Bulldog Bulletin
Frequently Asked Questions 2024-2025 (updated July 22, 2024)
How do new students register to attend Bass Middle School?
- All new students must register using the registration link located on the Bass Middle School website or the Coweta County School System website.
When/What is Open House?
- Bass Middle School Open House will be held July 31st from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm and from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Due to limited space and parking, please only attend ONE session.
- Students and parents are welcome to drop by the building for a self-guided tour and to meet members of our staff during Open House.
- Bus transportation information will be available during Open House.
What time does school start/begin?
- Students who arrive between 7:30 - 8:00 am will be directed to breakfast or the gym until 8:00 am.
- Students cannot be dropped off before 7:30 am.
- Homeroom begins at 8:00 am.
- Morning announcements begin at 8:15.
- Students will be marked tardy if they are not in homeroom by 8:15 am.
What time does school end?
- Dismissal begins every day at 3:30 pm.
- All students MUST be picked up from campus no later than 3:55 pm unless they have been approved to remain on campus (athletics, clubs, tutoring).
Where do I drop off and pick up my student if they are a car rider?
- Car rider drop off and pick up is at the front of the school.
Which driveway do I use to drop off/pick up my student(s) or to park my vehicle?
- Parents should use the roundabout driveway for all transportation needs.
Car Rider Procedures
1. The car line will merge from 3 lanes to 2 lanes. Please be patient and allow cars to merge at the merge point.
2. Students may NOT be picked up from the parking lot. All car riders must be picked up in the lines. Car line supervisors will not allow your student to cross into the parking lot.
3. Pull all the way forward in the line. Supervisors will call for your student if necessary.
4. Please place a sign in your front windshield with your students name on it so we can call your student quickly if they do not come to your car.
5. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to exit the sidewalk to load until the call is made from Dr. Bennett. Please do not stop the flow of traffic to have your student enter your vehicle.
6. Two full car line sections will be loaded and dismissed. We will repeat this process until all cars are loaded.
7. If we have called for your student and he/she has not entered the your vehicle by the time all other vehicles are loaded, you will be required to pull around and rejoin the line.
8. All students must be picked up no later than 3:55pm. Excessive late pickups will result in a parent conference with an administrator.
The first two weeks of car dismissal can be very busy! We appreciate your support with our process!
Can parents walk students into the school on the first day of school?
- No. All students will need to be dropped off in the car rider line.
How will my student know where to go when he/she walks into the building?
- We will have numerous staff members spaced throughout the building to direct students to their classrooms.
Will students be allowed to use lockers?
- Yes, lockers will be used this year; however, please note that there will be limited visits to the locker.
When will my child receive a schedule?
- Students should be able to view their schedule in Infinite Campus on July 29th.
What is ELT?
- ELT stands for Extended Learning Time
- ELT occurs at different times for each grade level each day
- Dependent upon student needs, ELT provides remediation in reading or math, enrichment opportunities such as STEM activities, Second Steps Social Emotional Learning, Advisement and Organizational Skills.
What if my student is in the gifted program?
- Students in good standing in the gifted program from elementary school will be automatically enrolled in gifted English and gifted Science at each grade level.
- Additional information about the gifted referral process can be found at GIFTED.
What are Connections classes? Do parents/students get to choose Connections classes?
Connection classes are equivalent to specials in elementary school. Some classes such as chorus and band can be requested. Other connections, such as reading and math enrichment, are assigned to a student based on need. Other connections classes will be randomly assigned following the middle school concept.
Connection classes are Spanish, Art, Band, Chorus, PE/Health, Personal Fitness, Computer Science, Science Enrichment, Math Enrichment, Reading Enrichment, and Audio/Video Broadcasting
Can students choose their academic team of teachers?
- No. Students are randomly assigned to teams through Infinite Campus
- Schedules can be viewed in Infinite Campus starting July 29th
Can I eat lunch with my child at school?
Parents and approved visitors are welcome to join their child for lunch. During lunch, students work on developing age appropriate independence and social skills. During the first three weeks of school, we ask that parents do not visit students for lunch as students are learning independence with routines and procedures. We will be ready for lunch visitors starting the week of August 26th. Parents must enter through the front office and obtain a visitor badge by presenting required identification to the front office staff, no exceptions.
Due to space and safety concerns, lunch visitors are restricted to parents/step-parents/guardians, non-school aged siblings, and grandparents (per written permission from the parent). We will not call to verify someone not listed on the emergency card or without a note. Visitors do not include aunts, uncles, neighbors, or coaches. Please also adhere to the following:
All approved visitors are asked to remain at the front until your student is called up for lunch. Students and approved visitors may eat lunch in the counseling suite or administrative conference room.
Approved visitors may not visit other areas of the school.
Approved visitors are not allowed to bring food for other children when they visit for lunch, and students cannot ask their friends to eat with their approved visitor during lunch.
Please refrain from cell phones or other technology usage while visiting for lunch. Due to privacy issues outlined in FERPA, no photos/videos with cell phones or other electronic devices are allowed.
How often and when are students allowed to use the restroom?
- Students have planned restroom breaks throughout the day as well as restroom passes that they may use in the event of an emergency.
- Students are also encouraged to go to the restroom during lunch.
What is the dress code policy for middle school students?
1. Shorts, or skirts; the shorts or the skirt must be of appropriate length. Generally, fingertips should not extend below the hem of the clothing, maintaining modesty at all times.
2. Low-cut tops and/or blouses are also not allowed.
3. All shirts, blouses, and dresses must have sleeves.
4.Clothes should not expose areas of the stomach, sides, or back.
5. Holes on clothing above the fingertips should not expose skin.
6. No items of clothing are allowed that may be affiliated with gang activity, as defined by administration and law enforcement.
7. No “hardware chains” may be worn as belts, wallet chains, or jewelry. No chains of this type are allowed on school campus or at any school function.
8. No bandanas may be worn or displayed during the instructional day.
9. No items may be worn with inappropriate pictures, symbols, or lettering. This includes, but is not limited to, depictions of alcohol, drugs, or weapons. Statements that might be deemed offensive to others are prohibited.
10. Pajamas, lounge pants, and/or house shoes or slippers may not be worn to school unless approved by the administration during special occasions.
11. Shoes with wheels may not be worn to school. Other shoes that may present a safety hazard are not allowed.
12. Undergarments should not be visible.
13. Hats, bandanas, hoods, sunglasses, stocking caps, and other head coverings are not permitted.
14. Volleyball shorts are not allowed during the school day.
Violation of Dress Code Policy
- Students who violate dress code will be documented. Students will be given an opportunity to correct the violation (either call home for change of clothes or choose item(s) from the clothes closet).
- If the student fails to correct the violation, he/she may receive disciplinary consequences as determined by the administrative staff.
How large of a backpack will be needed?
- Students need a book bag that can carry their chromebook, one large three-ring binder, and personal items.
- Rolling backpacks are not allowed except in extenuating circumstances approved by administration.
Will students be bringing textbooks home?
- Textbooks are not issued to students. Teachers will use Google Classroom to update assignments and any other materials that students will need in order to meet and exceed content standards. However, if you would like a textbook for your child, you may request from your child’s teacher.
What will the homework load be like?
- Homework is assigned by each teacher individually. However, teachers will work diligently to not assign projects/major assignments on the same due date.
How often do teachers input grades into Parent Portal?
- Guidelines are set for every 3-5 days for classwork and every 7-10 days for all major assignments.
What is the best way to communicate with teachers?
- Email is the best way to communicate with teachers. All email addresses can be found on the school webpage. If you do call the school to speak with a teacher, please leave a message with the front office staff. Teachers will return your call within 24 hours.
How will the school/teachers communicate with parents?
- The school and teachers may communicate with parents by Remind101, social media, letters home, Google Classroom, email and/or phone calls.
- We send a newsletter to parents every Monday called Bulldog Bulletin. Newsletters are sent to all parents/guardians using information from Infinite Campus. Please ensure that your Infinite Campus information is up to date.
Are students allowed to walk to and from school?
- This will be at the discretion of each family. We strongly encourage parents to walk with their student(s) to the car drop off area where BMS supervision will be provided starting at 7:30.
- Parents are also strongly encouraged to meet their student(s) at 3:30 at the car loading zone to safely walk them home.
- We do not provide supervision past our student drop area.
How do I make a transportation change for my student?
- All transportation changes must be made before 3:00 p.m. each day and can be done by completing a form on the Bass Middle School website.
- Students must have a bus note if they are riding home on a different bus or getting off at a different stop in the afternoon. Notes must include a parent/guardian signature, date, and phone number.
- Changes in car transportation are at the discretion of the parent and do not require administrative approval.
- To avoid confusion during afternoon dismissal, students are NOT allowed to be checked out of school after 3:00 p.m.
Are students allowed to bring cell phones to school?
- Yes, however, cell phones should be on silent from 7:30 - 3:40 while on campus.
- Cell phones are expected to be kept in the student's backpack unless it is being used for medical purposes.
- If a student needs to call home, they may request a pass to the office from their teacher. Phone calls should be limited and only used for emergency situations.
School office hours:
- Our school office is open Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm every day.
After school activities:
- Students should only stay after school if they have previously arranged transportation and it is for a game/event/activity in which they are involved. Students' transportation home must be on time for pick-up; if not, the ability to stay for after school activities may be forfeited.
What if my student needs me to drop something off at the school for them?
- Students should be responsible for bringing needed items to school each day. If they forget an item, they may bring it the following day.
- Students will not be called out of class to pick up items dropped off at the office during the school day. They may check the office during their lunch time if they see their name displayed on the TV.
Other things we want students to know:
- First and foremost, we love you! We are here to provide each student with a safe and enjoyable learning experience.
- Leave your expensive AirPods at home as you are not allowed to use them during the school day.
- Glass may not be brought to school at any time.
- Only CLEAR WATER BOTTLES are allowed on campus. Please DO NOT bring Stanley Cups or any other cup that is similar.
- Students nor parents may not order lunch from an outside vendor and have it delivered to the school.
- Student must be picked up no later than 3:55 pm.