Coronavirus & Home Learning
Useful Information for Families
Dear Parents,
I hope you and your little learners are safe and healthy. As we launch into week two of home learning I understand that each family is dealing with their own challenges at home during this unprecedented time. I hope the activities being sent home from your classroom teacher are helpful and easy to navigate. Please remember you can conference with your teacher during his/her "office hours".
Starting today, teachers will be sending home activities in a weekly format. This format will allow the flexility in your schedule that I am quite certain is mandatory during home learning. As a reminder all of the activities are aligned to our state standards (GELDS) and are skills the children would be working on in the classroom.
Beginning March 27th, your classroom teachers will begin providing daily virtual lessons. Being mindful of what is age appropriate for our young learners virtual lessons will be brief but will be used to support the activities being sent home. For example, teachers may be doing a morning meeting or a read a loud. The lessons will be recorded so parents can access the lessons as their schedule allows. In addition, Senorita Lita will be continuing her Spanish lessons for our preschool and prek students through this virtual format.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly with any questions or concerns. Please give your child a virtual hug from me. I am thinking of our College Heights community during this very challenging time. Your health and well-being is very much on my mind.
Principal Garland
Virtual Zumba
Ms. Rosalie is offering FREE online virtual Zumba Kids classes to College Heights students.
During this tough time I would like to offer FREE online live Zumba Kids classes to you! Here is how it works:
- Sign up by emailing me in advance so that I can send you an email with login information. info@tothebeatstudio.com
- Join the class on a laptop, tablet or smartphone via ZOOM Meeting platform. Your child will see me live and the other kid as well
- 30 minutes class that will be as close to our weekly CH Zumba class as possible.
- Siblings are welcome to join in!
- Class time options: (please let me know if you are available for all or none or some so that I can move kids around depending on demand)
- Wednesday (starts March 18!) 1:00pm or 1:30pm
- Friday (starts March 20) 1:00pm or 1:30pm
Ms. Rosalie