The Fulton Flier
Week of January 6, 2025
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Dear Fulton Community,
Happy New Year, and welcome back! We hope you all had a restful holiday season and are ready to dive into the exciting opportunities that 2025 brings.
We kicked off the new year with a short week and today is our first snow day of 2025! ❄️ While the snow may have caused a bit of a break in our routine, it’s always a wonderful reminder to enjoy the simple pleasures of winter. We hope everyone has a chance to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery outside.
As we move into January, we're excited to focus on our character trait of the month: Resilience. We'll be helping students understand the importance of bouncing back when faced with challenges and reminding them that setbacks are just part of the learning process. It’s all about encouraging perseverance and a positive attitude in the face of difficulties.
Looking ahead, we have some exciting events and activities planned for the month, and we’ll continue to keep you updated on all the happenings here at Fulton. Please take a moment to review the important dates and reminders below, and as always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Wishing you all a wonderful start to 2025!
Wishing you wave of joy,
Dr. Burks, Mrs. Liwosz, & Mrs. Sillers
Reminder About Visitor Procedures for School Safety
As part of our ongoing commitment to student safety, we want to remind all families of the important procedures for visiting our school.
- Check in at the front office before entering any part of the school building or grounds.
- Avoiding being on or near school property without following these procedures.
These protocols are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all students, staff, and visitors. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and secure school environment.
Fulton's January Character Trait: RESILIENCE:
Resilience: Getting back up when something gets you down
- Tell them about a time in your life when it was hard to get back up when something got you down.
- Do you know someone who has shown great resilience by continuing to get back up?
- Name a subject at school or a skill in sports you find challenging.
- How could you show resilience when that subject or skill gets you down?
Road to Kindergarten
Do you have a child who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2025?
Please save the date and join HCPSS for an upcoming Road to Kindergarten parent information session. All sessions will run 6:30-7:30 p.m. and cover the same content.:
Expectations for school readiness and receive a Ready for Kindergarten toolkit;
Details about the HCPSS kindergarten program;
Information about HCPSS kindergarten registration and website;
Ways that families and children can be supported during the transition to kindergarten.
Information sessions will be offered on the following dates:
January 21, 2025, Hammond High School*
January 23, 2025 Centennial High School**
January 28, 2025, Wilde Lake High School*
SNOW DATE: Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025, Hammond High School**
* Spanish interpreter will be present at these sites.
** Chinese, Korean, and Spanish interpreters will be present at these sites
Lime Kiln Middle School – Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night
January 22 at 6:00pm (Snow date: January 30 @ 6pm)
LKMS Cafeteria
Parents will get an overview of middle school, our G/T program, and a sense of what the day in the life of a 6th grader will be.
A Safe Start to the New Year
As we continue to work together to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students, I’d like to take a moment to remind everyone of some important safety guidelines for both drivers and walkers in and around our school zones. Your cooperation helps ensure that our school remains a safe and welcoming place for all.
For Drivers:
- Follow School Zone Speed Limits: Always adhere to the posted speed limits, especially during drop-off and pick-up times. Slower speeds help ensure the safety of our children.
- Stop for School Buses: If a school bus has its stop sign extended, you must stop and wait until the bus begins moving again. Children may be crossing the street in front of the bus.
- Yield to Pedestrians in Crosswalks: Always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, particularly in the busy morning and afternoon hours.
- Be Aware of School Arrival and Dismissal Times: Plan for potential delays during drop-off and pick-up times. Exercise patience and be mindful of the flow of traffic around the school.
- Avoid Distractions: Stay focused on the road and avoid using your phone or any other distractions while driving. Your full attention is needed to keep everyone safe.
- Follow our FES Arrival and Dismissal Procedures: No left turns during arrival and dismissal
For Walkers:
- Use Crosswalks and Pedestrian Signals: Always use marked crosswalks and wait for pedestrian signals before crossing streets. Please avoid jaywalking, even if you’re in a hurry.
- Look Both Ways Before Crossing: Always look both ways before crossing, even if you have the right of way. Drivers may not see you or may be distracted.
- Stay on Sidewalks: Walk on the sidewalks whenever possible. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the side of the road facing traffic to see oncoming vehicles.
- Stay Alert: Be aware of your surroundings. Avoid distractions such as phone use while walking, especially near the road.
- Use Safety Gear When Biking or Scootering: Always wear a helmet and follow the rules of the road if biking or scootering to school. Ensure your bike or scooter is in good working condition.
For Both Drivers and Walkers:
- Be Patient and Respectful: Whether you’re behind the wheel or walking, please be patient and respectful of others. We are all trying to get to our destinations safely.
- Pay Attention to School Crossing Guards: Always follow the instructions of crossing guards, who are there to help keep everyone safe.
- Follow Directions from School Staff: Our staff is out on duty at key locations around campus to ensure smooth and safe traffic flow. We typically have approximately 15 staff members on duty, and we ask that you please follow their directions for everyone's safety.
Let’s all work together to make our school zone a safe environment for our children. Your continued commitment to safety is greatly appreciated.
Related Arts Color Days for this Week
Upcoming Dates and Events
- 01/15 Winter Chorus Concert
- 01/20 Schools Closed
01/20 Synergy Opens for Scheduling Parent Teacher Conferences
01/21-01/22 No half day Pre-K/RECC
01/22 FES PTA Meeting, 7:00pm (virtual)
01/22 Lime Kiln Middle School Rising 6th Grade Parent Night, 6:00pm
01/23 Schools Close 3 Hours Early; End of Qtr.2
01/29 School Closed; Professional Work Day
01/30 Winter Instrumental Concert
01/30 Lime Kiln Middle School Rising 6th Grade Parent Night, 6:00pm (snow date)
01/31 Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up Closes 4PM
- 02/05 Schools Close 3 Hour Early- Parent Teacher Conferences; No half day Pre-K/RECC
- 02/05 In-Person Parent Conferences
- 02/06 Schools Close 3 Hour Early- Parent Teacher Conferences; No half day Pre-K/RECC
- 02/06 Virtual Parent Conferences
- 02/07 Schools Closed; Teacher Professional Learning Day
- 02/13 Fulton's Reading Night
- 02/17 Schools Closed - Presidents’ Day
- 02/19 PTA Meeting
For a complete list of dates and events visit https://fes.hcpss.org/calendar
The PTA Perch
Upcoming Dates
PTA Sponsored Events
SAVE THE DATE! A portion of the proceeds will go towards the PTA if you visit the following establishments on these dates. Don't forget to mention Fulton. First up is Climbzone!
Jan 31: Climbzone
Feb 4: Decadent
Feb 19: Maiwand Kabob
Worth Repeating
Student Government Association (SGA) Spotlight
A huge thank you to Mr. Carr and Mr. Burgwyn for sharing videos about using code in their jobs. We learned a lot and the students enjoyed seeing how code works.
SGA is hosting a Winter Spirit Week countdown to Winter Break.
Monday, December 16 - Sweater Day - wear a winter themed sweater.
Tuesday, December 17 - Snowflake Day - wear white like a snowflake. The students were wondering if they could make snowflakes to hang around the school.
Wednesday, December 18 - Peppermint Day - wear red and white, blue and white, or green and white like a peppermint.
Thursday, December 19 - Cozy Day - wear a winter hat, scarf, or mittens to stay warm at school
Friday, December 20 - Pajama and Stuffed Animal Day - wear cozy pajamas or sweatpants and bring a stuffed animal (that can fit in the backpack) to school.
Please remember all activities are optional.
Reminder about Carloop
As a friendly reminder, please avoid lining up too early for arrival and dismissal. When cars arrive too early, it can disrupt the traffic flow and make it more difficult for families leaving Lime Kiln Middle School.
To help everyone get in and out safely and efficiently, we ask that you please wait until closer to the designated pick-up and drop-off times before entering the line. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and helps ensure a smoother experience for all!
Community Happenings
Tanisha Burks, Principal, tanisha_burks@hcpss.org
Justine Sillers, Assistant Principal, justine_sillers@hcpss.org
Meaghan Liwosz, Assistant Principal, meaghan_liwosz@hcpss.org
11600 Scaggsville Road, Fulton, MD 20759