Alameda Friday Newsletter
September 27, 2024
A Message from Principal Goldstein
September 27, 2024
Dear Families,
This was a really fun and exciting week, with lots going on. It is hard to believe that next week we will cross September off our calendars and welcome October, and the second full month of school.
It was great to see so many of you last night at Back to School Night. I hope everyone enjoyed the new format and that you got a sense of your child’s classroom and their life here at Alameda. The weather was perfect for everyone to spill out onto the playground - it is always wonderful to see so many of our families and children all together. A big thank you to PTA President Courtney Wright and a number of PTA Board members who made last night a possibility. I also want to thank all of our families and students for coming out last night. There are hundreds of completed passports that were turned in - we will do a drawing on Monday and hand out some Alameda merchandise to our winners.
Speaking of drawings, we had our second Alameda Ticket drawing today at lunch. Our staff is finding many students who are doing great things in the hallway, in the cafeteria, and outside during recess. We are well on our way to earning 1,000 tickets as a school. A big thank you to Nectar Frozen Yogurt, on NE Fremont, for donating 50, $5.00 gift cards.
On Wednesday we had our first early release of the school year. The day went quickly as you can imagine, with our 3rd graders starting “lunch” at 10:15 AM! It was great to have a continuous and uninterrupted stretch of time for staff collaboration. We discussed Talented and Gifted (TAG), a new reading tutoring program, and our grade level teams had time to discuss assessments, curriculum, and how they continue to look for ways to support all students. As a reminder, we have students outside for recess until 11:45 AM. If you arrive early to pick up your child, please wait along NE 27th Avenue, on the sidewalk side of the fence. Thanks for helping to ensure a safe environment for our students.
October is always busy and of course culminates with a big day on 10/31! And speaking of that special day, this year, the added bonus for students and families is that there is no school on Friday, 11/1, as teachers will be working on 1st quarter report cards. In fact, there is actually no school on Monday, 11/4, so you have even more time to enjoy all that candy! In terms of Halloween, students are once again invited to wear a simple (no masks, excessive gore, or ANY weapons) costume during their classroom celebration portion of the day. Please plan accordingly, so students can easily put on (and take off) their costume. Your child’s teacher will give you additional details. Thanks for your support.
I hope you all have a nice weekend.
Matt Goldstein
Updates & Announcements
Counselor Corner: We enjoyed seeing so many students and families at Back To School Night! We are so happy to have the sensory room as a resource for students, and we are always appreciative of the many donated supplies we’ve received for this space from families. If you are interested in donating an item to the Alameda Sensory Room, please see our supply list here. If you’d like to connect with your child’s school counselor, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us: Molly Clark (grades 1, 5) and Anna Tofel (grades K, 2, 3, 4). Thank you for your support!
Show your School Spirit and Buy Some Socks! The 1st Annual (maybe ever) Alameda School Sock sale is underway! We are excited to offer 4 different styles of socks in lots of sizes for both children and adults. Socks are $8.00 per pair and if you order more than 3 pairs you will get 10% off. ALL proceeds will go into our Field Trip Fund account to help offset the rising costs of buses and field trips. CLICK HERE to place your order. This is a limited time offer, so get them while you can - all orders need to be submitted by October 16th! Socks will be delivered/distributed at school.
Lockdown Drill: As mentioned a couple of weeks ago, we will have a lockdown drill this coming Monday morning. All students and staff will be made aware of the drill ahead of time. The drill will last for approximately 10 minutes.
Principal’s Coffee: The first coffee of the year will take place on Friday, October 4th beginning at 8:05 AM in the cafeteria. Come learn a bit more about the start of the year, get updates on curriculum, learn about the key pieces of our School Improvement Plan, and time to ask your questions. Hope to see you there.
Yearly Verification: Each year, families are asked to log into Parentvue to verify demographic information and make any necessary updates (this is especially important for email addresses). If you need instructions on how to do this, please visit PPS IT to get more information.
Move for the Arts: Our 3rd Annual Move for the Arts fundraiser is right around the corner. On Wednesday, October 9th, all students will have a chance to move their bodies (running, jumping, stretching) to raise money to help support arts education at Alameda. All proceeds will go towards arts related residencies and arts related field trips. In order to make this event possible, we need your help - for those interested in VOLUNTEERING please visit HERE.
PTA Meeting: The first PTA meeting of the year is on Wednesday, 10/9/24, 6:00 - 8:00 PM in the Alameda Library.
TAG Informational Night: If you are interested in learning more about TAG, you are invited to attend an informational session on 10/16 at 5:30-6:30 PM in the library. Building TAG Coordinator Abby Largo and Principal Matt Goldstein will go over the TAG nomination and identification process and also discuss how our school supports those students who have been made eligible for TAG.
Site Council Meeting Date Change: Due to a scheduling conflict, the first Site Council Meeting of the year is now going to be on Wednesday, 10/23/24, from 5:30 - 7:00 PM. The meeting is virtual and all are invited to attend.
This year’s meeting dates are: 10/23/24, 1/15/25, 3/12/25, and 5/14/25, from 5:30-7:00PM. While we have a core group of folks that are able to hopefully commit to attending all four meetings, all are invited to attend these meetings. If you are interested in joining the Site Council or have general questions, please contact Matt Goldstein.
PTA Updates
Friday's Principal's Coffee Talk:
October 4, 2024 , 8am to 9am (coffee will be provided)
After School enrichment classes:
After School enrichment classes have started, and new ones are being added. Check out what is being offered here.
Call for PTA Volunteer Team:
At Alameda, we aim to foster community spirit, support our students, and enhance their school experience. Your participation can play a key role in making these events truly memorable for our children. Volunteering with the PTA is a fantastic way to connect with fellow parents, support our students, and contribute to creating an engaging and vibrant school environment. Your involvement directly benefits our children and strengthens our school community.
If you’re interested in joining our PTA volunteer team and making a difference, we’d love to add you to our volunteer contact list. Please sign up here:
For any questions or further information, don’t hesitate to contact audreyg@gnicharch.com
Call for Room Parents:
Room Parents play a vital role each year by serving as a representative for teachers at Alameda. The role as Room Parents is to communicate what is happening in the classroom / grade to other parents and assist the teacher with various tasks so that she/he/they may focus on teaching our students. As a Room Parent, you might work with your teacher to coordinate holiday parties, classroom volunteers for various tasks such as field trips, and classroom fundraising projects. You will also coordinate gifts/support for your teachers for holidays, birthdays, and teacher appreciation time.
Please fill out this form if you are interested in volunteering for the Room Parent Roll.
PPS has Early Release Wednesdays each month
Trackers camps have you covered!
Portland Public Schools (PPS) has announced Early Release Wednesdays for the 2024-25 school year. These will occur almost every month. We understand this might disrupt your plans, but don’t worry—Trackers has got you covered. Our new PPS Early Release Day Camps are now open for registration.
To support working parents, we have made these camps as cost-effective as possible. Kids can spend their afternoons connecting with friends and learning awesome Trackers skills. They can craft in our pottery studio, build in our woodworking shop, hone their archery skills, create characters for epic role-playing games, or explore the great outdoors while connecting to nature.
Our PPS Early Release Day Camps are available at our SE and NE Portland site, with easy parent pick-up from 5 PM to 6 PM. Remember, students of our After School Program already get early release camp as part of their Wednesday membership. While you tackle your workday, your kids can have a blast learning new things—all in a safe and fun environment!
From Y-Care
Before & After School Programs 2024-2025
Dear Alameda Families,
Are you looking for a nurturing environment for your child to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally? Enroll them in our YMCA Before and After School Program conveniently located on-site at Alameda. Our programs provide a supportive atmosphere where your child can explore interests, acquire new skills, and engage in interactive learning. With dedicated staff fostering personal growth, your child will gain confidence for the future. For families looking for financial support, the YMCA accepts ERDC. The Y also has the Open Door Program, where families can apply for a discounted rate.
Current participating families will have an opportunity to register prior to the open registration date listed below. Please contact your location's Site Director for more information.
Open Registration: May 21, 7:00am