Wildcat Graduation
Mesquite High School - Class of 2024
Important Dates To Remember
May 15/ ASAP - Fees and Fines due to Bookstore must be paid in full
May 19 - Baccalaureate 1:00-2:00 pm MHS Auditorium
May 23 - Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal 6:50 am Wildcat Stadium
May 23 - Graduation Ceremony 7:00 pm Wildcat Stadium (Seniors must be in their assigned rooms by 6:00 pm)
Graduation Senior Seating
Seniors, you can now found where you are seated in the graduation ceremony. The seating lists have been posted in the courtyard windows of the Den, B Cafe and G Cafe.
MHS Senior Special Moments
The time prior to graduation, where families eagerly await seeing their well loved and celebrated graduating senior, can at times be a bit boring...not to mention hot. We would like to pull together a pre-graduation video where a slide show of our graduating seniors is shown. We would love to incorporate any images or short videos that you may have of their time spent at MHS and MHS Activities. We can't guarantee all photos or videos will make it in, but we would like to incorporate as many meaningful moments as possible.
Senior Check-Out Process
Prior to Chromebook Check-In
Please click on this Google Takeout link to learn how to transfer your Google Workspace account to a personal Google Account. At this site you will be able to:
1. You will be asked to enter a destination Google account into a field. Enter the email of the new or personal Google Account that will receive your transferred content. If you don’t have another, personal Google account, click here to Create a new Google account.
2. Click on Send Code to send a confirmation code to the new account.
3. You will receive an email at your new or personal account asking you to verify the account, and you will get a confirmation code. Copy and paste the code into the Takeout website to verify your destination account.
4. Deselect ALL and then select only the content you want to copy and transfer (Mail, Drive, etc) and click Start Transfer.
5. Your content should arrive in the new account within a day or so. If it doesn't, it may exceed the 15 GB limit.
Please click on this Download Your Data link to download your gilbertschools.net content to a device or external drive.
Deselect ALL and then select only the content to include in the download. Only check what you need to download.
Choose your archive's file type and whether you want to download it or save it in the cloud.
Click Create Archive.
An archive of your Drive data will be prepared in the form you selected.
Please note that archives may take a long time (hours or possibly days) to create. You will receive an email when your archive is complete.
Turning In Your Chromebook
After your last final, please return your Chromebook, along with the charger to the Den. Please remove any stickers you may have on the Chromebook. Please note that any damage notated upon turn in may be assessed to your student account.
Baccalaureate is a tradition that stems from England in the mid-1400s, where graduates from the prestigious Oxford University gathered to reflect upon their educational journey. While it was originally a religious ceremony in the United States, it has evolved into a non-religious service where graduates can reflect upon their thirteen-year journey in one of their last moments together as a class.
Graduation day itself is a very busy day, full of emotions and events, and attended by family and friends. However, because graduation is often a whirlwind that is over before we even realize it has begun, baccalaureate becomes a time where students can more solemnly experience what it means to be a graduate in an uplifting and personalized ceremony. It is truly a moment in their lives that cannot be recreated, and all graduates are encouraged to attend. During this event, the Band, Choir and Orchestra will perform. You will also receive inspirational messages from the Class of 2024 nominated teachers, Mrs. Sarager and Mrs. Alamy!
MHS Baccalaureate is from 1:00-2:00 PM on Sunday, May 19th in the MHS Auditorium. Seniors are to report at 12:30 PM in the MHS Cafeteria.
We hope to see you there!
Graduation Rehearsal
* If you are not at rehearsal and on time, you may not participate in the ceremony.
Graduation Ceremony
Graduates will report to their assigned room no later than 6:00 PM.
There is currently NO LIMIT to the number of guests permitted per graduate.
No tickets are required for entry. Gates will open at 6:00 PM.
Water will be sold at the concession stands throughout the ceremony.
Appropriate Attire For Graduation
The following dress code/rules will apply to both Baccalaureate and Graduation:
- Students should arrive at the venue by the designated time CARRYING their gown.
- Students should not put their gown on until AFTER they have checked in with their line leaders.
- Students will not be allowed to carry any unauthorized items with them onto the football field.
- DRESS: It is a Formal event. You will have your cap and gown ~ but you still need to be dressed in semi-forma attire underneath. No flip flops or beach type sandals. Girl's, please be careful with heels and choose a wedge vs. a pointed heel.
- Mortarboards should not be altered in any way nor should anything (other than the appropriate tassel) be attached to or written on it.
- Any student who appears to be under the influence of a controlled substance will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony.
- Students will not be allowed to carry any items onto the football field and there is no place to store items, so leave purses, cameras, cell phones, keys and other personal items with your parents /family/friends. We will not be able to retrieve any items from the staging classroom.
Graduation Ceremony Special Seating Request
Please use the google form below if you have a need for a Sign Language Interpreter, Handicapped Seating, or have a specific heat concern. We will do our best to accommodate these requests.
Interactive Lights
- Students with inappropriate objects (balloons, beach balls, signs, noisemakers, etc.) in their possession will have the object confiscated, and/or the student will be removed from the ceremony.
- Students seeking to disrupt the ceremony in any way will be removed by Gilbert Police and Security.
- Students in possession, smelling of/or under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc., may not participate in the ceremony and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with District policy.
Additional Information
- Keep your grades up. You must have all 22 credits completed and passed to walk.
- Online coursework must be completed ASAP.
- Clear yourself through the Bookstore by making sure all of your DUES and FEES are paid via InTouch.
- Clear yourself in The Den by turning in Chromebook and Textbooks to the Bookstore.
- Visit the Athletics and Music Departments to turn in your uniforms, if required.
- You must complete your ECAP~ if you have not, don't know if you have or don't know what it is, go see your Counselor.
- Participate in the mandatory graduation rehearsal on the morning of May 23rd at 6:50 AM at MHS Stadium.
- Please remember to pick-up a copy of your immunization records in the front office. You will need these to enroll in college.
Post Graduation Needs
After Graduations, there are two items that are most requested by our graduating seniors.
1.) Close up images of student walking across the stage.
- We have a vendor called Grad Images who take candid pictures of each student receiving the their diploma. They will then send you an email with that will show you the image and give you the opportunity to purchase prints.
2.) Official Transcript Requests