected collection container within the classroom based on the teacher’s discretion.
If the device is out during the school day, the scholar will be asked to give it to the teacher until the end of the school day.
If the scholar refuses to turn in their device, the teacher will refer them to the Dean through an official write-up.
Progressive discipline will be instituted in ordinance with SB 185.
1st offense - give phone to teacher; warning; teacher documents and informs parent
Official write up to Dean if scholar refuses to turn in phone; teacher documents and informs parent
2nd offense - write up to Dean; Dean contacts parent; phone stays with Dean until parent can retrieve
3rd offense - write up to Dean; Dean contacts parent; ISS; phone stays with Dean until parent can retrieve and meet with Dean or administrator
4th offense - write up to Dean; Dean contacts parent; 2 days ISS; phone stays with Dean until parent can retrieve and meet with Dean or administrator
5th offense - write up to Dean; Dean contacts parent; wireless device suspension (scholar’s device will remain with Dean during the school day for 1-2 weeks depending on severity of the insubordination)
6th offense and beyond - write up to Dean; Dean contacts parent; wireless device suspension (scholar’s device will remain with Dean during the school day for 1-2 weeks depending on severity of the insubordination); parents, Dean, administrators meet to discuss next steps in regards to OSS or expulsion.
School Nurse Corner
Welcome to Nurse Sara's Corner!
Please see important health information from Nurse Sara below (click the images to enlarge).
PLA@103 Mission & Vision
Mission: Our mission is to ensure that each of our scholars meet high academic and social standards, and thrive as leaders at home, in their communities, and in the world.
Vision: Our ultimate goal is that our scholars master key academic skills, and demonstrate strong character as exhibited by: honesty, service to others, a superior work ethic, and a strong vision for and belief in their futures.