The Knightly News
May 21, 2024
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Important Dates
- May 22 - Field Day
- May 23 - Last day for kindergarten (full day)
- May 24 - Last day for grades 1st - 5th - 10:30 dismissal
Field Day
Colors for grades:
5 Red
4 Orange
3 Yellow
2 Green
1 Blue
K Gray/White
Field Day is Wednesday, May 22nd.
Students will spend the morning and afternoon playing a variety of games around the school. The majority of the day is spent outside so please have your student dressed in comfortable clothes that coordinate with their grade level colors. Gym shoes are required! Sunblock must be applied at home, or by the student. Hats and sunglasses are welcome. Please also send a water bottle. This is a closed school event. The only adults allowed on school property will be the volunteers that have signed up and been registered!
Thank you, Mrs. Gray
Transportation Open House “Meet the Bus”
Incoming kindergarten and PreK students are invited to “meet the bus” at the annual transportation open house. The event will be held Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 9am-1pm at the TJA bus garage, 1204 S. McHenry Avenue in Crystal Lake. Visit the D47 website for details. Flyer
Local Food Pantry
Stay nourished this summer! Access local food pantries, mobile markets, and online pantry shopping here: Click here for more information
School Supply Kits
School Supply Kits - new for next year, we will be offering school supply kits sent directly to your students classroom for meet the teacher. Here is the link:
Enter the school ID
(3 letters /3 numbers)
Sales tax will be applied at checkout
OrderSecurelyOnline Until Sunday, June 2nd
National Night Out T-Shirt Design Contest
The Crystal Lake Police Department needs your child's help with designing the 2024 National Night Out T-shirt! They are calling on Crystal Lake 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders to submit their National Night Out t-shirt design by June 28th to Officer Stolzman at The winning artwork will be featured on the official NNO t-shirt and handed out during the event. Learn more about National Night Out here:
We need your feedback! 2024 D47 Communications Survey
Please take a moment to share your thoughts on our District 47 communications. Your input helps us improve how we keep you informed. This survey is anonymous and does not collect email addresses.
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Cafeteria Menus
Peachjar E-Flyers
The Crystal Lake Friends of Gifted Education (CLFOGE) is a not-for-profit, volunteer-staffed group of parents and educators who are dedicated to supporting gifted education in District 47.
Click here to: Register for Challenger Space Missions!