The Edmond Creative
Edmond Public Schools Fine Arts Collective

Director's Thoughts... 💭
🔅Greetings and Salutations,
We have made it to the last Edmond Creative Newsletter for the 23-24 school year. It has been exciting to be able to provide a snapshot for our community of the the spectacular work that each of you do each and every day. I am astounded at the amount of talent and skill that we have in our district and I am happy to help share that with the community abroad. Thank you to each of you that have contributed to this newsletter and have found it helpful as a resource throughout the year. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our outreach, please feel free to contact me as I am always looking for fresh, new ways to improve our communication and visibility for our fine arts programs.
May brings a finale to the culmination of work for many with spring concerts, final projects, commencement exercises, etc. I am looking forward to taking part in many of these events, and celebrating the amazing year that you have had with your students and programs. As we wind down the school year, I hope each of you feel fulfilled with the difference that you have made in the lives of your students. As they depart for the summer, please remember the impact that you have made and the relationship that you have established. I know it can seem a bit sad, but that feeling of emotion also reminds us that it must have been really amazing while it lasted.
"Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful. - Beau Taplin
I hope everyone has a wonderful summer break and get some "beach time" to relax and enjoy some "sun therapy".
As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns that you may have.
The arts ARE alive, and well, in Edmond Public Schools!!!
MS Orchestra Directors view the Solar Eclipse!
Elementary Visual Art Teachers at the EPS Art Show!
Heartland Thunderettes at the Edmond Santa Fe Showchoir Festival!!!
EMHS Orchestra Participate in State Solo and Ensemble Contest at OSU in Stillwater
Act II Performs for Patrons at the EDIEE Awards!
Cross Timbers 1st graders learn about Aboriginal Style Art!
Cross Timbers 2nd Graders learn about Symmetrical Balance using transfer printing and oil pastels.
Heritage Student shows off their masterpiece at the District Art Show hosted at "The Railyard"!
Cross Timbers Student shows off their masterpiece at the District Art Show hosted at "The Railyard"!
Memorial Percussion Chamber Concert!
Memorial Orchestra Visit the Zoo on April Day!
8th Grade Orchestra Students perform for Chisholm's Family Night!
Orchestra Director and Fine Arts Chair for Edmond Memorial High School has been nominated along with 7 other music teachers in the metro for their chance of $10,000 for all they do for music education. Votes will be collected for the next 45 days and the winner will be recognized with Mr. Manilow performs in OKC this upcoming summer. Spread the word and go VOTE!!!
How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, Practice, Practice!!! 🎤
Edmond North High School Mixed Choir was invited to perform in Carnegie Hall in New York City. Their Carnegie Hall performance was conducted by Dr. Irene Messoloras and featured music composed by the internationally acclaimed composer, Ola Gjeilo, who accompanied the chorus on piano. The students rehearsed music with some of the finest choirs in the United States that also received the invitation. The experience allowed our students to interact with singers from
different educational, cultural, and musical backgrounds. Congrats to the Edmond North Choral program, their director Mr. Stock, and the families and community that invests in these young musicians.
Sweepstakes All Around for EPS HS Bands!!! 🎷
Congratulations to our Santa Fe, Memorial, and North Bands for receiving Sweepstakes for their Superior performance on Stage and in Sight Reading at OSSAA Contest hosted at PC North. Sweepstakes denotes a level of distinction by receiving a Superior rating in Marching Band, Concert Band, and Sightreading. We are so proud of the effort of our district band programs!
Summer Art Camps through FAI is Filling up Fast!!! 😎
Why Fit in When you Were Born to Stand Out? Cimarron's Seussical Jr.-SUCCESS! 🐘
EPS District Art Show hosted at The Railyard 🚂
Santa Fe Jazz Band I is named 2X OSSAA Jazz Band State Champs!!! 🐺
On April 24th, Edmond Memorial and Edmond Santa Fe High Schools participated in the OSSAA State Jazz Contest hosted at Oklahoma Christian. It was a very fine showing by all the groups including EMHS JV II, EMHS JV I, EMHS V, ESFHS Jazz II, and ESFHS Jazz I. Both schools received Superior ratings and received the "Accent Award" for distinguished achievement. In addition, our very own Santa Fe Jazz Band I earned the top score of the contest naming them OSSAA State Champions in Class 6A. This is the second year in a row that this group was able to achieve this feat. Congrats to all of the programs for the unwavering commitment to their respective programs and all that you do for kids!
New Ensemble Coming to OkMEA in 2025!!! 🎶
It's a Hard-Knock Life...Annie Jr. brings out the Sun at Heartland!!! 🌞
North Art Show - May 14th!!! 🎨
North Performing Arts provides "ALL THAT JAZZ" with Chicago - Teen Edition! 🎷
Photo Credit: Arin Smith
Edmond Public Schools Recognized as Best Community for Music Education! 🎶
The Best Communities for Music Education (BCME) Award is a signature program of The NAMM Foundation that recognizes and celebrates school districts and schools for their support and commitment to music education and their efforts to ensure access to music for all students as part of a well-rounded education. Throughout the program's 25 years, the foundation has recognized over 1,000 school districts and schools, combined, in 43 states.
The schools and communities recognized by the Best Communities for Music Education demonstrate a commitment to ensuring music learning opportunities are available for every student and provide an example for other communities to follow. The impact of The NAMM Foundation's Best Communities for Music Education award is unique and different for each recipient, although all recipients report the sense of pride, joy and respect it brings to their communities.
Memorial and Santa Fe Tie for Overall Best High School Show Choir at SF Contest!
Photo Credit: Shermie Potts
ENO Spring Concert Provides "Harmonies in Blossom" 🌸
Memorial Art Show 🎨
2024 Texoma Marching Arts and Leadership Academy
EPS HS Vocal Programs receive "Sweepstakes Awards" across the District! 🎵
This year was a very successful year for our HS Vocal programs!!! All Choral ensembles that participated in OSSAA contest received a Superior ratings for their performances on stage and in the sight-reading room. This qualified each HS for an OSSAA Sweepstakes Award! Congrats to all of the students, directors, and families of these wonderful programs!!!
Sequoyah MS Drama "Cuts Loose" with Footloose Jr!!! 👟
6th Grade Orchestra Festival Showcases Growing Programs! 🎻
Summit MS presents...High School Musical, Jr.!!! 🏀
EMHSO Spring Concert - May 14th
📅 The Month at a Glance...
May 1st
Middle School Orchestra Festival
Santa Fe High School
All Day
May 2nd
Santa Fe Fine Arts Awards
Santa Fe High School Fine Arts
7:00 pm
May 2nd
Elementary Music Program - 1st Grade
Northern Hills Elementary
6:15 pm
May 2nd
Bulldogs on Broadway
Edmond Memorial Auditorium
7:00 pm
May 2nd
EMHS Spring Art Show
Room 106, 200, 201
5:00 pm
May 3rd
MS Fine Arts Festival
Frontier City
All Day
May 4th
MS Solo and Ensemble Contest
Sequoyah Middle School
May 4th
Santa Fe Show Choir Clinic (3rd - 6th Grades)
Santa Fe High School
2:30 - 5:00 pm
May 7th
Summit MS Spring Band Concert
Santa Fe High School Auditorium
7:00 PM
May 7th
EMHS Spring Band Concert
Memorial High School Auditorium
7:00 PM
May 9th
Edmond Santa Fe Jazz Concert
Santa Fe Jazz Ensembles
UCO Jazz Lab
7:00 pm
May 9th
Elementary Music Program - 2nd Grade
Heritage Elementary
6:00 pm & 6:45 pm
May 9th
Elementary Music Program - 5th Grade
Scissortail Elementary
6:30 pm
May 9th
Summit MS Spring Orchestra Concert
Edmond Santa Fe Auditorium
6:30 pm
May 9th
Sequoyah MS Talent Show
Sequoyah MS
6:30 pm
May 9th
ENHS Spring Choir Concert
Edmond North Auditorium
7:00 pm
May 10th
Heartland MS Spring Orchestra Concert
Edmond Santa Fe High School
6:30 pm
May 6th
Heartland MS Spring Choir Concert
Santa Fe High School Auditorium
7:30 pm
May 13th
Central MS Spring Choir Concert
EMHS Auditorium
6:00 pm
May 13th
Cimarron MS Spring Choir Concert
EMHS Auditorium
7:30 pm
May 13th
Cheyenne MS Spring Band Concert
ENHS Auditorium
6:30 pm
May 13th
Sequoyah MS Advanced Drama Play
Sequoyah MS Cafeteria
6:30 pm
May 13th
Santa Fe Spring Band Concert
SFHS Auditorium
7:00 pm
May 13th
Summit MS Spring Choir Concert
Summit MS
7:00 pm
May 14th
ENHS Spring Art Show
Edmond North High School
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
May 14th
Memorial Spring Orchestra Concert
EMHS Auditorium
6:30 pm
May 14th
North Spring Band Concert
Edmond North High School
7:00 pm
May 14th
Honor Choir Program
Centennial Elementary
6:00 pm
May 14th
Summit/Heartland MS Jazz Band
UCO Jazz Lab
7:00 pm
May 14th
Santa Fe Spring Choir Concert
SFHS Auditorium
7:00 pm
May 16th
Cimarron MS Spring Band Concert
Cimarron MS Gym
6:30 pm
May 16th
Sequoyah MS Spring Band Concert
ENHS Auditorium
6:30 pm
May 16th
Elementary Music Program - 5th Grade
Chisholm Elementary
6:00 pm
May 16th
Elementary Music Program - 5th Grade
Redbud Elementary
6:00 pm
May 16th
Elementary Music Program - 5th Grade
West Field Elementary
6:00 pm
May 16th
Santa Fe Spring Orchestra Concert
Santa Fe Auditorium
7:00 PM
May 16th
Central Spring Band Concert
Central MS
6:00 PM
May 16th
Elementary Music Program - 1st Grade
Angie Debo Elementary
6:15 pm
May 20th
Cimarron MS Spring Orchestra Concert
EMHS Auditorium
6:30 PM
May 20th
Sequoyah MS Spring Orchestra Concert
Sequoyah MS Gym
7:00 pm
May 20th
North Jazz Band Spring Concert
ENHS Auditorium
7:00 pm
May 20th
Heartland MS Spring Band Concert
SFHS Auditorium
7:00 pm
May 20th
Cheyenne MS Spring Orchestra Concert
Cheyenne MS Gym
6:30 pm
May 21st
Sequoyah MS Spring Choir Concert
ENHS Auditorium
6:30 pm
May 21st
EPS Vocal Solo Competition
EMHS Various Locations
All Day
May 21st
Central MS Spring Orchestra Concert
EMHS Auditorium
6:30 pm
May 21st
Summit MS - "High School Musical"
Summit MS
7:00 pm
May 23rd
Last Day of School