September Newsletter
Happy Back to School
We hope that the start of the new school year has been uneventful and everyone is getting settled in with the new routine. The children seemed excited and ready to see their teachers and old friends. Hopefully this 94 degree weather will ease up soon!
We have many new families joining Kids Center this school year, please note that Admin and our staff can be reached through the Bright Wheels between 6: 30 am to 6:00 pm. If families text us after Kids Center has closed for the night we will return answers the next morning. We want to be sure that our staff have their time off. If there is ever an emergency and need to speak to someone, please message me on Bright Wheels. I will receive a notification.
A reminder to all families about Tuition Payments, invoices kick off on a Sunday. We require that tuition to be paid on a Monday by using online method or with the Bright Wheel app or submit a personal check. Checks can be given to the site directors at each of the elementary schools. Checks for Community Center students can be placed in the Payment Box outside of the Kids Center office or in the Payment Box downstairs near the Kindergarten classroom door. We do extend a "grace period" by 6 pm on a Tuesday; as we know some families have different schedules. Thank you in advance for timely payments.
Kelly and I were thankful for the feedback from our "Summer Camp Parent Survey". There were many wonderful comments and great feedback for some different trips and other items.
September has one Non-School Day on Friday, September 27th. We will be hosting another "Grandparent's Day Celebration" at noon. There is a sign up link below in the S'more. Please sign up so we know how much food to prepare. Last year, many grandparents took their grandchildren home with them. This is fine to do so, we simply ask that Kelly or I know who is leaving with grandparents for safety reasons. Check with a teacher before leaving the gym.
Looking ahead to October, we will be OPEN on Columbus Day, October 14th. A link will be posted closer to time. There is also an Early Dismissal Day on Thursday, October 24th, a link will be posted closer to time. Please note that a fee of $10.00 is charged for Early dismissals and a fee of $20.00 for Non-school days.
Friday, October 25th, GEARS will be closed for a Professional Development Day for our staff. This day is also a Non-School Day, we are not able to provide care this day for our families.
For any questions that arise, please reach out to Kelly or myself.
Thank you, Wendy Musser, GEARS Kids Center Director