Little Coyote News
Welcome to Tornillo Elementary! May 2023
¡Feliz Día de la Madres! 10 de mayo
QT4 Week 8: May 8-12
Happy Sunday Elementary Coyotes!
I can't believe we are starting week 8 this week and the end of the school year is getting closer.
1. Thank You Tornillo Parents!
Thank you parents for making it such a beautiful week for all our teachers and staff. The tokens and well wishes of appreciation brought smiles to all our teachers. Thank you for helping be a wonderful week for our teachers.
2. PK-2nd Grade End of the Year State Testing (mClass/Istation Reading, Lectura, Math)
All our PK-2nd grade students will be completing the end of the year testing for reading and math over the next few weeks. We encourage you to talk to your child to do their best and to show what they know.
3. 2023-2024 New Student Registration
Please help us get the word out, Head Start, Pre-Kinder & Kinder New student registrations are now open. Stop by our school office to register or give us a call for more information.
Registration Checklist for All New Students
- Birth Certificate.
- Drivers License/Government Issued ID (Parent/Guardian)
- Immunization Record.
- Proof of Residency. Utility Bill AND Tax Statement/Lease Agreement OR. Residency Approval Form (Provided by Residency Office)
- Social Security Card (student)
Registration for all RETURNING students is also open. Help your child's class win prizes for 100% registration. Check out the flyer below for more information.
Attendance Contest - Be at school everyday from March 20-May 19 & win a fieldtrip!
Attendance for Week 7: May 1-May 5
Pre-Kinder: 94.05%
Kinder: 94.47%
1st Grade: 94.97%
2nd Grade: 95.98%
Total: 95.09%
We love our Coyote Teachers & Staff!
Mrs. Lopez-Patti, Principal
Tornillo Elementary
Week 8 Happenings: May 8-12
Mindful Monday, May 8
-1st Grade mClass testing
Thankful Tuesday, May 9
-1st Grade mClass testing
-Saturday Camp (May 20) Permission Slips go out today
Wellness Wednesday, May 10
-1st Grade mClass testing
-Feliz Día de la Madres
Thoughtful Thursday, May 11
-1st Grade mClass testing
-College, Career, & Military shirt day
Friendly Friday, May 12
-1st Grade mClass testing
-2nd to 3rd Grade Transition Mtg (2nd grade students travel to Intermediate)
-TISD Spirit Day - Wear your favorite TISD shirt
Upcoming Events
Leader of the Pack Student Awards & Parent Mtg, 2:30-3:30 (May 15)
-EOY May Faculty Mtg (Tuesday, May 16)
-PK-2nd Grade Transition Mtgs (May 15-19)
Extended Learning - Saturday, May 20th: 8:00-12:00
Great things happening in TISD!
Congratulations HS Baseball Team!
Way to go TISD Junior High Track!
Congratulations to our TISD UTEP Teacher Residents!
2023 UTEP Graduate
Family Science Expo
TISD Teachers & staff
District Update from TISD Superintendent Mrs. Vega-Barrio
We're Here to Help!
Location: 19200 Gabby St, Tornillo, TX, USA
Phone: 915-765-3150
Twitter: @MLopez_TISD