Principal’s Weekly Update
November 15th, 2024

Upcoming Events
November 14th- 18th: DE Theater Presents Lend Me A Tenor
November 26th: Parent Teacher Conferences
November 26th & 27th: No School for Students
November 28th & 29th: School/ Offices Closed
Join Us for College Night: Laying the Groundwork for Success Beyond High School
The road to post-high school planning begins the minute DEHS welcomes your student to their 9th grade year. For the 80% of our student population, this means planning for a four-year college experience involving choosing classes that will attract the attention of admissions offices, researching colleges, planning out college essays, and registering to take college entrance exams. 12% of our students are considering either community college, a more affordable option with smaller classes with easily transferable credits, or enrolling in a career and technical program where students receive the technical training needed for skilled labor jobs. The other 8% of our graduates take advantage of a variety of other opportunities including military service, workforce, and gap-year programs.
In order to assist our DASD high schoolers and their families in post-high school planning, the Counseling Departments at all three high schools are joining forces here at Downingtown EAST High School on Wednesday, November 20th from 6:30-8:30pm to present “Build Your Future”. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about post-secondary planning from a variety of presenters including, DASD School Counselors, College Admissions Representatives, Military Representatives, and other experts in the higher education field. Break-out sessions include the college application process, writing a strong essay, financial aid, and tips from college admissions representatives. Additionally, attendees will have access to personnel from the military who can answer questions regarding careers in the armed forces, along with representatives from Communities That Care, a collective group of local resources that have come together to promote mental health and positive behaviors among our youth. Please copy and then paste this link into a new browser to sign up for the event: College Night Registration
In the coming weeks, DEHS Counselors will begin their individual Junior Meetings, where 11th graders and their parents can sit down with their counselor and discuss the exciting prospects for post-graduation and be introduced to strategies and resources regarding the college search process. We look forward to helping our juniors and their families feel prepared and supported as they take the next steps toward a successful future.
Build Your Future--Be Your Own Architect!
All parents, guardians, and students in 9th-12th grade are invited to join the DHSE, DHSW, and STEM Academy Counseling Departments for a conversation about post-secondary planning--Build Your Future--Be Your Own Architect! --on Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, at our Downingtown High School East Campus, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Keynote speaker Dr. Troy Podell will share the many opportunities our students have while in high school, and also his presentation on "Keeping Higher Ed in Perspective". Please see the attached flyer for more details and to RSVP — We hope you will join us!
Please Register using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_KznwHlC5PYwIpeU45g4AOsgmjXApKOVDzCZ027ZstG30LQ/viewform
Dear 10th and 11th Grade Parents,
The College Board has released PSAT/NMSQT scores for students who completed the exam.
To Access PSAT/NMSQT scores:
- Students can access their scores in the BigFuture School mobile app if they provided their mobile number during testing for access to the app. They will get an alert via the app when their scores are available.
- Students can also use their personal College Board accounts to access their score.
You are encouraged to review College Board’s Understanding Scores Guide for information on how to access your scores, understand your score report, and learn about resources available through College Board. This includes test prep, exploring paths to take after high school, and scholarship information. You can also view this helpful video as well.
Please note that the counseling department cannot assist with account access issues. If for some reason you cannot log into your College Board account, or your scores aren’t available, please reach out to customer service at College Board (866-630-9305).
Job Opportunities
Earthwise Pet in Lionville needs retail associates and retail assistants! They are very flexible with busy schedules, offer employee discounts and free pet food! See the attached flyer for more details, and contact Janette at janette.exton@earthwisepet.com to request an application.
Exton Senior Living needs part-time help!
Exton Senior Living needs part-time help with their dining services! Help with setting tables, folding napkins, filling water glasses, providing and refilling condiments, food prep as needed, serve meals to residents in a courteous and professional manner, and remove dishes from tables to kitchen. They hire at 14, offer a flexible schedule, and pay $13/hour! Contact Marti Drozel at mdrozel@integracare.com or visit https://jobs.integracare.com/positions/
Faraway Farms Country Corner needs a part-time cashier!
Faraway Farms Country Corner in Glenmoore needs a part-time cashier 1-2 days a week from 3:30-6:30 p.m. and every other Saturday. Must be 16 years + to apply. Please contact Cara at fafcatering@gmail.com if you are interested.
Kumon Math and Reading Center is hiring all grade levels!
Kumon Math and Reading Center in Downingtown is hiring all grade levels for various positions! If you are strong in math and reading skills, and time management, visit the website for more details www.kumon.com/downingtown.
Volunteer Opportunity
Vital Touch Wellness is looking for a tech savvy student!
Vital Touch Wellness is looking for a tech savvy student to help with social media posting, video production and editing, and marketing. Must have excellent time management, communication and productivity skills! This could be a grad project, and a great resume builder! Interested students should contact Jen McLamb at vitaltouchmassage@yahoo.com or 484-341-8411.
Other Opportunities
JUNIORS….The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences
The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences (PGSS) is a rigorous, highly selective, summer enrichment opportunity focused on science with instruction in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, and more. The application is now open to current JUNIORS, and the deadline to apply is January 31, 2025. The program is free to students, and students live on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University. For more details on the program, visit https://sciences.pa-gov-schools.org/. Application link: https://pgss-applications.pa-gov-schools.org/users/sign_up.
United States Merchant Marine Academy
The United States Merchant Marine Academy invites parents and students to a weekend brief and campus tour on Saturday, November 16th, 2024, in Kings Point, NY, arrival at 9:15 a.m. At tendees are also invited to a football game following the event! To register, please email weathersc@usmma.edu.
Senior Cap and Gown Information From Herff Jones
Welcome to senior year! Though it may seem like graduation is a long way away, preparation for the big day starts now. As your school’s official graduation provider, we want to make sure that every senior can celebrate their achievements in their own special way. The graduation process starts with these three easy steps!
1.Provide your contact and sizing information by clicking visiting https://scholastic.m.herffjones.com/dcc-form. This information will ensure your gown fits appropriately, and that we can contact you and your family about any critical graduation information throughout the year. Please note providing this information does NOT constitute as placing an order. See below steps for more info on ordering!
2. Check out our digital catalog by visiting https://www.herffjones.com/catalogs/graduationcatalog/. Herff Jones provides a variety of products that are guaranteed to meet your needs for the celebration. (Please note, all Senior clothing in catalog is not available in all areas. Classic T-Shirt and Class Hoodie are available and pictured above).
3. Your school’s official announcements and cap and gown packages can only be purchased by visiting https://highschool.herffjones.com/secom/school/PA/Downingtown%20High%20School%20East/37000580000/4279/buildpackage/1or over the phone (215-942-6807).
4. Physical Order Forms are available inside the main office. You can also order online!
****Order by November 1st to avoid late fees!**
5. It’s not too late to order your OFFICAL CLASS RING! Click here to see our online ring catalog
Below are the Cap and Gown Packages
BASIC PACKAGE (B): $20.55 (includes sales tax)
Includes Cap, Gown, Tassel
Includes items in Basic Package plus:
- 2025 Graduation T-Shirt (Class of 2025 design) Value $21.95
- Memory Tassel- School colors with gold 2025 signet Value $9.95
Includes items in Basic Package plus:
- Class of 2025 Hoodie (Black with “Class of 2025 design) Value $31.95
- Mini Tassel Keychain- School colors with gold 2025 signet Value $9.95
**For ordering assistance, please contact us! Email: Sbgerhart@herffjones.com or via phone 215-942-6807**
Yearbook and Senior Ad Sales
Yearbook and Senior ad purchase center Access code: 4846
Please visit https://prod.yboc.varsity.com/ to place your order
Students: During Lunch and Learn go to the front receptionist desk in the main lobby and check your name spelling on your yearbook portrait. The deadline to check is Friday, the 15th.
**The Senior ad section of the yearbook is 2/3 full. If you plan on purchasing a Senior ad please have the purchase completed by 12/6.**
Ad prices: full page $240, half $130, 1/4 $85, 1/8 $60 or when 30 ad pages are full. Having trouble ordering? Call HJ's customer service at 866-287-3096
Downingtown East Theater Presents Lend Me A Tenor
Downingtown East Theater Presents Lend Me a Tenor
November 14-16, 2024, at 7pm
Tickets and Information available at www.DowningtownEastTheatre.com
A Message from the Home and School Association
Handel’s Pint Card Fundraiser!!!!
Dear Parents:
The Downingtown East Home & School Association has teamed up with Handel’s Ice Cream of Downingtown to offer a “Very cool” and affordable fundraiser.
We will be selling Handel’s pint cards. Each pint card is good for one pint of any flavored ice cream at any Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream location. Each pint card will be sold for $6.75, the actual retail value and Handel’s will donate $1.65 back to our HSA on each pint card sold. Handel’s has THE BEST SEASONAL
(and standard) flavors to go with your Thanksgiving and Christmas desserts! And they are open year round plus all of their ice cream is made fresh in store and is widely accepted as “The best ice cream on the planet!” This small gift card is the perfect “pint sized” holiday gift for :
• Stocking stuffers
• Gift toppers
• Your trash collectors
• Your hair dresser
• Your babysitter
• Your kids’ coaches
• Your support staff
• Your neighbors
• Your mailmen and UPS drivers
• Teachers
• Donating to post prom as door prizes
• Anyone on your list!
The sale will run through December 3rd. Pickup will be at lunch Dec. 9th. If your student does not stay for lunch, please indicate that in your payment and we will contact you to make arrangements for your student to pick up at another time during the day.
To order: Send a check for the exact amount to the office in an envelope addressed to “HSA fundraiser” by November 20 or Venmo / PayPal the HSA and include your phone number, your student’s first and last name and indicate how many cards you are ordering.
As always, your participation in these fundraisers helps us to provide fun giveaways for the students and nice lunches for our staff appreciation events. We cannot thank you enough for your support!
All Night Senior Party (Post Prom)
Please join us Wednesday 11/20 7pm at the Starbucks on Eagleview Blvd (across from Giant) to begin planning this event. All grade level parents wanted! Curious what it’s all about or have thoughts? Drop in, check it out and be apart of making great memories for the senior class
- If you have a certain skill set that may be helpful we would love to have your input and assistance!
- Please sign up if you are interested in helping with future planning of this event!
- Scan the QR code in the flyer or visit this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfggXm_KeC3VOguisrr6Oe2Kq4G4vLX3w0GwAfHK0FSQ-E6hA/viewform?scrlybrkr=673c5e57
Varsity Games- Go Cougars!
- 11/23: Wrestling at Sun Valley 9:00 am Scrimmage
- 11/23: Boys Basketball vs. Rustin 10:00 am Scrimmage
Cheer on the Downingtown East Ice Hockey Team!
The Downingtown East Ice Hockey Team would like to invite you to watch their games!
Come out and show your support to our team!
- Monday 11/18: DE vs. WC Henderson- Ice Line- Rink 1- 9:40 PM
- Friday 11/22: DE vs. Lower Merion- AAA Arena- 7:50 PM
- Monday 11/25: DE vs. Kennett- Ice Line- Rink Rink 1- 9:50 PM
- Wednesday 11/27: DE vs. DW- Ice Line- AAA Arena- 6:45 PM
- Friday 12/6: DE vs. Avon Grove- Patriot Ice- 6:15 pm
Junior Class Charleston Wrap Fundraiser
Shop with us! Chocolate, wrapping paper, holiday gift guide, baking, cooking and so much more!
- Items will be delivered directly to your home
- Portion of the sales benefit the class of 2026
- Scan the QR code in the flyer or shop online using this link: https://shopcharlestonwrap.com/?student1ID=2428703W947J8&student1FNM=Organization&student1LNM=Credit%20Only&progid=&inviteID=&channelID=gateway&school1NM=Downingtown%20East%20High%20School&school1STC=&school1STS=&school1STSE=2024_11_08#/cw_token=2024FSdVK3iZ3hRygKHG09s9h9/
Support the Boys Lacrosse Team!
When: November 20th
Time: 4-8 pm
Where: Taco Maya
* Enter in their raffle to win free food!
Other Events
East Girls Basketball Day
When: December 6th 7:00 pm
Where: Downingtown East Boyer Gym
Admission: Students are free with a canned good donation and adult tickets will be sold online.
*For more information please contact Coach Domsohn- ddomsohn@dasd.org
The Chester County Turkey Trot
Join the Downingtown community Thanksgiving morning for the Chester County Turkey Trot!
- When: November 28th
- Where: Downingtown West High School
- Bring the whole family!
- 5k Gold and Blue races, 2k Walk, and a kids fun run!
- Register online at https://runsignup.com/ccturkeytrot or by scanning the QR code in the Turkey Trot flyer.
Blood Drive
In Honor of Ella
When: December 30thTime: 10am to 3pm
Where: Downingtown Middle School 115 Rock Raymond Road Downingtown PA 19335
Schedule an appointment by visiting https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/donation-time
Administration and Other Staff Contact List
Counselors Contact Information
Ms. Kristina Cole: 9th - 11th Grade Students: A to Col
12th Grade Students: A-Cov; krcole@dasd.org- Ext. 41041
Ms. Stephanie Chupela: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Con- Gan
12th Grade Students: Cox-Gl; schupela@dasd.org- Ext.41040
Ms. Katherine Dill: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Gar- Ke
12th Grade Students: Go- Ke; kdill@dasd.org- Ext. 41042
Ms. Angela Hanna: 9th - 11th Grade Students: Ki- McD
12th Grade Students: Ki- Mar; ahanna@dasd.org- Ext.41043
Mr. Michael Matta: 9th - 11th Grade Students: McE- Ras
12th Grade Students: Mas-Pl; mmatta@dasd.org- Ext. 41045
Ms. Caroline (Gregory) Hallam : 9th - 11th Grade Students: Rat- Sta
12th Grade Students: Po-So; cgregory@dasd.org- Ext. 41046
Mr. William Davis: 9th: 11th Grade Students: Ste- Z
12th Grade Students: Sp-Z; wdavis@dasd.org- Ext. 41044
Prevention Specialist
Athletic Director: Corey Sigle – csigle@dasd.org
Associate Athletic Director: Michael Semar- msemar@dasd.org
Assistant Athletic Director: Renee Harty – rharty@dasd.org
Administration Contact Information
Paul E. Hurley III, Principal – phurley@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: Lakesha Costello: 9th grade and 10th grade: A thru Ha – lcostello@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: Eric McComsey: 11th grade and 10th grade: P thru Z – emccomsey@dasd.org
Assistant Principal: (Frances) Jill Whalen: 12th grade and 10th grade: He thru O– fwhalen@dasd.org