Headteacher's Bulletin
17/01/25 - Edition 48
Highlights of the week
Mr Lisseman - Headteacher
Despite the cold, it has been a lovely week. A particular highlight was last Friday’s auditions for our upcoming production of Macbeth. It was incredible to see over 70 students showcase their talent and enthusiasm for the performing arts—we are very much looking forward to what promises to be an outstanding production.
I would also like to inform parents of an important change to our term dates for the 2025/26 academic year. The autumn term will now finish on 18th December 2025. This adjustment will allow us to schedule two additional INSET days during the year (dates to be confirmed). Please rest assured that the number of teaching days for students will remain the same, so this change will not affect your child’s learning.
Finally, I’d like to make an appeal for parent volunteers to support our Rugby Parking initiative—please see the sign-up details below. These fundraising events are a vital source of additional income for the school, enabling us to provide enhanced experiences and equipment for students that go beyond the limits of the normal school budget. Your support in this area makes a real difference, and we are incredibly grateful for your help.
Wishing you all a warm and restful weekend.
Student bulletin
Each Monday morning in tutor time, students and their form tutors review the weekly student bulletin. This is a round up of all the important information, notices and reminders that they need to know. the bulletin is also posted on the screens around school so they can refer back to it at any time.
Volunteers needed
The PTA are in need of volunteers to help run the Rugby parking. Rugby parking is the main way that the Friends of Twickenham School (PTA) raise funds for the school. Please feel free to bring along your children. It would be beneficial for them to join you for work experience, to increase their confidence when talking to new people and to be able to learn how to run events.
You’ll be greeting our friendly customers, guiding cars into parking spaces, and helping to raise vital funds for the school.
Volunteers are needed on for the following matches -
8 February - Kick off at 4:45
22 February 22 - Kick off at 4:45
9 March - Kick off at 3:00
Road Safety Reminder
We have received concerns from a parent about unsafe behaviour near roads, particularly involving younger students. Reports suggest some children are running into traffic or playing dangerous games such as "chicken," sometimes recording these activities for social media.
This behaviour poses serious risks to the students involved and others, including drivers and pedestrians. Please remind your children of these key road safety guidelines:
- Always use designated crossings when crossing the road.
- Avoid playing or lingering near traffic.
- Stay on the pavement and be aware of surroundings.
- Understand the serious consequences of risky behaviour near roads.
The school is addressing this issue through assemblies and tutor time sessions to ensure student safety. Together, we can help our children stay safe and make sensible decisions near roads.
Save the date for Live at The Exchange
Applications must be in by Monday 10 February for auditions on Tuesday 11 February
Year 7 and 8 Book Review Competition
Ms Wilson - Librarian
This half term sees the launch of our Year 7 and 8 Book Review Competition between Twickenham and Teddington Schools. Each class will be visiting the library to hear all the competition details and to choose a book to read and review.
There will be 10 winners in Year 7 and 10 winners in Year 8 across both schools. The winners will be presented with a book and certificate at the end of March.
We look forward to reading the competition entries!
Twickenham School PE Department
Mr Hayes - Head of PE
Football season has kicked off again with a strong start! Congratulations to the Year 9 and 10 boys' football teams for their impressive performances against Teddington. Your hard work and teamwork have truly paid off!
A big round of applause goes to the Year 7 girls' basketball team, who proudly represented our school for the first time at the Borough tournament hosted at RPA. What a fantastic achievement!
Please find the extra-curricular timetable for this term below. We encourage all students to attend at least one club per week to make the most of their time with us.
Whitton Sports Centre offers boxing classes after school, and you can register directly through the centre.
A reminder that you can still sign your child up for our paid clubs:
Team Sponsorship Opportunity
Do you own a business or know someone who does? We are seeking sponsorships for our team kits! For more information, please contact Mr. Hayes at info@twickenhamschool.org.uk.
Dates for the Diary
Thursday 6 February - Year 9 Options Evening - 16:30 - 18:30 pm
Monday 17 - Friday 21 February - Half term break
Thursday 27 February - Year 9 Parents Evening - 4pm - 7pm
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Jonathon Lisseman
Twickenham School
Percy Road
0208 894 4503