Nugget News
October 2024
Ms. Porter's Monthly Message
Dear Nob Hill Elementary Families,
October is shaping up to be an out of this world month at NHE, with plenty of exciting activities and important events. As we move forward, it’s crucial that you stay informed by reading Mrs. Cruz’s emails every Sunday and checking your teacher’s communication apps regularly for the latest updates.
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
- McDonald's Teacher Night
- Piper Counseling Fair
- Trunk or Treat
- Parent Lunch
We hope to see you and your family at these fun and engaging events!
Color Run Fundraiser
One of our biggest PTA fundraisers, the Color Run, is coming up soon! This event is a great way to get involved and help raise funds for a digital marquee and a new blacktop for recess and P.E. It’s simple to participate—just create an account and share it with family and friends to gather support.
Teacher Conferences
Don’t forget to schedule your first of two parent-teacher conferences. A strong partnership between parents and the school is the key to student success. Staying informed about your child’s academic progress and behavior helps create the best environment for them to thrive.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you throughout the month at these amazing events!
Ms. Porter
Principal, Nob Hill Elementary
Mrs. Cruz' Corner
Dear Nob Hill Parents and Families,
As we move through the school year, we are excited to see our students thriving. Many of our clubs are already underway, offering fantastic opportunities for growth beyond the classroom. We are proud to provide extracurricular activities such as Violin Club, Safety Patrols, Debate Club, Dance Club, Art Club, Peer Mentors, and the SAVE Promise Club.
We want to remind parents about the importance of regular daily attendance. When students attend school consistently, they have the best opportunity to succeed academically and socially. Every day counts!
Please stay connected with us. Look for my weekly Sunday emails titled "Weekly E-News", communicate with teachers through the class apps, and check Focus regularly for grade updates. We are here to support you and your child every step of the way on this educational journey!
Mrs. Cruz, Assistant Principal
Happenings on the Hill
In VPK, we are excited to continue learning about signs in October. Our exploration will include four investigations aimed at exploring signs including the peace sign. We are learning about characteristics of signs as well as how signs keep us safe. Look for an invitation to sign up for teacher-parent conferences this month. We will discuss results of initial assessments and portfolio items including the following: Brigance Screener, STAR Early Literacy report, Letter Names , Letter Sounds, Concepts of Print, Self-Portrait, and Writing Sample. In addition, screening results from vision, hearing, speech and language will be reviewed. We will also incorporate learning some fall vocabulary words in ASL or American Sign Language and have some fun with pumpkins.
Specialized Pre-K
This month we will have students Identifying and exploring their five senses; understanding and demonstrating safety habits; what are the places in our community, and who are the people in our community .This month, students will also be working with the letters/sounds Mm, Aa, Bb, Kk and numbers 1-10. Student will finally be taking their writing journal home to practice writing skills.
Intensive Pre-K
Unit: All About Me
This unit identifies ways people can be the same and different and how each are special. We will explore all the things we can do. We will sort items we can see at home and at school. We will explore how big our foot is with an experiment. We will be learning all about the letters/sounds: Oo, Cc, Dd, Nn; the numbers: 0-6; review the shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle and learn the oval, star, heart; and the color: yellow, green, and lime green.
Things are getting SPOOKY this month in kindergarten! In ELA, we are closing out Unit 1 in Benchmark and starting Unit 2 “Every Story Has Characters”. In Unit two, Students will be able to identify how characters are different and continue to work on their phonological awareness skills. In writing, students are learning how to draw and write a narrative text. In math, students are working on numbers 0-6 and comparing numbers 0-10. In science, students are learning about physical change and sound. In social studies, students are learning about rules and laws and Hispanic Heritage. Keep an eye out for information regarding October’s Story book Character book report/project and parade. Please make sure to sign up for a conference via your class communication app.
It's fall and we are so excited to celebrate together! In reading, we are learning about short vowels and blends. In math, we are learning about adding and subtracting to 20. In science, we are learning about stars and gravity. In social studies, we are learning about historical thinking. We are looking forward to our first in-school field on November 15! Please make sure to fill out the permission slip and pay online! Stay tuned for information about fun Halloween activities coming soon!
2nd Grade is having so much fun! We have officially settled into our routines and procedures in our classrooms and are so excited to show our families what we have been learning. In reading and language arts, we are wrapping up unit 1 in Benchmark and mastering how to find central idea in multiple variations of texts while also learning the mechanics of different grammar rules. We will be diving next into Unit 2 with theme and story elements. In math, we have finished Topic 3 with addition we are diving into Topic 4 with more adding, but really focusing on different strategies and perfecting it. 2nd grade sure is our happy place!
Our 3rd graders are doing an amazing job so far this school year! We have completed the beginning of the year FAST and iReady diagnostic assessments in reading and math and will begin conferences in October to discuss a plan of action for each student to have a successful year. In the month of October, students will learn about forms of energy in science. In math, students will continue mastering their multiplication facts while also learning how to use multiplication to divide. In social studies, the students will begin learning about places and regions. As a part of the Cambridge program, they will also be doing an activity involving learning about how and where chocolate is made. In reading, the students are learning about ways characters shape stories through fables, poems, and other exciting texts. We are excited to continue to grow and learn in the month of October.
Fourth grade is excited for the fall season! We will be working on Topic 3 in math. In this topic, we will focus on using various methods to multiply. Such as: using an area model, using partial product, and using mental math to develop an understanding of multiplying multi-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. In reading, we will be working on Benchmark Advanced Unit 2, which focuses on elements of fictional texts. In science, we will be learning all about magnets and changing properties of matter. Be on the lookout for upcoming fall activities! Please remember to have your child complete nightly homework assignments, practice multiplication facts daily, read at least 20 minutes each night, and complete the weekly required 45 minutes and 2 lessons passed on iReady.
Hello parents!
In ELA your child will be starting the Cambridge Global Perspectives curriculum on the importance of creating and obeying laws. In our Benchmark curriculum, they will be starting Unit 2 which is all on fictional text. We will work on skills like identifying theme, character traits, perspective, and story structure.
In math, we are on Topic 4 and learning all about multiplying decimals and whole numbers. Please make sure that they are completing their daily homework in their math practice book.
In social studies, we have been learning about financial literacy, writing and endorsing checks, deposit tickets, and exploring College and Career readiness, as they apply for various jobs in preparation for our JA BizTown trip on October 15, 2024. Please pack them a bagged lunch for this day, they can also dress to impress for their job.
In science, we are finishing up our unit in matter by learning about physical and chemical changes. Thank you to those of you that send in items for the experiments. If you want your child to get extra practice in science, they can work on their Focus Areas path in Progress Learning.
As a reminder, our iReady goal is to have 2 passed lessons and 45 minutes in each subject.
McDonald's Family Night
Picture Day
Yearbook picture day is Friday October 11th
Please wear School Uniform
See Flyer below to see available packages and to PrePay
Trunk or Treat
Friday 10/25 from 6-7:30pm
Volunteer Link: Nob Hill Elementary PTA: Trunk or Treat (
Amazon Wishlist: Amazon Gift List
Out of this World Color Run
Get excited – our school is hosting the Nob Hill PTA's Out of the World Color Run at the end of our fundraiser on 10/23/2024! This school-wide event is sure to be an unforgettable experience for all students. All students are invited to attend, regardless of financial participation. Sign up for our Nob Hill PTA's Out of the World Color Run on 09/30/2024 at to get Nob Hill PTA's Out of the World Color Run ready! 💪 Students will earn $5 in Golden Bucks just for registering!!! Fabulous prize levels from Boosterthon too!! Key Dates to Remember: 💻 Sign up online at – 09/30/2024 🎉 Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 10/15/2024 👟 Event Day – 10/23/2024
*Color Run 2024 T-shirts: Last day to order 10/11/24!
Title One Updates
School Advisory Committee and School Advisory Forum Meetings
PTA News
Dates to Remember
Oct 2nd (Wednesday) - McDonald's Family Night 5-7pm - See Flyer
Oct 3rd - No School
Oct 11th (Friday) - Picture Day - Please wear school Uniform
Oct 14th - No school - Employee Planning
Oct 23rd (Wednesday) - Out of this World Color Run
Oct 25th (Friday) - Trunk or Treat
Save the Date
Nov 5th (Tuesday) - No School - Employee Planning
Nov 5th - Report Cards Issued
Nov 11th (Monday) - No School
Nov 25th-29th - No School-Thanksgiving Break
Piper Counseling Fair: Please RSVP using the QR Code below!
Front Office Information
7:30am - 3:00pm
Contact Information
(754) 322-7200 - Main office line
(754) 322-7202 - Attendance line - Please call this number to report an absence
(754) 322-7203 - Nurse/clinic
Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
Students arriving after the 8am bell need to walk into and be signed in through the front office.
You may pick up your child early until 1:30pm and ID must be shown. Person picking up student MUST be listed on Emergency Contact card as a designated pick-up person.
No students will be dismissed between 1:30 and 2:00pm.
Report an Absence
Direct Attendance Line - (754) 322-7202
Online -
Front Office Staff
Office Manager - Maritza Canizares
IMT/Registrar - Anitra Tinsley
General Clerk II - Taryn Cole-Lagos
Microtech - Valerie Blackburn
Attendance Policy
Nob Hill Attendance Line - (754) 322-7202
Regular attendance is a key factor in a child's academic success. Regular attendance is when a student attends more than 95% of the academic school year; this may include up to 8 absences in a 180-day school year.
Each parent/guardian of a child within compulsory attendance age is responsible for their child's school attendance. When a child must be absent, the parent must report the reason for absence to the school's Attendance Manager.
Policy 5.5: ATTENDANCE
Parents should report the reason for an absence within two school days. If requested by the school, the parent must provide documentation of an illness from a licensed health care practitioner.
Students must be in school unless the absence has been permitted or excused for one of the reasons listed below:
1. Illness of student (Physical or Mental Health)
2. Illness of an immediate family member
3. Death in the family
4. Religious holiday
5. Required court appearance or subpoena
6. Special event
7. Scheduled medical or dental appointment
8. Student has a communicable disease
Students on field trips, attending alternative to suspension programs, or in internal suspension programs are not considered absent.
Examples of absences that are not excused include, but are not limited to:
a) Failure to communicate the reason for absence(s)
b) Family trip that does not include one of the excused reasons listed in this policy
c) Vacation
d) Excessive absences due to illness without the requested physician verification that a medical condition justifies the pattern of absences will be recorded as unexcused.
e) Oversleeping
f) Missing the school bus (as routinely scheduled)