Tuesday Notices
China Middle School- Week of May 28
School News and Happenings
Memorial Day Celebration
Yearbook Ordering Closed
Orders for yearbooks have closed. Please contact Ms. Armour if you would like to purchase a yearbook by emailing at darmour@rsu18.org
High School Open House
Tuesday, 5/28
Softball Practice 2:45 to 4:15
Baseball Practice 2:45 to 4:15
Track Practice 2:45 to 4:15
Wednesday, 5/29
Vassalboro @ China BB 4pm
Chelsea @ China SB 3:30
Track Practice 2:45 to 4:15
Thursday, 5/30
(If softball wins) China @ Whitefield SB 4pm
Baseball Practice 2:45 to 4:15
Track Practice 2:45 to 4:15
Game Dates:
06/03 - Track Invitationals @ Maranacook, 3:30
06/04 - If baseball wins @ Windsor BB @ 4:00pm
Josh Brooks
B.S. Sport Management
Athletic Director
School Breakfast/ Lunch Menu and Program
June Breakfast
June Lunch
Upcoming School Dates & Events
05/30 - MHS Athletic Director, Blair Doucette to meet w/ 8th grade MHS football students
05/31 - Dance - grades 6/7, 5:00 - 7:00
06/05 - Spring Concert, 6:00pm
06/06 - CATC Field Trip - 8th gr 11:30am -1:30pm (notice date change)
06/06 - 4th grade Step-Up, 12:00 am - 1:00pm
06/06 - PTO Meeting, 6:00pm
06/07 - Qtr 4 grades close
06/09 - PTO Fun Run
06/10 - AYCC 8th grade class trip
06/11 - Dean’s Breakfast 8:10am - 8:40 am
06/11 - Laptops, cases and chargers collected
06/11 - Spring Concert/Variety Show & Advisory Flag Ceremony 12:30pm - 2:15ish
06/12 - Camp Tracy - All School Trip (rain date 6/11)
06/12 - School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
06/13 - 8th gr marching/rehearsal practice @ CLCC, 8:15 - 10:00 am
06/13 - 8th grade promotion night - (China Lake Conference Center), 6:00 pm
06/13 - 8th grade dance - CMS gym, 7:00 - 9:00 pm
06/13 - Last student day - noon dismissal
06/14 - Teacher Workshop
China Schools PTO
PTO News
Hello from the China Schools PTO!
Next meeting: Thursday June 6th at 6pm on Google Meet
Up next: Fun Run 2024 - Sunday June 9th- See flyer for details and join the Facebook event for more info! Hope to see you there!
If you haven’t already, join our Facebook group to stay in the know: https://facebook.com/groups/chinaschoolspto/
And we are always here at chinaschoolspto@gmail.com!
Community News
Eagles Basketball Skill Camp
Erskine Academy Soccer Camp
Erskine Softball Camp
YMCA Stingrays Swim Team
Pine Island Camp
Albert Church Brown Memorial Library LEGO Club
LEGOs Club for Kids is a new initiative at the Albert Church Brown Memorial Library for ages 6-18 (and for adults who may be interested). The Clubs will begin in April, with the younger group meeting late morning and older group meeting early afternoon on Saturdays, start date and time TBD. Participants must have a library card and sign a release, as described below. Children ages 6-10 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Participants may not bring their own LEGOs, nor may they take any off-site. Please fill out the form below. Be sure to indicate if you are currently a library cardholder or if you need to be issued one. We do have limited space so it will be first come first serve. If there is enough interest we may make two groups two accommodate. We are looking for adults and teenagers who would be interested in volunteering to help run it as well. If you are interested in volunteering you can email us at chinalibraryacb@gmail.com or visit us at the library. We are also looking for clean LEGO donations they may be dropped off at the library or left in a bag in the book drop box.
Lego club sign up link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScW0d3phdv5nZyY_nu-fg_G1iYbpM_g6CzX8dVEKO0HeAlG6w/viewform?usp=sf_link
Pine Tree Camp
It’s not too late for your students with disabilities to sign up for summer camp!
Pine Tree Camp is Maine’s only American Camp Association-accredited camp exclusively serving children with disabilities. No camper is ever turned away due to their ability to pay. Thanks to our donors, 100% tuition assistance is available to any camper.
Our week-long overnight summer camp sessions are designed for kids living with a full range of physical and intellectual disabilities (ages 8 to 18).
Spots are filling quickly, but we still have room for your students to register!
I’ve attached a flyer with more information.
You can also learn more on our website https://pinetreesociety.org/camp-home/
Thank you again for your consideration of sharing this information with your families and helping make this a summer of barrier-free fun and friendship for kids with disabilities in our community.
We look forward to welcoming your students to Pine Tree Camp!
About Us
Serving students grades 5 – 8 in the town of China, Maine.
China Middle School is located near scenic China Lake in Central Maine. The school serves the children, families, and residents in the town of China. Our middle school has students in grades 5 – 8. We are part of RSU 18, which encompasses the towns of Oakland, Belgrade, Sidney, China and Rome.
Website: https://cms.rsu18.org/
Location: 773 Lakeview Drive, China, ME 04358
Phone: (207) 445-1500