5th Grade News
As the weather gets colder and the days become “shorter”,
sometimes it becomes difficult to maintain energy and a positive
attitude toward school work. Our jobs are to be the constant in the students’ lives to guide them through their challenges. We all need to remember that family and well-being come first. We wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season.
Mrs. Calabretta, Mrs. Finn, Ms. Haines, Mrs. Hogan, Ms. Maloney
December Curriculum Connections
Reading / Writing
In module 3 students will engage in adding and subtracting fractions. Students will add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators by replacing different fractional units with an equivalent fraction or like unit. To begin we will use a rectangular fractional model because it is useful for creating small units by means of partitioning. Be sure to ask your students about the homework and homework helpers that correspond with each lesson. These are a great resource to monitor your child's progress as many of the strategies and vocabulary terms are new. You can access the parent tip sheets digitally on the Great Minds Website.
Grade 5 / 6 Compacted Math
Module 1 of grade 6 Eureka Math introduces the concepts of ratio and rate. Their previous experience solving problems involving multiplicative comparison serves as the conceptual foundation for understanding ratios as a multiplicative comparison of two or more numbers used in quantities or measurement. They will begin by developing an intuitive understanding of equivalent ratios by using tape diagrams to explore possible quantities when one of the quantities is given.
Science / Social Studies
The Grade 5 Unit 2 focus question is: What happens to our garbage? Students plan and set up an investigation using landfill bottles to answer the question, Do garbage materials change in a landfill bottle? They also collect initial data that they will later use as evidence for observing changes in the properties of materials and for establishing conservation of matter.
Social Studies
Students will describe the varied ways multiple groups of people resisted enslavement, including in Maryland. They will also learn how people responded to the work of abolitionists, including those who were pro-enslavement.
Calendar Reminders
- December 3 - PTA General meeting 6:30pm
- December 11 - Spirit Night at Red Robin
- December 23-January 1 - Winter Break / Schools Closed
Fifth Grade's Favorite Festive Films:
Mrs. Finn and Mrs. Hogan: Elf
Ms. Haines: Home Alone
Ms. Maloney: Christmas Story
Mrs. Calabretta: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
How to Contact Us
Mrs. Calabretta: Anne_K_Calabretta@mcpsmd.org
Mrs. Finn: Kirsten_Finn@mcpsmd.org
Ms. Haines: Rachel_E_Haines@mcpsmd.org
Mrs. Hogan: Kerri_E_Hogan@mcpsmd.org
Ms. Maloney: Kristen_M_Maloney@mcpsmd.org