News From The Nest🦅
Madison Elementary Parent Newsletter September 2024
September Already?!
Woooo-Hoo! We’ve made it through the first two weeks of school already! I’m super excited to have everyone back, and judging by the smiles I’ve seen during arrival, the students are just as excited to be here as I am to have them!
Our school is buzzing with the anticipation of new experiences and opportunities as the year unfolds. We've been busy learning expectations, settling into routines, and getting to know each other better so our classrooms can run smoothly.
Each month, you can look forward to a newsletter like this one, full of updates, upcoming events, important dates, and highlights of special accomplishments along the way! You'll find plenty of valuable information to help you stay connected with our school community and support your child's success, so please read through everything carefully—we don't want you to miss a thing!
Mark Your Calendars!
📅 Important Dates & Upcoming Events
September 2- No School for Labor Day
September 5- PTO Board Meeting 4:00pm
September 9-MDPS Board of Education Meeting 7:00pm-MHS
September 10-MES Open House 6:00pm-7:30pm
September 15-1st Day of Hispanic Heritage Month
September 19-Back to School Skating Party!
September 25-Picture Day
September 27-Fall Social (Fundraiser for 5th Grade Camp)
MES Open House
Come to our Open House on Tuesday, September 10th at 6:00 to see where the magic happens! We will begin all together in the cafetorium for general announcements and school-wide information, and then travel to designated classrooms where each grade level will present specific details regarding their individual classrooms like schedules, expectations, communication methods, and so much more! There will be two sessions so you'll have an opportunity to attend more than one if you have multiple children at our school.
Open House Schedule
6:00pm Whole Group Meeting in Cafetorium
6:30pm Session 1-Grade level Presentations
7:00pm Session 2-Grade level Presentations
Specials teachers will be available in their classrooms to answer questions, and you can see the members of our Literacy Team for reading tips and books to take home with you!
The PTO will also have a table where you can ask questions or sign up to get involved!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Let's "ROLL" Into the New School Year Together!
We had such a great time at our end-of-year skating party that we decided to do it again—but sooner! To start the year off right, we’re hosting a get-together at Great Skate (Roseville) on Thursday, September 19th from 6:00-8:00 PM!
Great news! We’ve secured additional funding, allowing us to provide free tickets for every MES student and one accompanying adult (including entry & skate rental). Any additional adults or guests will need to pay $5.
To help us plan and ensure we have enough space, please use the link below to RSVP and let us know you’re coming! We encourage ALL parents/guardians to join in the skating fun—no experience necessary!
We can’t wait to "let the good times roll" with you!
😁SMILE, Say Cheese!😁
Picture Day is coming on Wednesday, September 25th! All students will be photographed on Picture Day! Once completed, proofs will be distributed and sent home with your students. If you like them, you can decide to place an order and purchase picture packages or other items on mylifetouch.com using this Picture Day ID number: EVTKF3WVT. You can also use that code to place your order before Picture Day if you like!
National Hispanic Heritage Month!
Hispanic Heritage Month is an annual celebration of the history and culture of the U.S. Hispanic communities. Hispanic Heritage Month 2023 will last from Friday, September 15, 2023 through Sunday, October 15, 2023. During National Hispanic Heritage Month, the U.S. government celebrates and honors the countless contributions and achievements of more than 60 million Hispanic Americans, Latinos, Latinas, and Latinx-identifying people within our society. Hispanic Americans are the largest minority group in the United States today, and generations of Hispanic Americans have consistently helped make our country strong and prosperous. They contribute to our nation beyond description. Hispanic Americans embody the best of our American values, including commitment to faith, family, and country, and many have left an indelible mark on our government, culture, and economy. So during this month, we will proudly recognize and celebrate the culture and accomplishments of various Hispanic Americans across our country through books, videos and activities within our classrooms. Here at Madison, we value inclusivity and respect for others within and beyond our school community and are committed to creating a learning environment that embraces diversity and promotes harmony so all of our students learn to thrive in our global society despite our differences.
Fall Social-Fundraiser for 5th Grade Camp!
We have a lot of activities planned to hang out together and get to know each other in the month of September! In addition to our Back to School Skating Party coming up next week, our 5th graders will also be hosting a Fall Social to raise money for their end of the year camping trip. Come enjoy an evening full of fun and tasty treats, and help out our 5th graders at the same time! There may even be some surprises not listed on the flyer, so you might want to bring a few extra dollars! ALL students MUST be accompanied by an adult! Hope to see you there!
General Updates & Reminders!
Arrival & Dismissal
Our school start time is 8:35am! All students should be dropped off at the main entrance to line up at their classroom cones. Administrators will meet students outside as early as 8:20 to supervise as they wait for their teachers. Please note, students will not be able to access the building prior to 8:35, so please plan accordingly. In the event of inclement weather, students will line up at cones inside, but not before 8:20am! In the interest of safety, please avoid dropping students off before 8:20, as there will be no supervision prior to that time! All tardy students must check in with the office before reporting to class.
Regular dismissal is at 3:25pm, and on half-days students will be dismissed at 12:00pm. 1st and 5th graders will exit out the main entrance, 2nd and 4th graders will exit at door 12, and 3rd graders will exit at door 10. Students will not be released to cars that are not in designated pick-up spots: at the curb in the pick-up lane (main entrance), or an actual parking spot (doors 10 & 12). Use the button below to access a full diagram and explanation of our parking lot rules and reminders. Please pack your patience as we all get used to our processes and procedures, and remember these guidelines are designed to keep your students safe, so thanks in advance for your compliance!
Late Pick-Up Policy
At the end of last year we implemented a late pick-up policy. Staff members are often involved in afterschool activities, meetings and other commitments that prevent them from being able to supervise students beyond dismissal. To address this issue and help ensure the welfare of all students, we are enforcing the following policy:
Any pick-up occurring beyond 3:35 (10 minutes after scheduled dismissal) is considered late. Parents will receive a verbal reminder from school staff after the first late pick-up, emphasizing the importance of timely arrival. Monetary fines will be imposed for subsequent late pick-ups within the academic year, as follows:
$10 for the first 15 minutes, with an additional $1 for every minute thereafter.
Parents will receive written notification of any fines incurred due to late pick-ups.
We value the trust you have placed in us to care for your child, and we believe that open communication is vital in addressing issues effectively. Therefore, we kindly request that you make every effort to adhere to the pick-up schedule in the future. If you anticipate any challenges in doing so, please do not hesitate to communicate with us in advance, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
MDPS is looking forward to the opportunity to transport your child in a safe and efficient manner this year. We provide transportation for all elementary students who live within the district or in Pontiac. If your child is in need of transportation use the link below to submit your request. Once your request has been submitted, please allow at least 2-3 business days for your child to be routed, and then you will be contacted by the transportation director with specific details regarding pick-up/drop-off. All parents with students enrolled through "schools of choice" are responsible for providing their own transportation. If you have any questions regarding transportation, please contact Cat Vyse at 248-548-1800 x 1207 or 248-953-7423.
Learning Tree School-Age Child Care
If your child is in need of before or after-school care, our Learning Tree program will be available at the Early Childhood Center for a small nominal fee. All MES Learning Tree students will be bused from ECC to MES in the morning, and then taken back to ECC after school as well. Registration packets are available in the main office. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa DiGuilio or Michelle Scott at 248-399-7800.
MES is a Nut-Restricted Environment!
When preparing lunches and/or snacks for your children, please be mindful of our nut-restriction policy. We have students with severe allergies that can be dangerously harmful if they come in contact with products that contain nuts, so for their safety, please read ALL labels carefully to ensure that you don't send ANYTHING with nuts or made in a facility that processes products made with nuts to school. This includes birthday treats and snacks. Anything brought to school with the intent to share with others MUST be inspected by the office prior to distribution, and MUST contain an original label detailing all ingredients. If there is no label, it can not be served! Therefore, all homemade treats are prohibited! This is the only way to ensure the safety of all students, so we appreciate your diligence in adhering to these guidelines. Use the button below to access our full nut-restriction policy.
Let's Keep In Touch!
As we partner together this school year, consistent communication will be essential. There are two main methods we will use to inform, alert, or remind you of incidents and emergencies, upcoming events, good news and any other information pertinent to your child's educational experience. Getting these messages to you may be time sensitive and extremely important so please be sure to update your contact information with the main office any time a change has been made.
If any staff member needs to speak with you directly regarding your student specifically, we will reach out via phone or email. If you need to contact us, the number to the main office is 248-542-3414, follow the prompts and Mrs. Andrews will be happy to assist you. If it is an urgent matter requiring immediate attention, you may contact me directly via email at felecia.hemingway@madisondistrict.org or at 248-953-0298 which is my work cell.
Parent Square (No More Dojo!)🙁
We will no longer use Dojo as a communication method. We will use Parent Square so we are aligned with the rest of the district. Parent Square will be used to send mass reminders and updates via text, voicemail and/or email. Newsletters and other written communication will be distributed through this system. In order to receive these messages, it is necessary to activate your account with your current email address and phone number on file with the office. If you have not received a mass email or voicemail from me within this past week, please call the office to make sure we have accurate contact information for you on file or provide an update if necessary.
Teachers will also be utilizing this platform to share pertinent classroom information, direct messages and pictures to give you a glimpse of what's going on here at school....make sure you're connected so you don't miss anything!
Below you will find a detailed description of the platform, along with a QR Code to download the app and activate your account, as well as helpful hints to stay connected!
Emergency Contact Verification
Instead of the paper emergency contact card and packet we've sent home in the past, this year we are asking parents to verify enrollment and contact information, and fill out all required forms electronically in MiStar using Parent Connect. Step-by-step directions are provided for you below.
It is imperative that we have multiple means of contacting you or someone you trust to be responsible for your child in case of an emergency. If any of the information you provide at this time changes at any time in the future, please make sure you contact the main office to make the necessary adjustments so we always have accurate and up-to-date information on file.
In addition to verifying contact information, you will also find a "Chromebook Acceptable Use Form". This will need to be signed in order for your student to receive their Chromebook for the school year. Other important documents included are a: student behavior compact, walking field trip permission slip, photo release form, and concussion sheet. Please read through each item carefully, then sign and return them as soon as possible to complete your child's files.
**Steps to Complete the Enrollment Verification:**
1. Log in to Mistar ParentConnection using the link below:
2. Navigate to the "Mandatory Enrollment Verification" section (top right corner)-See photo below.
3. Carefully review and update the necessary information.
4. Submit the completed forms.
Background Checks for Volunteering!
If you are interested in chaperoning field trips, volunteering in the classroom in any capacity, or entering the hallways or classrooms for any reason while school is in session, you must have a valid background check on file here at the school. Use the picture or button below to access the link to complete the form, along with uploading a valid ID. Please plan accordingly to allow for at least 7-10 business days for the return of your results. Thanks you for helping us keep our students safe!
Girl Scouts Are Still Going Strong!
I'm excited to announce we will continue to have both Daisies and Brownies here at Madison again this year! Our Daisy troop is open to Kindergarten-1st grade, while Brownies are for 2nd-3rd grade. General meetings will normally be held at MES on the last Thursday of each month from 6:00-7:00. However, there will be a special registration meeting held on September 30th at 5:30 in the MES cafeteria. The troop leader will be on hand to assist with registration, as well as answer any questions you have regarding the troop.
I'm hoping we will be able to reestablish a Junior troop this year, but this will require adult volunteers! If this sounds like something you or someone you know would be interested in helping with, please contact me directly to discuss the details!
Cub Scouts Informational Meeting
Last year we attempted to start a Cub Scout Pack here at MES, however due to lack of volunteers we were unable to get it going. This year, we have been invited to join forces with an existing pack already established in Madison Heights. Although the pack will continue to meet regularly at Page Middle, a representative has agreed to come to MES on Wednesday, September 18th for an informational meeting with all interested parents to discuss the specific details and answer any questions regarding the Cub Scout Pack. The Cub Scouts are open to both boys and girls, K-5th grade. The representative will visit MES on the day before the meeting to pass out flyers and get students excited about the prospect of scouting.
Let's Get It Poppin'!
Friday, September 13th, we will have our first popcorn sale of the year! Each bag of popcorn costs $1 and students can purchase as many as they'd like! The proceeds go to help fund school events and activities. Money for orders can be given directly the teacher by the Thursday prior to the sale.
We are also looking for volunteers to help pop popcorn each Friday! If you're available on Fridays from 9am-1pm, use the button below to sign up!
(You must have a valid background check on file to volunteer!)
Student & Staff Spotlights
Congrats to our September Students of the Month!
Isaiah Vitro-5th Grader
Holly Richards-5th Grader
Holly has shown exemplary effort in everything we do, and has shown great growth in her confidence as well. She is a Math all-star. When we started becoming a split classroom with 4th and 5th graders this year, Holly took the leadership role as a fifth grader in my room very seriously. She is a great example and has grown so so much. Keep it up, Holly! You're on to amazing things!
We Appreciate our September Employees of the Month!
For September, we've chosen to honor the MHEA president and vice president! While teaching summer school and enjoying time with their families to recharge and prepare for the new school year, Rusty and Emily worked very hard this summer negotiating and finalizing the new teacher's contract. They stayed very busy advocating for fair working conditions, and ensuring that every voice within our organization was heard. Their work helps to make sure staff members feel valued and supported while fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie in our school community. Their tireless efforts have not only strengthened our workplace but have also contributed significantly to the overall well-being of our district as a whole. We are so thankful to have them on our team!
Rusty Rogers-Self-Contained Special Education Teacher, Union President
Ms. Rogers is a proud Madison alum and this marks her 25th year working in the district. She loves giving back and working with children from multiple generations of childhood community friends. Working with such dedicated and exceptional teachers has allowed her to continue to grow on her educational journey as both a teacher and an individual.
Most importantly, outside of school, she is the proudest and luckiest mom of the most wonderful six children and fiercely devoted to her six most beautiful grandchildren! According to her colleagues, she is fiercely loyal to her family, friends, and students—past, present, and future—dedicated to furthering her education to benefit everyone she encounters. Rusty wears many hats with pride, from being a mother and teacher to leading as union president and supportive friend. She faces each day head-on, often with her signature XL black coffee from Tim Hortons, embodying the spirit of what it means to be an Eagle.
Emily Pattyn, 2nd/3rd Grade Teacher, Union Vice-President
This is Ms. Pattyn’s 6th year at teaching 2nd/3rd grade here at MES. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from Adrian College, and is now pursuing a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from Boston College. In addition to being a rock-star teacher and union vice-president, she also runs our school's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion club where she and the kids work to make our school a better place by helping everyone feel loved, valued and important.
Outside of school, she loves spending time with her two orange kitties, Luigi and Cheeseball! She also enjoys spending time with her family and friends, taking spontaneous road trips, working on puzzles, and being creative. It was noted by her colleagues that Emily consistently goes above and beyond her teaching duties, with JEDI club, DEI Council, Sunshine Club, after-school tutoring and union work, she is a leader for kids as well as staff. She is a true motivator and advocate for everyone around her! Let’s thank Emily for all she does to make MES a great place to learn! We’re so lucky to have her on our team!
Welcome New Faces to MES!
Georgia Debczak, 5th Grade Teacher
Mrs. Debczak is our new 5th grade teacher here at MES. She recently graduated from Oakland University and this is her first year teaching! Building respectful relationships with students, creating a classroom culture of kindness and empathy, and making learning child-centered are the key aspects of her teaching philosophy. In her free time, she loves to read, sing, and do anything related to arts and crafts. She is extremely excited to become a part of the Madison community this year and we are lucky to have her!
Rasha Essa, ESL Paraprofessional
Mrs. Essa has joined our staff as an ESL paraprofessional this year after transferring from the Early Childhood Center, where she spent the previous 5 years in one of our GSRP classrooms. She has a child development associates degree in addition to her hands-on experience at ECC! She has a husband and two daughters who she loves spending her free time with! She also enjoys cooking and listening to music. Some of her favorites are tea, ice cream and the colors purple and black. We are very excited to have Mrs. Essa on our team!
💛💜Capturing Kids' Hearts 💜💛
Capturing Kids' Hearts!
At MES, we believe it is just as important to nuture your children's hearts as it is to expand their minds by establishing an environment where every student feels valued and loved. Last year, we were recognized as a "Showcase School" for doing just that! As a part of our SEL curriculum, we will continue to use CKH to help all of our students learn how to build and maintain relationships with others, as well as how to understand and manage their emotions appropriately. Each month we will focus on specific characteristics designed to help establish and promote a positive school climate and healthy environment in which we all can learn. Attached to the button below you will find a more detailed explaination of Capturing Kids' Hearts, and suggested ways to help support these same ideas at home.
This Month's Focus is Empathy!
Empathy is the ability to be aware of, understand, and be sensitive to another person’s feelings. Instead of focusing on how these feelings impact ourselves, empathy motivates us to focus on others and respond with care and compassion.
Why focus on Empathy?
- Empathy builds positive classroom culture. Empathy empowers students to learn to understand each other to build trust and safety in the classroom.
- Empathy strengthens communities. Empathy helps students strengthen their relationships with classmates, other students, and adults at school, and at home.
- Empathy prepares your students to be leaders in their community. The best leaders understand the people they lead and are able to show they care.
Empathy in Action:
- Take a different perspective. When you take a different perspective, you put aside your own feelings and reactions to see the situation through another’s eyes.
- Put aside judgment. Take a pause, and rather than express conclusions about a situation based on what you see, step back and consider other things you may still need to know or understand.
- Communicate that you understand. Instead of giving advice, respond with reflective phrases like, “It sounds like you...” or “I hear that you...” to express that you understand and care.
Our MDPS Mission, Vision, and Core Values
We're all on the same team with the same goals! Let's continue to work together for your student's success! Thanks for sharing them with us!
Madison Elementary School
Felecia Hemingway, Principal
Tung Tran, Assistant Principal
Email: felecia.hemingway@madisondistrict.org
Website: https://es.madisondistrict.org/
Location: 27107 Hales Street, Madison Heights, MI, USA
Phone: 248-542-3414