Glacier Ridge Gazette
August 18, 2023
October 6, 2023
Kids Will Be Kids
There are a few phrases that were fairly common when I was growing up. “Kids will be kids,” is one of those phrases. As an adult reflecting on the phrase, I interpret that to mean that kids will make mistakes and do things because they don’t know any better. That is true. Unfortunately, what that phrase implies is that we didn’t have to do anything about it because they didn’t know any better, we had low expectations because they are kids, and therefore we tend to accept and tolerate their behavior and mistakes. For example, if a student makes fun of another student or calls a name, I remember hearing, “Well, kids will be kids.”
As an adult, I certainly wouldn’t want someone to call me a name or make fun of me. The irony is that we think that adults know better and children do not. That may be partly true. However, it is at a pretty early age that students realize that name calling is not appropriate. The other irony is that adults do it, too. However, kids do it to each other's face and adults tend to do it behind others’ backs or on social media. Of course, I’m generalizing this behavior, but these are some trends that I see.
The other phrase that I remember hearing is, “I was just joking.” That phrase was used by other students when they would make a joke at the expense of someone else. The joke was certainly not kind and made at the expense of someone else. The joker would certainly find it funny, but the recipient would not. The statement of, “I was just joking,” was an attempt to remove the responsibility, harm, or intent of the joker; therefore making the recipient feel like they shouldn’t be upset for being made fun of. However, the recipient still would feel upset.
As a result, we try to teach students that unkind words or even well-intended jokes and words can have a negative impact on others. Whether it is intentional or unintentional, our actions and words affect others. As adults, we try to uphold these, too. As educators, we try to model our productive interactions, and it is so important to the positive organizational and work culture that we want to establish at GRE.
So, the more I think about it and the more experience I have in education and working with children, the more I believe that the way I treat children is the same way I treat adults. We try not to make jokes at someone else's expense, just like we don’t want children to do it. We don’t tolerate unkind behavior or make excuses for it, whether it is children or adults. With that said, we are not perfect - not the adults, students, or GRE as a whole. However, we do always work towards our value of kindness. We try to reflect on our own behavior and continually get better, knowing that getting better will never lead to perfection of kindness. We do this because we know how important kindness, empathy, and positive interactions are for people to feel safe, whether you are 5 or 55.
Pete Kurty, Ed. D
Save the Date - School Finance 101 Community Conversation
Interested in a more detailed review of how school finance works? We encourage anyone with specific tax and school finance questions to attend our School Finance 101 Community Conversation on October 9 at 6 pm at Emerald Campus. Mr. Brian Kern, CFO and Treasurer, will explain the fundamentals of school finance, millage, and levies at this event.
Technology Responsibility & Digital Footprint
Technology is part of our daily instruction and a part of the social and academic lives of students. We provide guidance to students on how to use technology safely and responsibly. They are responsible for the decisions they make using technology and the digital footprint is traceable. There is also a lot of dangerous and inappropriate material over the web and social media, which is largely blocked while in DCS. To promote digital safety please reinforce these items with your child at home (which we have also done at school):
A digital footprint means that where you go and what you do online is traceable and often can’t be taken back.
School email, Google Drive, and school technology should only be used for educational purposes.
The email feature (which can only be used to another DCS email address) should only be used for educational purposes.
Students are responsible for their own password and keeping it secure.
You can reference the technology safety and digital responsibility information from the student handbook on page 10.
Phones & smart watches
Smartwatches have become very popular for students. Although some families provide them for their child for communication and safety purposes, they are not necessary for those purposes at the elementary school level. We currently allow students to wear smart watches. However, we will ask students to remove them and/or leave them at home if they become a distraction to their learning or the learning of others. If students or families need to communicate with one another, it should go through the office, teacher, clinic or a DCS staff member.
Below is the information in the student handbook about the use of personal technology devices at school:
Personal Communication Devices
Possession and/or use of a personal device that may be connected to the district wifi by a student while at school during the school day is a privilege that may be forfeited by any student who fails to abide by the terms of Policy 5136, or otherwise engages in abuse of this privilege.
The following items are considered personal devices:
Cell phones and smartphones
Smartwatches Devices that can be connected to the district wifi
Because the elementary years are a crucial time for students to develop important social skills that will allow them to interact with peers and adults, we limit use of PCDs at school. Unless approved by a supervising teacher, an administrator, or an IEP team, students are prohibited from using PCDs or having them powered on during the school day.
The device must be turned completely off and thus unable to receive, send, capture, or record any communication, visual image, sound, text message or other information. This includes lunch periods, transition periods, and recess. Students may use PCDs while riding to and from school on a school bus or other Board-provided vehicle if permitted by the bus driver, classroom teacher, or school support staff. The Board assumes no responsibility for theft, loss, or damage to, or misuse or unauthorized use of, PCDs brought onto its District grounds. Using a PCD in an unauthorized manner or in violation of Policy 5136 or administrative guideline 5136 may result in additional disciplinary action (e.g., warnings, parental notification and conferences, suspension, expulsion), confiscation of the PCD (in which case, the device will only be released/returned to the student's parent/guardian.
Leed's Farm-THANK YOU!
Thank you to the 983 people who joined us at Leed’s Farm this past Friday! The weather was perfect and we enjoyed spending time with our tiger families. A special thank you to our committee chairs and volunteers for making this event a roaring success!
Due to the spotty phone service and no wi-fi not all payments at the door were able to be processed. If you have not yet paid, please visit one of these options below to submit your payment ($18/ticket). Please indicate ‘Leeds’ in the note. If you need an alternate payment method please email us at and we will work with you. We would appreciate all payments to be made by October 6th.
Venmo: @GlacierRidgePTO (last 4 digits if needed: 8383)
3rd grade OST ELA Testing
3rd graders will participate in the OST for ELA on Tuesday, October 17 and Thursday October 19th. We appreciate your attempts to ensure that your child is present at school on those days. If you know you will be absent please let your classroom teacher know. Makeup Testing will occur on October 18th, 24th and 25th.
It’s Getting Colder - Temperatures are FALLing
It was a beautiful week for outdoor recess. However, fall weather varies greatly. Some days are in the 70s and some are in the 50s. It is always good for students to be able to plan their clothing appropriately for the weather. However, in the varying weather conditions, they might need some help. Have a conversation with your child about the daily weather so they have appropriate clothing to stay warm.
Family Conference Information - Virtual or In-Person
Our family conferences are coming up on October 18 & 26th. We will offer both in-person or virtual options. Your child’s teacher will reach out soon (if not already) to begin scheduling your conference.
During conferences, your child’s teacher will address three main criteria:
What I know about your child as a learner and a person
Evidence of ways I’ve gotten to know your child using formal and informal data
Next instructional steps for instruction
If you have specific questions about your child that you want the teacher to prepare for and address within the allotted time, please reach out to let them know.
Student Flu Shot Clinics
Again this school year, Dublin City Schools is providing students, who are at least 7 years old, with the opportunity to receive flu shots at their school. Glacier Ridge Elementary School’s Flu Clinic for students will be on 10/10/23, from 12:00 PM-2:00 PM.
If you want your child to receive a flu vaccine on 10/10/23, please complete the consent form found here. Please fill out questions two through ten on the form as well as the insurance information on the reverse side. We ask that you return this completed consent form to your school clinic by October 09, 2023.
*Please note, your child must be at least 7 years old to partake of the flu vaccine through Dublin City Schools.
Please look here to view the complete Flu Clinic schedule offered by Dublin City Schools.
Tiger Student Announcements
Would you like to start your day saying “Hello!” to everyone at Glacier Ridge in the morning? Are you in 2nd thru 5th grade? Then sign up to read the morning announcements! If you would like to find out more about this opportunity and sign up to be a Tiger Student Announcer then go to this link via SignUp Genius: GRES Tiger Student Announcements
Glacier Ridge Student Greeter Team
Parent/Guardian Volunteer Background Check
SECURE VOLUNTEER BADGE - Dublin City Schools takes the safety of our students and staff seriously and requires a background check for all volunteers interacting with students. In order to attend field trips or volunteer in the classroom, you much go through the background check process. The process is free and easy and takes only a few minutes to complete. This is required for any parents or caregivers wishing to volunteer with students.
Upcoming GRE Events
Oct 16: Yearbook cover art contest ends
Oct 18: Family conferences - night 1
Oct 20: No school
Oct 23: No school
Oct 25: 5th grade class picture day
Oct 26: Family conferences - night 2
District Dodgeball Tournament Beneficiary Nominations Accepted
Dublin City Schools is seeking nominations for the beneficiary for the annual Dodgeball Tournament now through October 22. A committee of DCS staff will evaluate the nominations and present three finalists to the Superintendent's Student Advisory Council (SSAC). The SSAC will choose the beneficiary and it will be announced to the public in January. Submit your nomination here.
Global Travel Opportunities
The DCS Global Travel Program is offering trips for middle school and high school students in 2024 to countries in five continents. There is still time to sign up. Check out the full list of trips and information HERE.
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at
Glacier Ridge Elementary
Location: 7175 Glacier Ridge Boulevard, Dublin, OH, USA
Phone: 614.733.0012
Twitter: @greDCSD