Oak Leaf Weekly News
River Oak Charter School Welcomes Your Family!
It has been a pleasure to meet your family and to process your enrollment at River Oak Charter School. I have created a newsletter that is targeted for new students joining our school. Below you will find information that may be helpful during your first few weeks such as the bell schedule, after care registration, and more.
This newsletter is an example of our weekly newsletter called Oak Leaf Weekly News. A newsletter is sent weekly by the administration team to share current school events, volunteer opportunities, upcoming holidays, and to learn more about Waldorf education. This newsletter as well as communications from your child's teacher will keep you involved in your child's education. If you change your email or phone number at any time, please update the school to make sure you are receiving communication from the school.
If you have any questions about your child's progress in school, please reach out and stay connected to your child's teacher. If you'd like to reach the Administrator and Principal, Ms. Jaenelle Lampp you may email jlampp@riveroakcharterschool.org and call extension 105.
I hope you have a wonderful 2022-23 school year and I am looking forward to seeing how your child's unique gifts contribute to our growing River Oak community.
Talia Cechin
Registrar/Administrative Assistant
Upcoming Events
Thursday, August 18th and Friday, August 19th- School Beautification Days. Come help clean and organize our campus and your child's classroom. 10:00am-3:00pm both days.
Wednesday, August 24th- First Day of School
Wednesday, August 24th- Rose Ceremony for 1st and 8th grade families. Contact your child's teacher for more information.
Wednesday, August 31st- School Picture Day (TK-4th) more details soon.Thursday, September 1st- School Picture Day (5th-8th) more details soon.
Monday, September 5th- Labor Day- NO School
Back the School Beautification Day
Student Helpers Resting
Parents are Needed and Appreciated in Helping Teachers Getting Classrooms Ready
We can use more help on Friday, August 19th from 10AM to 3PM to get the classrooms ready.
If you know of anyone who can pick up and drop off used school books, materials to donate, we need the help to clear our upper and lower common areas. Please come join us.
Thank you ROCS families for all of your help. Parent Council has been so supportive. We greatly appreciate their hard work.2022-23 Bell Schedule
Students may begin arriving at 7:50am. Please do not arrive earlier as we do not have staff scheduled until that time.
It is recommended for new students who need support from their family member during the first few weeks of school to walk your child to the garden or playground and to introduce yourselves to the support staff on the yard. They are there to help your child during this transition.
Parking- Our parking lot is very small and we need your help during morning and pick up drop-offs to make this process run smoothly and safe for students! TK-5th families use the campus parking lot. The back portion of the parking lot near the building is reserved for staff. The front portion of the parking lot is reserved for parent/guardians as well as a carpool lane. 6th-8th families use the back parking lot of Holy Trinity Church located at 640 S Orchard Ave. We have had a long-term partnership with this church and we use this space for this reason. There is NO parking at the Senior Center parking lot.
Start Times:
Kindergarten start @ 8:20am
1-3 Grades start @ 8:10am
4-8 Grades start @ 8:20am
Dismissal Times:
Kindergarten 1:00pm
1-3 Grades 2:05pm
4-8 Grades 3:05pm
Wednesdays: ALL Grades 1:05pm
Free Breakfast and Lunch Available!
Attendance Matters
River Oak Charter School is committed to working in partnership with parents/guardians to ensure that students have every opportunity for academic success. We believe, and statistics show, that regular attendance is essential to learning. Irregular attendance curtails a student’s ability to contribute to, as well as benefit from the learning experience. It can also hinder the progress of the class. The responsibility for regular attendance lies with the parent/guardian.
It is so helpful and necessary to call your child out from school when needed. Please call (707) 467-1855 ex.101 to reach the Attendance Secretary. Leave a message if no one answers your call.
Attendance Procedures
Excused Absence- If a student is absent due to unexpected illness, injury or family matters, it is the guardian's responsibility to contact the Attendance Secretary (x101). If the Attendance Secretary has not been informed by 9 am, a call home will be made to determine the child’s whereabouts. If there is an important need for absence, other than for unexpected medical reasons, early consultation with the class teacher and Attendance Secretary is essential.
Unexcused Absence- Any student who has been absent without his/her guardian contacting the school will be marked as ‘unexcused’. Leaving campus without signing out also constitutes an unexcused absence.
Prolonged Absence Proposal Process- If circumstances necessitate a prolonged absence of more than one day other than due to illness, a Independent Study request must be submitted to your child's teacher a minimum of two weeks in advance of the proposed absence. While Independent Study is not required completing IS work allows the school to collect funding during your child's absence and to continues their education while your child is away from school!
Late- Students arriving at school after 8:20 must check-in at the front office. All late arrivals are recorded. Students who are late but who have a legitimate reason (required note or phone call from a guardian) will, in most cases, be excused.
Stay Involved by Joining a Council or Committee!
Come join the Parent Council! A parent council representative from each class attends monthly parent council meetings and helps organize fundraisers for the school and individual classrooms. You help express the needs of your classroom and the school does their best to accommodate to help your classroom grow. Meetings are the first Thursdays of each month at 5:30pm located on campus and Zoom. Reach out to your child's teacher to learn how to get involved.
Our Charter Council is actively seeking parent and community members! Meetings are the second Monday of the month at 5:30pm via Zoom. If you would like to get involved with the board and help make decisions about our school facilities and operations, please email Principal Jaenelle Lampp to learn how to apply. jlampp@riveroakcharterschool.org
Acorn Hut Registration Now Open- Space is limited in Kindergarten
Kindergarten- One your first day of using aftercare, bring a cloth bag with a blanket, pillow, and a comfort item. Place your child's name on the bag and blanket. No media characters please.
All grades- Go through the wooden gates to retrieve your child from after care. Sign your child out in the Acorn Hut binder and review and confirm your Acorn Hut contract. Due to staffing, we will bill you for days your child is not in after care unless they are not at school due to illness or personal. Please make sure your contracted days work for you!
Forms for financial assistance through NCO will be located in the front office. Otherwise, invoices are billed directly to your email monthly.
COVID-19 Protocols
Here are a few highlights:
- No person will be prevented from wearing a mask and the school will provide masks for students who desire one.
- We report positive COVID-19 case numbers to Mendocino County Public Health when we have 3 or more confirmed cases in a two week period.
- A positive COVID-19 case shall not attend school for 5 days and may return after 5 days if the student is asymptomatic. Symptomatic students are recommended to stay home for 10 days.
- It is the recommendation for RO families to test at home or through Public Health because we will not have as many tests as authorized to us like the previous year. We will have the ability to test on site if necessary. A parent/guardian must call for consent and fill out a consent form online.
River Oak 2022-23 Academic Calendar
River Oak Dress Code
Highlights- no media characters, violent materials, or shoes not suitable for physical activity.
Student Behavior Standards
River Oak Charter School
Email: tcechin@riveroakcharterschool.org
Website: www.riveroakcharterschool.org
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: (707) 467-1855
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riveroakcharter