Panther Pulse
Tonya Constantine, Pine Island Schools Superintendent
Off to a Successful Start!
October 19, 2024
Greetings, Panther Families!
Here we are, already wrapping up our first break in the school year. I hope each of you took advantage of this long weekend to connect as a family and enjoy our beautiful fall weather.
In two weeks, we will be wrapping up first quarter. I encourage you to take this time to check in with your kids and their progress. Our teachers are always open and available to provide you with feedback and opportunities to connect (preK-8 conferences coming up soon!).
As always, thank you for choosing Pine Island Schools.
Tonya Constantine
What's the District Buzz?
Preparation for the District Strategic Plan
Our district strategic plan is due for a refresher, and we will want your input! In early 2025, we will be hosting gatherings for you to provide input on our goals, vision and mission for Pine Island Schools. In order to provide you with the most up-to-date information about our district, we are being intentional about taking assessing each department to note what's going well and where we find opportunities for growth and improvement. Our district departments: Community Education, Transportation, Special Education, Teaching & Learning, Food Service, Buildings & Grounds, Activities, Technology, & Finance. This fall we are being focusing on the following departments:
1. Pine Island Community Education
Early Learning Center
The ELC is home to Community Education, childcare, and preschool programs. This department has been through many changes in the last handful of years with the growth of our district while building the new Early Learning Center. We are currently taking a close look at our Early Childhood & Family Education (ECFE), School Readiness (preschool) and Community Education opportunities, while discussing areas of improvement. We are looking closely at our childcare, wanting to increase our capacity for all families. Our Community Education Advisory Committee met a few weeks ago and will be meeting at least quarterly this year to discuss our programming and department as a whole. Also, with the departure of our past Director of Community Education, we will be hiring a new director in early 2025.
Our next Advisory Committee will be meeting on Monday, November 18 at 11:00 am at the ELC (future meeting times will rotate between evening and lunch). Please reach out to me (Superintendent Constantine) if you would like to learn how you can be involved with these discussions. We welcome new people and voices!
2. Transportation Department
Do Your Kids Take the Bus to School?
With our increased enrollment (a great problem to have!), we need to take a closer look at our bus routes--the distance, location, and safety of our students. Currently, our buses are at or over capacity, prompting the district to hire a transportation consultant to support us with our improvement plan. As of today, we have a waiting list for nonresident families who want busing and understand the challenge that this creates for some families. We have purchased four buses in the past three years and are currently looking at our in-town routes in hopes to create shorter, more effective busing for families who live closest to the schools. More to come as we continue to collaborate with our consulting team. (Ask your kids if they can find their bus driver in the picture! We have the best team! [tap on RH corner of pic to enlarge]).
3. Teaching and Learning
Connections, Culture, and Conversations
Did you know that Pine Island School District is a Strengths-based district? This means that the majority of staff members have taken their CliftonStrengths assessment and know their Top 5 Strengths and talents. Our teachers are strengths-based in their collaboration with one another in their professional learning communities and were recently introduced to "Strengths Spotting", which is finding the good in people (pic from last Thursday). Our teachers naturally connect with each student on an individual basis, learning about their talents. Once we know what strengths and talents our learners have, we can individually support them in their growth and engagement, rather than focus on deficits. In addition to strengths, teachers have been focusing on their training from Catalyst (classroom strategies for student engagement), strengthening student connections, as well as a focus on increased literacy for all learners (through the state READ Act). Our teachers are supported by the District Teaching and Learning Team, led by our Instructional Coaches, Mr. Scott Morgan and Mr. Josh Pederson.
2024-2025 District Calendar
Pine Island School Board
Pine Island School Board
In case you missed it, September was School Board Appreciation Month! We are thankful to have a highly collaborative board serving Pine Island Schools. In order for folks to get to know our seven members, I wrote an article for the News Record newspaper. If you didn't see it, check it out. I am very thankful for these people who are so dedicated to our district and community: Rob Warneke, Board Chair; Adam Miller, Vice Chair; Ted Morrison, Treasurer; Kristi Harney, Clerk; Dr. Patrick Johnston, Director; Emily Miller, Director; Ron Peterson-Rucker, Director. I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce this year's High School Board representative, senior Miss Toluca Tellaeche Ramirez (pictured). Welcome, Toluca!
- Director Adam Miller's term is up, and he has chosen not to run again. We are thankful for Mr. Miller's service to Pine Island Schools and will miss him.
- Director Kristi Harney and Director Ron Peterson-Rucker are on the November ballot, along with Dr. Bryan Matera, who is running for Mr. Miller's open seat.
Please VOTE on November 5!
💡 Reminders
November 1: End of Quarter 1
November 4: NO SCHOOL (Teacher Work Day)
November 5: ELECTION DAY ~ VOTE!
November 11: VETERANS DAY 💙
- Elementary Program at 10:00 am, Honored Veteran: Mr. Jesse Hoeppner
- District Program at 1:30 pm (5-12 gym) Honored Veteran: Ms. Beth Giese
November 12 & 14: preK-8 Family/Teacher Conferences
November 18: School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
November 27-29: NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break
Stay in Touch!
Email: tonya.constantine@pineisland.k12.mn.us
Website: www.pineisland.k12.mn.us
Instagram: panthersupt255
Facebook: Pine Island Public Schools
The Pine Island Schools VISION: Leading the way in education innovation for a world class experience.