Early Learning Center Family News
February 2024
Upcoming Event
Friday, February 9
- No School for Preschool - Family Friday Event
- No School - Presidents' Day
- Family Education Night @ the ELC 5:30-6:30 PM
- Spring Picture Day
Thursday, March 7
- Board of Education Meeting at 7:00pm
- No School for Preschool - Family Friday Event
Dear Preschool Families,
Join us on Friday, February 9, 2024 for a music themed event. Jim Gill will be joining us from 9:00-9:45 AM and 10:15-11:00 AM. We will have limited space available and ask that only one parent attend with your preschool child. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate siblings.
Find additional information about Jim Gill in the following links:
- Informational Flyer
- Finger Play that will be performed at the event
- Spotify playlist with Jim Gill songs
- Order form for music and books
Please RSVP here by Wednesday, February 7th at 3:00 PM.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support!
Barb Golik
Valentine's Day Information
With Valentine's Day coming up in February, we wanted to inform parents/guardians that students will have the opportunities to participate in a small classroom celebration on Tuesday, February 14th. Students may bring Valentine's cards or other non-food items to distribute to their classmates if they so choose. Please do not send any candy or food items as they will not be distributed to students.
Your child's classroom teacher will be sharing more information in the upcoming weeks.
Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey
Starting January 30, 2024, students, parents, and teachers across Illinois have had an opportunity to participate in the annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school. As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey.
If at least 20 percent of ELC parents complete this survey, a parent supplement will also be generated.
On behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education, the Illinois 5Essentials Survey will be administered online by UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago. The survey gathers data related to five indicators that can predict important student outcomes, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. These five indicators that affect and predict school success are:
- Supportive Environments
- Ambitious Instruction
- Effective Leaders
- Collaborative Teachers
- Involved Families
D63 has chosen to provide the optional 5Essentials parent survey. The parent data will not be reported on the State Report Card. Your participation in the parent portion of the survey helps us understand the conditions at the ELC to guide improvement. Your identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected to you or your child.
You can take the Illinois 5Essentials Survey from January 30 to March 29, 2024. To take the survey visit http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/ and select the appropriate survey to begin. When searchng for the school we are: Early Learning Center-Des Plaines (10000 Dee Rd, Des Plaines, IL 60016). If you have any questions, please contact 5Essentials Client Services at 1-866-440-1874 or 5essentials@uchicago.edu.
Thank you in advance for you completion of the survey!
Parent Education Night- Teach Me What to Do: Strategies for Better Behavior
Many families find themselves struggling with the challenging behavior of their young child at some point in time. This presentation helps families understand the possible whys behind behavior and provide effective strategies based on the Pyramid Model to teach skills for social emotional competency. Families will receive helpful handouts to reference as well as useful resources on positive behavior.
Join us on Thursday, February 29, 2024, from 5:30-6:30 pm and for tips on positive motivation, tools to build your child’s ‘emotional literacy’, and practical tips to develop better behavior. RSVP HERE.
Childcare (for children 2 years old and older) will be provided for the event. Coffee will be available for families.
Notes from the Nurse
February is American Heart Month. Here are a few tips on how to keep your child’s heart healthy!
Exercise: The American Heart Association recommends that your child gets at least 60 minutes of exercise every day.
Healthy Food Choices: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends limiting foods and beverages with added sugars. Offer a variety of healthy food options to provide your child with important nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Limit screen time: The AAP recommends children ages 2 to 5 be limited to one hour of screen time daily which will provide more opportunity for your child to work on their social skills and be physically active.
Adequate sleep: Preschool children should get 10 to 13 hours of sleep within a 24-hour period. Getting adequate sleep allows your child the rest needed to grow, learn and play.
To learn more about making heart healthy choices visit the American Heart Association at www.heart.org.
Weather Reminders
As the temperatures become colder each day, we want to remind families to please send students to school dressed appropriately for the weather.
- Our students go outside between 25° F and 90°F and spend 20-25 minutes outdoors on most days.
- If your child is in need of winter clothing (coats, mittens, hats, boots, etc) please contact the Early Learning Center office at 847-827-4165 or firststeps@emsd63.org.
Winter Closings: What You Need to Know
Our snowy Halloween means that winter is definitely in the forecast! Take a minute to review D63's Winter Weather Closing Information. A few key points:
If buildings close, students shift to remote learning.
Decisions to close schools are made jointly with other local school districts.
If buildings are going to close, expect an email, text, and phone call. Information will also be posted on our website and social media.
If your child has to miss school due to illness or any other reason, please submit via the Parent Portal.
How to use the Parent Portal to report your child’s absence:
- All absences must be submitted on the morning of the day your child will miss school - NOT the night before. Once you log into the Portal, you’ll choose your child’s name and navigate to a list of online forms. Select and complete the “Absence Form,” and then submit.
- You can find detailed, step-by-step instructions at any time on our District 63 website.
- Questions? Contact the Early Learning Center main office at 847-827-4165
Expanded Learning and Family Resources
Creating an Inclusive Environment: A Free Family Workshop (Open to those aged 11 and older)
District 63 is committed to creating an environment in which every student feels a sense of belonging and inclusion. Join us at this special workshop to learn more about one of our most effective tools for achieving this goal: addressing microaggressions.
Thursday, February 15
6:30-8 p.m.
Gemini Middle School
8955 Greenwood Road, Niles
Mustang Gym - Enter at Door 12
Often, expressions of racism, homophobia, sexism, religious intolerance, and more can be very obvious. But sometimes these negative messages can be delivered in smaller, subtler ways. We call these small - but powerful - messages “microaggressions.” This workshop, led by anti-racism expert Corrie Wallace, will focus on understanding and identifying microaggressions - and how our schools are weaving this learning into classrooms and staff training.
Light refreshments served; child care provided.
Click on any of the visuals below for more information.
Email: firststeps@emsd63.org
Location: 10000 Dee Road, Des Plaines, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 827-4165