Mill Creek Principal Update
September 2024 Edition
Message from the Principals
Dear Mill Creek families,
September is always a joyful month at Mill Creek. Students continue to build routines, the weather is beautiful, and we start to look forward to Mill Creek events like PBIS assemblies and our annual Fun Fest!
Last week, our students in grades 1-5 started their first iReady diagnostic tests in math and language arts. Thank you for sending your students to school well rested. We will administer the diagnostic two additional times this school year to track student growth and ensure they are receiving the supports they need here at school.
On Thursday, September 26, we will host our Mill Creek Curriculum Night from 4:30-6:00 pm. This will be an open house event. Teachers will have a scavenger hunt planned for you and your child to help you learn more about their classroom and our school year. Following Curriculum Night, please join us at the Panera on Nifong Boulevard for our first dine-out fundraising event of the year. See flyer below.
As mentioned in last week's Parentlink, Mill Creek is participating in the Mizzou Homecoming Food Drive to benefit the Food Bank of Central Missouri. Please send in nonperishable items which can be placed in the blue barrels outside our Main Office. The food drive will run from September 3-9.
Our PTA is already working hard to help us have a fantastic school year. The first committee meeting for our Cougar Fun Fest will take place this Wednesday evening. Please see more information below. PTA will also host its first general meeting for all parents next Tuesday, September 10 at 6 pm in the Media Center. If you'd like to get involved at Mill Creek but aren't sure where to begin, consider attending one of these meetings. All are welcome!
We hope everyone has a wonderful start to the fall season.
Go Cougars!
Amy Rogers & Samantha Adams
Important Events
September 4 - Fun Fest Meeting, 5:30 pm - Media Center
September 10 - PTA Meeting, 6 pm - All are welcome!
September 16 - Spirit Wear online ordering closes
September 19 - Fall Picture Day
September 20 - Walk to School Day, 7:25 Central Bank
September 23 - Teacher Workday, No School
September 26 - Curriculum Night Open House, 4:30-6:00 pm
September 26 - Panera Dine-out Fundraiser
Fun Fest
Our annual fundraiser, the Cougar Fun Fest, will take place on Friday, October 11 from 5-8 pm. We have our first committee meeting this Wednesday, September 4 at 5:30 pm in the Media Center. We need lots of volunteers to make this event successful. All are welcome!
Cougar Spirit Wear
This is the final call to order Mill Creek spirit wear. Our online store closes Monday, September 16. Visit this website to order:
Picture Day
Fall Picture Day at Mill Creek will take place on Thursday, September 19. You may preorder pictures at and use code 86887MF.
Walk to School Day
This year, Mill Creek will celebrate Walk to School Day on Friday, September 20. We will meet at Central Bank located at 1000 W. Nifong Boulevard at 7:25 am and depart for school promptly at 7:30 am. Parents are encouraged to walk with their children. If we have inclement weather, a rain date will be set for the spring.
Operation School Bell
The Assistance League of Mid-Missouri’s Operation School Bell provides new clothing and winter coats for students in need Pre-K - 5. Registration begins NOW. Please contact our counseling team if you are interested in your student participating in OSB ( OR Clothing is distributed to schools in October/November. REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS SEPT. 28.
Holiday Basket Program
Voluntary Action Center will begin registering families for their annual Holiday Basket Program in September. Watch their website for updates:
Raptor Visitor Management from CPS
In Columbia Public Schools the safety of our students, staff, and families is our top priority. Beginning this school year, Columbia Public Schools is implementing a Visitor Management System called Raptor in all school buildings.
The goal of the Visitor Management System is to welcome our guests while also providing an additional layer of safety for our campuses.
Raptor is used by school districts across the country to streamline entry into school buildings. This electronic system will replace the paper sign in sheets we’ve historically used and will allow for better tracking of visitors to our schools.
- This system requires all visitors to scan their government-issued IDs to gain entrance. Visitors will then receive a visitor’s tag that identifies them as guest in our buildings. If a visitor does not have a government-issued ID, manual entry into the system can be done by the school.
- The system will conduct a check against the sex offender registry as well as a check against any custody or campus entry limitations maintained by the district.
- Those visiting our buildings will need to remember to bring identification with them when going to the school.
- This system will be in place during school hours.
- A visitor’s badge will not be necessary for those who visit our schools simply to drop off an item in the office or pick up paperwork.
You can learn more about the Visitor Management System at:
Mill Creek Elementary
Location: 2200 West Nifong Boulevard, Columbia, MO, USA
Phone: 573.214.3280