ABIS Happenings
November 10, 2024
In Case You Missed It...
Recap: Student vs Faculty Soccer Game!
Character Counts!
Celebrating Our Community
Upcoming Events
Dates of Note:
11 November - No School
19-21 November - Early Dismissal / Parent-Teacher Conferences
27 November - Early Dismissal
28-29 November - No School
A Message From The Health Office
6th Grade: Immunizations
6th Grade: Documentation for required immunizations (Tdap and Meningococcal) were due by September 30th. Letters went out in October and a phone reminder will be sent to the parent/guardian of students who have not yet submitted their documentation. If your 6th grade student still needs their immunizations, please use this extended break to contact their healthcare provider and make the necessary arrangements.
Please have your child bring in any immunization documentation to Mrs. Mattei, or you can email the document as well: lmattei@manvillesd.org
VFC Program
The Somerset County Department of Health is providing vaccines at no cost to eligible children through the New Jersey Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. Somerset County children 18 years and younger who meet at least one of the following requirements are eligible: uninsured, American Indian or Alaska Native, Enrolled in NJ Family Care Plan A. Click here for more information.
Sports at ABIS
Upcoming Winter Sports
Coach Van Buren
3:00–4:15 P.M.
Coach Petrone
3:00–4:15 P.M.
Coach Massa
ABIS Gym (Stage)
3:00–4:30 P.M.
Coach Putvinski
Zufall Health Center Information
If your child is planning to participate in ABIS sponsored sports, please take some time to review this information
The ONLY sports paperwork accepted for school-sponsored sports is the current NJSIAA physical. Para español haga clic aquí. They are available on the district website, and for your convenience, the link is also provided in this email. These forms were updated in July 2024, so please be sure you are using the updated paperwork.
Physicals are to be performed by the student's medical provider. There will be no school-based physicals. Please contact your child's healthcare provider for information with regard to the physical.
Completed physicals need to be submitted to the school nurse. They are then sent to the district physician for final approval. No athlete can participate unless the physical is approved, so please arrange to have physical paperwork submitted by the due date.
Before taking the physical documents from the medical provider, check and make sure the provider has signed and dated the form in all required areas, including the eligibility and Cardiac Module areas. The school district physician cannot approve any physical missing these signatures.
For students who use an inhaler or epinephrine auto-injector: medical authorization is required each new school year and must be on file in the school health office.
Sports physicals are valid for 365 days from the date of the physical. If your child plans to participate in school based sports, it is suggested to bring sports physical paperwork with you when your child goes for their annual checkup.
The due date for all sports physical paperwork for Winter Sports is November 13, 2024. This is the last date physicals will be accepted.
District Shares
Community Mailbox
Check it out!
Here is the ABIS November Issue from the Manville Public Library. It includes a variety of upcoming events and some other interesting shares.
Cabin Fever Kids
Somerset County Park Commission is offering Cabin Fever Kids, a two day program on November 7 & 8, 9am-4pm for children ages 8-12. The days will be filled with fun activities indoors and outdoors, including a special live animal presentation by Eyes of the Wild! Pre-registration is required, please call 908-722-1200 ext. 5337 or visit https://tinyurl.com/CabinFeverKids to register!
Attention 5th-6th Graders!
The MYAL Travel Wrestling program is for children in 2nd * thru 6th grade and is part of the “Raritan Valley Wrestling League” whose goal is to develop wrestlers on all levels. Participants practice on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, in the ABIS School. The MYAL Wrestling team will be competing in tournaments throughout the season which runs from mid-November thru the end of January. (Travel is required for away matches (Local Somerset County Towns, + North Hunterdon, Berkeley Heights).
Environmental Education Center
Food Assistance
The Manville Food Pantry will be open the second Saturday of each month at the Faith in Action Church at 228 S. Main Street. Please make sure to bring your ID and a bag.
Feeding Hands is also offering assistance the fourth Saturday of each month at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 34 South Third Avenue. See the flyer for dates and more details.
Teen Speak Parent Workshops-Empower Somerset
Empower Somerset is holding two, in-person Teen Speak workshops for Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers this month. Teen Speak is an evidence-based, skill-building workshop that helps parents improve communication with their teens and aims to reduce common teen risk behaviors such as mental health concerns, sex, and substance use. Click here and here to view flyers.
For all current Community Mailbox information, please visit the ABIS Digital Backpack.