Frayne Today
News & Updates K - 12 | Term 2 Week 9 | 10/6/2024
Principal's Welcome
This edition of Frayne today highlights many rich growth and learning experiences for our students. The activities celebrated highlight the rich opportunities students can engage in. It is always inspiring to see the way our students embrace opportunity.
Mr Richard Miles our Council Chair provided the following summary of last week's Advisory Council Meeting:
The College Advisory Council met on Tuesday 28 May 2024. The Council was briefed on core elements of the College’s improvement agenda and the discussion with members of the College’s leadership team was a rich one.
As the College community is aware, there has been progress on a number of fronts. That progress is something to be celebrated. It is clear that there will be noticeable and positive changes to the look and feel of the College over the coming months and moving into 2025.
Decisions are being made with particular regard to responsible and prudent fiscal stewardship. It is also important to note that the meeting was held during Reconciliation Week and the matter of improving cultural awareness and responsiveness was discussed. The Council also considered the matter of improving gender equity in several contexts, including with respect to subject selection in the upper years.
The College was proud to host the annual Catholic Schools Parents and Friends conference on the weekend. The conference highlighted the important role parents provide in supporting Catholic Education Western Australia at a time where funding, resources and society trends challenge Catholic Schools.
The Conference Day was rich in guest speakers and included the following:
Mr Wayne Bull, Executive Director of Catholic Education opened the conference. Mr Bull is a wonderful historian and provided a snapshot of the history of Catholic Education in WA through his personal lens as well as some insight to the challenges to be faced by Catholic Education in the future. Mr Bull also provided detail of the important role Catholic Education plays in supporting education in our state. He particularly referenced remote areas of our state where the only education provided was through Catholic Schooling.
Mr Bull was followed by a panel of politicians and included the Hon Dr Tony Buti (MLA), the Hon Libby Mettam (Leader of the WA Liberal Party and the Hon Donna Faragher (MLC).
The panel answered questions relating to:
- Future funding for Catholic Schools including the possibility of capital development funding
- The impact of social media
- Wellbeing of students and the difficulty of wait times for wellbeing services
- Funding for more inclusive school environments for students with special needs.
The keynote speaker for the day was well renowned psychologist Andrew Fuller. Andrew is always entertaining and continues to challenge how our education systems are curriculum driven rather than outcome driven.
He shared with parents the development needs for children from the time they begin school to graduation. A special part of his presentation was his explanation of the richness of diversity in children and how we can unleash the power of this diversity through education.
The day finished with a panel of educators, parents and three students from our college. It was a proud moment as Year 12 students Wesley, Caitlan and Elijah stole the afternoon session with their responses. Three very different students who responded in different ways to questions on the importance of healthy communication and connection between the school, parents and students.
I am delighted to announce that Mr Matthew Hall has been appointed to the position of Director of Learning Innovation and Information Services at the College from Kindergarten to Year 12.
As a member of the extended college leadership team, the role is ultimately responsible for keeping the College at the very forefront of latest technological innovation in education. This involves a deep understanding of the latest educational trends in learning spaces and appropriate technology-related products and devices.
This role will have oversight of how the college can make responsible use of the digital technologies to enhance the good learning that is happening in our classrooms. The role will include oversight of the current College Library services and transformation of our libraries to be hubs for student research and information services.
The Community will know Mr Hall through his collaborative and creative leadership of the Arts Learning Area as well as his engaging and committed teaching of Media at the College.
Matthew will bring great passion and leadership experience to this important aspect of learning. Matthew is currently completing his PHD on artificial intelligence and its possibilities and impact on learning environments. Mathew will transition to this role over Semester Two with the intention to be fully embedded in the role for the start of 2025.
HOSPITALITY - A special Mercy Value
Throughout the term, we've have had presentations from various groups on ways to improve the catering and canteen services at both campuses. Our goal is to offer the finest quality healthy food options for our students and to establish a communal space for gatherings at Duncan Street.
As a component of the reFRESH Frayne initiative, the cafe facility will undergo enhancements, and a strategy will be implemented to prepare and deliver premium food catering at both the Balmoral and Duncan Street campuses.
A crucial element of this initiative is the appointment of Chef Nic Campbell, who will assume the role of leading the catering services and facilities at the College. Chef Nic will collaborate with our existing staff to develop strategies and procedures to fulfil our objectives. Nic is initiating this process with the goal of fully implementing our new catering model by the beginning of 2025.
A special part of the process will be working with our students to name the cafe and canteen areas on both campuses to help inspire an identity with the service.
As we enter the latter part of Semester One we continue to progress our College Improvement agenda. Prior to the end of term two our goals are to have:
- Began our reFRESH Frayne project to enhance Duncan Street campus learning spaces.
- Finalised recommendations for a reviewed secondary timetable.
- Began feasibility studies for the renewed Capital Development Plan.
- Finalised recommendations for our K - 12 House structure.
- Finalised recommendations for our pastoral and organisational structures for year 7 to 12.
- New busses on site.
- Started to implement new procedures for college catering services.
- Consolidated leadership roles to support students with special needs and Digital Innovation at the College K - 12.
- Began the after and before care school program at Balmoral.
For your children | Mark Antulov | Principal
College Celebrations
The Junior School Faction Cross Country Carnival was held on Thursday 23 May at Fraser Park. It was a perfect day, and there was high energy amongst all the students. Congratulations to all participants for giving their best and for cheering loud and proud for their faction. The results are as follows:
Thank you to all the teachers, education assistants, parents and our groundsmen who assisted on the day. Without your help, the day would have been impossible.
Congratulations to the following students who are this year's Year level champions and runners up!
Year 3 Boy Champion – Oscar O’Neill / Year 3 Boy Runner Up - Ashton Sciortino
Year 3 Girl Champion – Eliza Reilly / Year 3 Girl Runner Up- Madeleine Falconer
Year 4 Boy Champion – Bodhi Szigligeti / Year 4 Boy Runner Up- Aston Fisher
Year 4 Girl Champion – Emily Egan / Year 4 Girl Runner Up – Isla Knight
Year 5 Boy Champion– Fionn McCrann / Year 5 Boy Runner Up– Daniel Kristianto
Year 5 Girl Champion – Isabella O’Hare / Year 5 Girl Runner Up– Ava O’Hare
Year 6 Boy Champion– Jonathan Desta / Year 6 Boy Runner Up– Edrick Tan
Year 6 Girl Champion – Rachael Deering / Year 6 Girl Runner Up– Alexia Leslie
Over two days, our Year 9 students participated in the Year 9 Retreat and the Innovation Incursion day. The Youth Ministry Team facilitated the retreat, and the theme was centred around ‘Self Image’. The students thoroughly enjoyed the day.
On the Innovation Incursion Day, Year 9 students participated in an innovation design challenge on the topic of mental health to develop their innovation, creativity and collaboration skills. The incursion was facilitated by Bloom, Centre for Youth Innovation, and involved community partners from Town of Victoria Park, Youth Focus and Headspace. Well done to all of the students for working together to create solutions for a real-world challenge.
Well done to all the students who participated in the ACC Cross Country Carnival on Thursday 30 May at Alderbury Reserve at Perry Lakes. There were over 2500 runners from nearly 70 schools!
Our students showed incredible determination, skill, and sportsmanship. Each one should be immensely proud of their achievements and hard work.
Congratulations to the following students who placed in the Top 50 of their category:
- Daniel Kinsman- 21st U/13 Male
- Chase Brunt- 46th U/14 Male
- Anna Martin- 32nd U/16 Female
- Nobel Desta- 37th U/16 Male
- Elena Morabito- 40th U/16 Female
- James Martin- 42nd U/19 Male
On Saturday 18 May, a group of Year 6 students made their Sacrament of Confirmation. It was a lovely celebration with family and friends. Firstly, we would like to acknowledge Father Nick who confirmed the students on the day. We would also like to thank all the teachers who came to our Confirmation to support. Congratulations to all those who were confirmed on the night and may you all continue your faith journey.
On Tuesday 28 May all Year 10 students participated in a career development day. Career development activities are designed for students to reflect on their unique strengths and interests and how they may relate to the future education, training and occupational opportunities available to them.
Some students attended the University of Western Australia participating in a lecture, laboratory experience and campus orientation activities. Other students attended Yalagan Training completing their White Card health and safety training and a rail simulator career taster program. Some students also visited South Metro TAFE facilities to see their specialised programs for students with a disability.
Ross Proctor, Connie Higgs and Katie Dewar represented the College at the Archbishops Lifelink Launch at Anamore Catholic College on Thursday 16 May. Lifelink helps to support agencies such as Shopfront, Daydawn Advocacy Centre and the Emmanuel Centre. The students had the opportunity to meet with students from other Catholic schools, listen to presentations from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, Vicar General Fr Vincent Glynn and Deacon Mark Powell and participate in interactive activities to help build a culture of understanding and support for the needy and marginalised in our community. Ursula Frayne has been a long-term supporter of Lifelink and was awarded a plaque in recognition of this that the students presented to College Vice Principal Jessica Bouwman.
On Wednesday 22 May, Frayne participated in National Simultaneous Storytime, an annual event organised by the Australian Library and Information Association, where schools and libraries across Australia will read the same book at the same time (or close enough). This year's book is the lovely "Bowerbird Blues" by Aura Parker.
Year 2 Red read the story with our special guest reader, College Principal Mr Antulov in the library.
Constable Care theatre-in education themes have been derived from an expressed community need, and developed in consultation with experts in education, child safety, and harm prevention.
'Screen Name' taught our Junior School students about the more serious dangers of the cyber world and how to make safe decisions online.
Through the interactive playbacks and discussions within the Incursion, students learnt how to make safer decisions online and practice supportive and help seeking behaviours.
This term the Year 1 students are learning about the Earth, weather and seasons in Science. To help the students gain a deeper understanding of these topics the students visited Scitech!
The excursion included:
- Planetarium Show: Tilt
- Puppet Theatre Show: A Fishy Problem
- Discoverland: Simple Machines
- General Exhibition Free Time
The day was full of fun and learning. The Year 1s had an incredible day!
Our Year 9 students have embarked on a culinary journey, creating delicious dishes from across the globe as part of the ‘Frayne Eats’ initiative. This exciting project involved the students preparing and delivering their culinary creations to various staff members around the campus.
Before the final delivery in Week 7, the students conducted a trial run to ensure that their dishes met the highest quality standards. This extra step paid off, as the feedback from staff was overwhelmingly positive.
The dedication and hard work displayed by our Year 9 students throughout this project have been truly commendable. Their enthusiasm and effort have resulted in a fantastic outcome, showcasing their growing culinary skills and teamwork.
Well done to all involved in making Frayne Eats a resounding success!
The Year 8/9 Boys Eagles Cup team had a challenging yet rewarding season this year. Despite facing some tough competition, the boys showed incredible spirit and determination in every game.
The season began with a series of hard-fought matches against some tough competition. The boys played competitively against Darling Range Sports College, Swan Christian College, and Eastern Hills SHS. Although these matches ended in losses, the team displayed great resilience and improvement with each game, never giving up and always striving to put their best foot forward. The highlight of the season was undoubtedly the final game against St Norbert’s College. In a thrilling display of teamwork and skill, the boys dominated the match, securing a resounding victory by 10 goals. This fantastic finish showcased their growth and leaving everyone with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Lastly a massive thank you to Mr Maher, Mr Tassone and Miss Crellin for their support and coaching throughout the season.
News & Updates
Transperth Service Changes
Commencing Tuesday 4 June, the changes include:
- Route 38- Will now depart five minutes earlier at 3.33pm from Stop 14448 (Harper St Ursula Frayne Catholic College).
- Route 930- Will operate a new school days only trip, departing at 3.35pm from Stop 14448 (Harper St Ursula Frayne Catholic College).
Transperth hopes this will alleviate some of the congestion at the boarding area on Shepperton Rd. They will continue to monitor the boarding area following the changes as further interventions may still be required.
The information of the service changes will be available on the Transperth website.
Routes 38 and 930 Service Change (transperth.wa.gov.au)
The Home Economics Department at the Duncan Street Campus will be making to move to BYO containers in Semester 2.
Students will be provided with one container at the beginning of the Semester.
Alternatively, students are encouraged to purchase a suitable reusable container to bring to class.
As you may be aware, the WA Government recently announced the WA Student Assistance Payment to offer a cost-of-living payment for every student in Western Australia to assist families with the financial costs of their children's schooling.
All Kindy-Year 12 students enrolled and with a valid WA Student Number (WASN) are eligible to claim this payment from Monday 15 April 2024. Please read the attached Letter from the Premier and Minister for Education for more information, which also includes details on how to find your child's WASN.
Nominations for the 2024 National Excellence in Teaching Awards (NEiTA) are now open!
Anyone in the College community is invited to nominate a teacher or school leader for a NEiTA Award.
For more information, or to submit a nomination, visit https://www.neita.com/
Arts Spotlight
The "Into the Spotlight" performance event is an opportunity for select Duncan Street Campus students to perform their Catholic Performing Arts items before an audience of family, friends and teachers. Don't miss the opportunity to witness the talent showcased within the Frayne Arts! Tuesday 25 June 6pm - 7pm!
Student Spotlight
Teagan Scott | Year 7
Congratulations to Teagan on placing 3rd out of Australians and 8th out of all countries in the Australian Junior Squash Open and Oceania Championships in Melbourne. This is a wonderful achievement Teagan!
Trinity Doulis | Year 9
Congratulations to Trinity on her recent selection to represent Western Australia at the Junior International Tour in Malaysia in July. She will be competing in the 1500m Race Walk and the 1500m and 800m run.
Zeeahra Anderson | Year 9
Congratulations to Zeeahra on her recent selection to represent Western Australia in the 2024 AFL 15 Girls Championship. Zeeahra will be competing at the School Sport Australia National Championships in Queensland from 27 July to 3 August.
Student Awards
Merit- Eva Hapgood | Alexander Wieman | Aston Maxfield | Ellie Lim
Environment- Lola Piggott
Merit- Ayaan Sharma | Brynlee Workman | Remi Pilgrim-Younger | Dallas Nash
Environment- Mia Ward
Merit- Luca Farhand | Georgia Hubbard | Tristan Crew | Charis Tay
Environment- Aubrey Morris
Merit- Harrison Buckley | Johana Shore | Lola Hamer | Kira Reynolds
Uniform- Imogen Reid / Environment- Phoebe Bruce
Merit- Oliver McKaigue | Rachelle Lau | Lavanya Suhandi | Katrina Ooi
Uniform- Lewis Manning / Environment- Olivia Vlogger
Merit- Sterling Fisher | Harper Pilgrim-Younger | James Openshaw
Uniform- Leah Jang / Environment- Charlotte Amson
Merit- Lauren Johnson | Saskia Morgan | Arlo Campos
Uniform- Everly Dale / Environment- Eliza Dewar
Merit- Evan Susanto | Mitchell Szigligeti | Olivia Bilan | Logan Wieman
Uniform- Sasson Perera / Environment- Charlie Ffoulkes
Merit- Carinia Brown | Pace Beston | Jaxon Henderson
Merit- Emily Broughton | Rhys Cikarela | Shinuki Pallewasala | Lucas Wilson
Japanese- Lucas Wilson
Italian- Rohan Iyer
Merit- Harrison Barker | Dante D’Auria-Povia | Isabella Sacco
Merit- Audrey Howard | Grace Kargbo | Vivienne Leslie
Japanese- Tai Ora Holley
Italian- Hugo Hill
Merit- Mathilda Abernethy | Jirayu Chamunee | Naoise Ryan | Henry White
Italian- Giulio Vaccarezza
Merit- Ashleigh Girgenti | Fionn McCrann | Stella Pieri | Noah Saverimutto
Japanese- Natalie Portilla
Merit- Ava Cardey | Levi Hadarin | Angela Jaison | Emmett Sammels
Italian- Caitlin Mott
Merit- Jonathan Desta | Matilda Hoang | Dominic Newman | Pippa Simpson
Japanese- Emmeline Chui
Michael consistently demonstrates kindness, respect and a positive attitude both in the classroom and playground. He always has a smile on his face and eagerly helps his friends, whether it be in sharing toys or comforting them when they are sad. Michael makes evident his keenness to learn and approaches all set activities with enthusiasm. He listens attentively, follows given instructions and willingly contributes his ideas to group discussions. Thank you for being such as shining star in our classroom, Michael! You are a deserving recipient of Aussie of the Month.
Miranda is a kind-hearted student with a gentle and patient nature. Her confidence has grown throughout this semester and she is now more self-assured in sharing her thoughts and opinions during class discussions. Miranda thinks carefully about what she says and her words always reflect a sense of fairness and respect for others. She demonstrates compassion and empathy that goes beyond her years through her actions. Miranda takes the time to consider the needs of her peers, never hesitating to lend a helping hand, especially to those who require the most support. She is attentive and thoughtful when interacting with her friends. Miranda is a valued member of the Year 1 Red class and a deserving recipient of the Aussie of the Month Award.
Alessia Screech | 3W
Alessia radiates kindness by consistently showing her thoughtful nature. She approaches others with warmth and esteem and is always ready to lend a hand. Alessia embodies our core values of Respect and Excellence through her consistent demonstration of integrity and dedication in all her endeavours. She is fuelled by a passion for knowledge, and adeptly applies a structured method to every classroom task. Alessia is receptive to feedback and actively integrates any suggested enhancements to her work. Her compassionate and soothing presence brings about a sense of tranquillity and happiness for all. Alessia’s teacher describes her as a role model among her peers. She fosters encouragement and contributes to cultivating a cheerful and cooperative classroom atmosphere through her actions. Alessia is a supportive friend and extends her care to all members of the Year 3 community. This young lady illuminates each day for everyone around her and her strengths contribute to the flourishing of all. She is truly a worthy recipient of this award. Well done Alessia!
Friends of Frayne
Cross Country Coffee Fix
Friends of Frayne were happy to coordinate the crowd favourite Ruby on Wheels coffee van for the necessary Cross Country caffeine. Thank you to the Frayne community for supporting our vendors.
Year 3 Mums' Afternoon Out
Thank you to Class Coordinators Mataji Ng Cheong Tin and Jess Pochintesta for organising a wonderful afternoon out for the Year 3 mums. The ladies went above and beyond to create a lovely experience and a great time was had by all.
Year 1 Coffee Catch Up
Thank you to our Year 1 Class Coordinators Stacey Bruce and Natalie McKaigue for organising a coffee catch up for parents and caregivers at Laika. Isn't it wonderful to see so many future Frayne kids tagging along?!
Year 2 Family Picnic
Some of our Year 2 families gathered together for a lovely picnic at Tomato Lake. Thank you to the Year 2 Class Coordinators Manika, Danica, Amanda and Louise for organising. It was lovely weather and great fun for all who attended.
ACC Cross Country Support
Thank you to our Duncan Campus Auxiliary Coordinator Schuzelda Vaz for organising these much-needed refreshments for the ACC Cross Country competitors at the carnival.
Duncan Street Campus Interhouse Athletics Carnival
A huge thank you to those who have already put their hand up to help out at the Duncan Street Campus Interhouse Athletics Carnival this month. We are still looking for 4 more people to help out on the day. If you are available to help with the Friends of Frayne Sausage Sizzle hand, please get in contact with us ASAP!
Email Friendsoffrayne@ufcc.wa.edu.au or message us via the FOF Facebook page www.facebook.com/friendsoffrayne/
ATTENTION all Athletics Interhouse Athletics Carnival Students and Staff!
Sausage Sizzle orders now open! The Duncan Street Campus Interhouse Athletics Carnival is on Friday 21 June! Don't forget to purchase your sausage sizzle ahead of the time. Order now through the links provided so you don’t miss out!
* Please note the links are different for students/parents and staff *
Trybooking Link for Students and Parents:
Trybooking Link for College Staff:
Friends of Frayne Meeting- 12 June
LOCATION CHANGE- The FOF Meeting this Wednesday 12 June will now be taking place at the Balmoral Street Campus.
Visit our College website for the upcoming meeting agenda:
Act. Belong. Commit.
This section contains items of interest for you or your family where you can Act, Belong or Commit.
Please see below upcoming events and programs for families and children:
AFL Auskick and Superkick Holiday Programs
- Dates: Monday 1 July & Tuesday 2 July
- Ages: Auskick Program (5-7yrs) / Superkick Program (8-12yrs)
- Pricing: $50 per participant (participants will also receive a football)
- Location: Ernest Johnson Reserve, South Perth.
- Time: 9am-12pm both days
Register below:
Auskick Program - https://www.playhq.com/afl/register/6677bf
Superkick Program - https://www.playhq.com/afl/register/6b3944
Victoria Park Library Upcoming Events
See attached Posters for the Library's Upcoming programs that may be of interest, including Storytime with Dad, July School Holiday program and a Career Confidence workshop.
Bringing Up Great Kids Parenting Workshops
Wanslea's Children and Parenting Support program is running a 6-week workshop for parents raising children aged 0-12 years. These will be run on Wednesdays 9.30am-12.30pm for 6 weeks from 31st July with the final session being held on 4th September.
Bringing Up Great Kids is an evidence based reflective parenting program developed by the Australian Childhood Foundation. Bringing Up Great Kids is run in a group environment to support you to:
- Understand your child's behaviour and how to best support them
- Identify and communicate important messages to your child effectively
ECU School of Engineering STEM Holiday Program July 2024
For Years 9, 10, 11 & 12
ECU are inviting students interested in Engineering, Physics, or Mathematics to come and explore engineering and applied science concepts through a series of hands-on and engaging workshops during the school holidays.
Register here: https://www.trybooking.com/CRNFB
Thirdspace- headspace Cannington
A group program for neurodivergent young people 16-25 to hang out, make new friends, study, and get creative. They will run a 20-minute presentation on a different, relevant topic each week, leaving plenty of time for fun!
The program is running every Thursday night from 5-6:30pm from 13 June to 1 August 2024 at headspace Cannington (Shops 1 and 2, 1468 Albany Highway, Cannington).
Art Classes with Michelle Culnane
Acrylic painting, drawing and watercolour
$140 for 8 weeks in Term 3 at the Victoria Park Centre for the Arts
Book now- 0404 926 381
Career Conversations Events
The Department of Education will once again deliver the Career Conversations events for families and schools throughout the state in 2024.
Join the conversation about post-school options at our free family events in your local area to hear about:
- where to find accurate, up-to-date career pathway information
- exploring university and training pathways
- career pathway information for young people with disabilities
- where the jobs are
- what employers and industry are looking for.
The invitation is open to all secondary and primary school families.
Booking link - https://www.education.wa.edu.au/en/careerconversationevents
See the flyer below for more information.
Let’s Talk Toddlers Workshop
For Parents and carers of children (18 months - 5 years)
Free 1-session program
Tuesday 11 June 6.30pm-8.30pm
BRICKS 4 KIDZ Winter School Holiday Workshops
Workshops with LEGO® and Coding with Robotics.
Designed for kids aged 5-12.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY | We acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation, the traditional owners who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of reconciliation.