Nord News
November 2024

Principal's Message
February 2025
Dear Nord Families,
This school year is flying by at Walter G. Nord School! I am not quite sure how it is already February. As a reminder, we have our final Parent-Teacher Conference on Thursday, February 6th from 3:35 - 8:35 pm. Please contact your child's homeroom teacher if you would like a conference.
Also, there is no school on Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th. I hope you and your family enjoy the extra long weekend!
Please do not hesitate to call the Nord Main Office at 440-988-4441 or email me if you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns.
Take Care,
Mrs. Harigan
Conference Coffee Break
Illness at School
It is that time of year were we have lots of illness going around! Nord School would like to remind families that students must be fever free/ vomit free without the use of medication (for example: Tylenol, Advil, etc.) for 24 hours prior to returning to school. Students diagnosed with a condition requiring antibiotics (for example: pink eye, strep throat) must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school.
If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse, Mrs. Lowery, at 440-988-1596 or by email.
Valentine's Day Service Project
This Valentine’s Day, Walter G. Nord School is excited to participate in a meaningful service project to benefit Buncombe County Schools as they recover from the impact of Hurricane Helene. We are combining this service project with our annual Coin Drive and we need your help to make it a success!
Here are the details:
Beginning Monday, February 10th through Thursday, February 13th, students are encouraged to bring in coins to their homeroom teachers. Students may choose to bring coins in each day of the week or bring all of their coins on one specific day.
Instead of traditional class parties, students will be spreading the love on Thursday, February 13th by counting their money and making valentines to be sent to students in Buncombe County, NC!
We encourage students to donate the money that they would have spent on valentines and other treats for a traditional party. Our focus is on spreading the love this year to fellow children affected by Hurricane Helene.
Valentines for classmates here at Nord are not required. If students choose to pass out valentines, they must ensure that each student in their homeroom class is given one. Homeroom teachers will provide a list of the students' first names in your child’s homeroom.
Nord PTO will provide a snack for all students to enjoy while decorating valentines and counting money.
All coins collected will be donated to the Buncombe County Schools Foundation, directly supporting schools and students affected by Hurricane Helene. To learn more about the Buncombe County Schools Foundation, please visit https://foundation.buncombeschools.org.
Thank you for helping us teach our students the value of giving back while enjoying some Valentine’s Day fun. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher.
Fourth Grade Columbus Trip
This year's fourth-grade trip to Columbus is on Monday, May 5th (Antush, Burman, Hershiser, Mullen, Smith, Stellwagen) and Monday, May 19th (Backman, Beetler, DelVecchio, Costello, Watkin, Zajkowski).
An informational letter and permission slip went home with fourth graders last week. Please remember to return the permission slip by Friday, February 7th and full payment by Friday, March 21st. All school fees must be paid in full to attend the trip.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the fourth-grade grade Columbus trip, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher or call the main office at 440-988-4441.
AJH Scheduling for Class of 2032
Mrs. Hannah Johnson and Mr. Bob Harcula, Amherst Junior High School Counselors, will be visiting with all fifth-grade students on February 19th and 20th! During their visit, Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Harcula will share information about transitioning to AJH and explain AJH's scheduling process. If you have any questions, please contact one of AJH's school counselors.
Mrs. Johnson, School Counselor, hannah_johnson@amherstk12.org, (440) 988-1648
Mr. Harcula, School Counselor, bob_harcula@amherstk12.org, (440) 988-1624
January Comet Impact Awards
Comet Impact
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework that guides school teams in the implementation of evidence-based practices. PBIS provides Nord with the tools we need to positively recognize our students and hold them accountable. At Nord, our PBIS framework is known as Comet Impact. Our Comet Impact behavior expectations are Respectful, Responsible, and Safe.
Throughout the school year, staff engages students in explicit instruction of our school-wide Comet Impact expectations. Our Comet Impact matrix provides a common language that is used by all staff and students. Comet Impact is intended to support positive behavior and academic achievement while bringing out the best in Nord students not only academically, but also in the areas of social-emotional and behavioral growth.
Walter G. Nord's Comet Impact Committee has created a Comet Impact Student and Parent Handbook which explains our PBIS framework. We have also created a Parent Request for Assistance Form for any parent/guardian would has concerns about their child's behavior. Please contact Mrs. McArthur, Dean of Students, with any questions about our Comet Impact PBIS program at Nord School.
Winter Coat Giveaway
Second Harvest
Nord PTO
Next Meeting
The next Nord PTO meeting is on Monday, February 10th at 9:00 am at Nord School. If you would like the link to join virtually, please submit this form.
On the first Wednesday of each month, Nord PTO hosts a Dine-to-Donate fundraiser at a local restaurant. The next Dine-to-Donate fundraiser is on Wednesday, February 5th at Freddy's. See below for the flyer. Flyers will also be sent home with students this week.
Important Dates
Wednesday, February 5th: Dine-to-Donate at Freddy's
Thursday, February 6th: Parent- Teacher Conferences, 3:35pm - 8:35 pm
Monday, February 10th: PTO Meeting, 9 am
Friday, February 14th: No School
Monday, February 17th: No School
Monday, March 10th: PTO meeting, 9am
Wednesday, March 12th: Family First Night
Thursday, March 13th: End of 3rd Quarter
Friday, March 14th: Professional Development Day, No School for Students
Monday, March 31 - Friday, April 4th: Spring Break
Friday, April 11th: Nord PTO Boys Choice Dance, 7 - 9pm
Saturday, April 12th: Nord PTO Girls Choice Dance, 6 - 8pm
Monday, April 14th: ELA 5 OST, Part 1
Tuesday, April 15th: ELA 5 OST, Part 2
Wednesday, April 16th: ELA 4 OST, Part 1
Thursday, April 17th: ELA 4 OST, Part 2
Friday, April 18th: Good Friday, No School
Thursday, April 24th: Science 5 OST, Part 1
Friday, April 25th: Science 5 OST, Part 2
Tuesday, April 29th: Math 5 OST, Part 1
Wednesday, April 30th: Math 5 OST, Part 2
Thursday, May 1st: Math 4 OST , Part 1
Friday, May 2nd: Math 4 OST, Part 2
Specials Calendar
Important Links
Previous Newsletters
Walter G. Nord School
Email: ashley_harigan@amherstk12.org
Website: https://www.amherstk12.org/schools/nord
Location: 501 Lincoln Street, Amherst, OH, USA
Phone: 440-988-4441
X: @NordPrincipal