The Booker Bulletin
Weekly Smore: October 21 - 25
Calendar At A Glance
October 14 - 18 - Fall Break
October 21 - 25 - National School Bus Safety Week
October 21 - Wear your favorite team shirt or jersey
October 21 - Early voting for November 5th Elections
October 22 - 5th Grade Field Trip
Mobile Food Market
October 23 - October 31 - Red Ribbon Week
- GT Testing Phase II
October 25 - Report Cards Go Home
October 28 - Create a note, letter, or artwork for the principal
October 31 - Book Character Day!
November 4 & 5 - Student Holidays, Campus Closed
November 5 - Election Day
November 11 - Veterans Day
November 14 - Chick Fil-A Fundraiser Day
November 22 - Family Feast Day
November 25 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break
December 9 - 13 - MOY Testing
December 19 - Early Release
December 20 - January 6 - Winter Break
5th Grade Field Trip Information
Houston Symphony Music Experience
Cynthia Woods Pavilion
October 22, 2024 - 9:30 - 1pm
School Uniform - Booker shirt or solid red, white or navy or royal blue
Booker Bengals,
We hope you enjoyed your FALL BREAK with your babies! It is time to fall back into the swing of things and have some school fun! We have a lot of school events going on that will allow students to dress up or even dress out of DRESS CODE. However, please make sure they are following our dress code calendar for either BREAST CANCER AWARENESS, PRINCIPALS MONTH or RED RIBBON WEEK! They have options.
Red Ribbon Week starts Wednesday and goes through the end of the month. Help us celebrate the importance of being DRUG FREE and talk to your children about the dangers of consuming drugs. Discuss the importance of not smoking, vaping or taking any drugs or medication without your permission or a doctor's persona prescription for them. We can't wait to see their creative side!
For all my 5th grade parents, middle school is a crucial time in your child's life. KNOW YOUR OPTIONS! Attend the School of Choice Showcase next week at Dekaney HS to learn all about our middle schools and take advantage of the opportunities to apply for our schools of choice.
Booker is in the TOP 3 of Feeder 2 for attendance! Let's do our BOOKER BEST TO get to that #1 spot and show Spring that ATTENDANCE MATTERS! Encourage your child to participate in our dress out days and get involved in our campus dress out class competitions!
Thank you all for your commitment in supporting your child's educational journey! We can make this Let's continue to help our scholars and staff SOAR!
Keisha Womack
Dear Spring ISD Families,
As we continue to focus on attendance and ensuring our students are in school as much as possible, we do realize that sometimes our scholars get sick. To prioritize the health and safety of all our students, we want to remind you of the importance of keeping your child at home if they are feeling unwell. To help you navigate when to keep your child at home and when it's safe to return to school, we’ve attached two flyers (in English and Spanish) with specific scenarios and guidelines.
Please review these materials carefully to ensure a safe and healthy school environment for everyone. Thank you for your continued partnership in keeping our schools safe.
Spring ISD Nursing and Health Service
School Hours: 8:05 am - 3:25 pm
https://www.attendanceworks.org/chronic-absence/the-problem/10-facts-about-school-attendance/#:~:text=Research%20shows%20that%20missing%2010,Read%20more...Absenteeism in the first month of school can predict poor attendance throughout the school year. Half the students who miss 2-4 days in September go on to miss nearly a month of school. Read more...
The most recent federal data show that in the 2020-21 school year, at least 14.7 million students nationwide were chronically absent. This means that chronic absence has almost doubled from the more than 8 million students, pre-Covid-19, who were missing so many days of school that they were academically at risk. Read more...
Absenteeism and its ill effects start early.
Poor attendance can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade or be held back. Read more...
By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school. Read more...
Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school, or about 18 days in most school districts, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days a month and that’s known as chronic absence. Read more...
Students who live in communities with high levels of poverty are four times more likely to be chronically absent than others often for reasons beyond their control, such as unstable housing, unreliable transportation and a lack of access to health care. Read more...
When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating. Read more...
Attendance improves when schools engage students and parents in positive ways and when schools provide mentors for chronically absent students. Read more...
Most school districts and states don’t look at all the right data to improve school attendance. They track how many students show up every day and how many are skipping school without an excuse, but not how many are missing so many days in excused and unexcused absence that they are headed off track academically.
Lunch visits will start soon! We want to share some updates with you! As always, safety is our #1 priority. So, please read carefully!
Lunch visit Guidelines:
- Proceed through the metal detectors - NO EXCEPTIONS!
- No more than two adults per childhood.
- If you are not the student's guardian, you must have written permission w/a picture of the legal guardian's license, signature and the current date on the letter in order to visit at lunch.
- Refrain from inappropriate interactions between staff members and/or students.
- Tuesdays and Wednesdays only
- No visits allowed during during District/State Testing weeks & any other designated times.
- Please arrive at least 10 minutes before your child's lunch time but no later than 10 minutes after the start of the your child's lunch period.
- Do not enter the main building without checking in and having a visitor's sticker
- Alert a teacher on duty in the cafeteria who you are there to visit.
- Proceed to the visitors table with your child.
- Please do not conference with the teachers during lunch visits.
- Please do not go on hallways, classrooms or to student restrooms.
- Please do not visit with other children or invite any other student to the visitor's table.
- Please do not share food, beverages or snacks with any other child(ren) but your own.
- All students must line up with their classes at the end of lunch.
- Proceed to the front office immediately after your child leaves the cafeteria.
- Please make sure to check out by leaving your visitor's tag with the front office.
- Please do not facetime, video or take pictures of staff or students, other than w/ your child.
- Sign visitor's policy upon signing in.
Any visitor engaging or exhibiting in any disrespectful behaviors will be banned from lunch visits. We want to ensure a positive and safe environment for all of our scholars and staff.
LUNCH VISITS 10/8 & 10/9 Data Review:
Second week of lunch visits went much better. Let's keep it going!
LUNCH VISIT violations/concerns:
- Parents demanding admin/teacher conferences before or after lunch
- Parents conferencing with the teachers on duty
- Parents disrespecting front office staff and administrators by screaming
- Parents staying over lunch times
- Parents upset because of
---- scheduled field trip for 1st & 2nd graders - lunch cancelled for those grade levels
---- campus was on hold during kinder lunch (EMS called) - so kinder lunch was cancelled
Campus Procedures and Protocols
Friendly Reminders
Updated Contact Information
Parents, please make sure you keep all contact numbers updated. It is extremely important that we have accurate information in our system to avoid delay in emergency situations. Student safety is our #1 priority! We also want to ensure we keep open lines of communication to report student progress, achievement, rewards, and concerns! You are a part of this journey!
Lunch visits and expectations
Parents please make sure you are reading the guidelines for all visitors. There will be no exceptions for lunch. We have less staff this year and have to maintain order and safety, as well as build back our academic standing! If lunch visits begin to be a hindrance for instruction at Booker for our staff and our teachers, sadly we will have to cease them. We want to ensure that we are all working together to create a positive environment, focused on student safety and achievement! So, we are asking for you to please review the rules and prepare, accordingly. If we find that any of the guidelines have been breeched in any way, your access will be denied and we will have to ban access.
Tutorials and Clubs:
Tutorials and some exciting clubs are coming! Improving academic achievement can be something as simple as providing scholars with a different approach or additional time to take off and explore more ways to learn the content. So, if your child was not successful last year on his/her STAAR tests, please take advantage of our tutorials. As for our clubs, please remind your scholars that participation guidelines will be outlined and enforced. Students who join our campus clubs must exhibit appropriate behavior and also meet eligibility with passing grades. We want to get our scholars to understand the importance of citizenship, teamwork, and academic responsibility to help build healthy scholars and athletes ready to compete on the collegiate level.
We need our scholars at school every day to ensure we are making the necessary progress to reach all student/campus goals! Please remember that all scholars must meet the 90% attendance rate to avoid Truancy reporting and/or retention or summer school and even transfers being revoked!
Parents, please help us out! We still have parents signing students out early on a daily basis. This is could hurt a child's academic progress because he/she may be missing daily lessons and assignments. Please help us keep our eye on the prize - academic success for ALL students! We ask that you use early pick ups for emergencies and scheduled medical appointments only. All students with excessive tardies, early pick ups and/or absences will be taken to Grade Placement Committee for review at the the End of the Year (EOY).
If your child is consistently late, they are missing hours of instruction a week, too! Tardies count, too and can be just as damaging to a child's ability to be successful, just like absences and early pick ups. Please help us out by making sure your child is at school by 7:45am for free breakfast or in their seats by 8am when the bell rings! We want to make sure everyone of our astronauts are ready for lift off each day!
We are waiting on more tags for our new scholars! In the meantime, please make sure to register!
Download the Parent App from the app store or scan the QR code, and register to take advantage of the SMART tag™ Parent Features.
Download for iPhone
Download for Android
Privacy and Data:
Our student ID cards are safe and secure. We use PVC cards with a passive RFID chip containing only a unique identification (UID) number. The UID in the chip is read by our card reader, and our system uses it to reference student information. The latest cloud technology, encryption, and security protocols ensure your child’s information is secure.
Be Kind & Patient
Remain Calm
Refrain from using profanity or any threatening language, tone, or voice volume with other parents, or staff/students.
Stay in your Car
No cell phone use while in the parking lot during arrival and dismissal time
Please do not speed in the parking lot
Please be patient with each other and our staff. We know it's extremely hot!
No CUTTING THE LINE - let's be respectful to each other!
- Student IDs are mandatory.
- Student IDs will be a part of the dress code check.
- Every student will get an ID and they will be distributed within the first seven days of school.
- Bus riders must wear their ZPass IDs to ride the bus.
- All students, except our bus riders, will leave student IDs at school.
- Any student having to replace their ID badge, will need to pay $1 for a temporary badge each time one is issued.
(Even Walkers, Bike Riders, Day Care and Koala Kare families!)
- Teach your child their car rider numbers and remind them to listen for them to speed of the line!
- Each family will be given two tags.
Parents please make sure your child is prepared to walk by reviewing the tips below:
- Walkers will proceed south on Imperial Valley down the side walk
(Except students enrolled in special programs/or have extenuating circumstances)
- They need to know where their home is by learning their route and address.
- Know the best route to get home, walking.
- Plan for bad weather with having an umbrella/poncho in their backpacks.
- Have identified friends or family that walk with them.
- Know how to handle situations that involve strangers approaching them.
- Make your child learn your cell phone number and your full name for emergency purposes.
- Please send children with water bottles during the months of extreme heat.
- Make sure they have the key, keycode, or garage code to get in the house.
- Teachers are not responsible for waiting on walkers, regardless of their age or grade!
(This is considered circumventing the car rider line. Parents be mindful that our teachers will not be able to wait for students to be picked up. So, if you have a little one, you must be at the walker dismissal intersection on time.)
- Teachers will not allow students to get in cars parked or waiting in our car rider line.
(It is illegal to load and unload your child in any lane on Imperial Valley. This is a traffic violation and also considered child endangerment and this is also circumventing the car rider and causing unsafe conditions for our students and drivers in the community.)
As for any SEVERE WEATHER DAYS designated by Harris County, your child will not be released to walk. We will initiate our RAINY DAY DISMISSAL procedures and dismiss all walkers with the car riders. Therefore, parents you will need to proceed to the car rider line with your assigned Car Rider Number Tag to come and pick up your child from school on these days. You will proceed to the car rider line to avoid delay. So, please make sure you pick up your Rainy Day Car Rider Sign and keep it in your car. Remember, a rainy day does not count as a severe weather day so make sure your child is prepared!
Registration: Monday - Friday
7:35am - 10 am
You can also call for assistance 281-891-8750.
Need help with backpacks or uniforms? Call us please!
School Updates
Do to safety reasons, Booker is enforcing our new backpack requirement. All backpacks must be Mesh or Clear only!
Dress Code:
Shirts: - Red, White or Blue (Navy, Baby blue, or royal) solid shirts - No collar required
Pants: Blue jeans, Khaki or navy blue pants, skorts, shorts or dresses
No sagging pants or ripped or torn jeans.
Zipper jackets preferred - Any color
Hoodies worn all day should be dress code colors - red, blue or white. Students cannot wear hood in school.
Smart tag ID or temporary ID - at all times!
All students must be in dress code, unless it's a Spirit Day! Dress must still be school appropriate.
It's a NEW YEAR! Check out Spring ISD's new Student Code of Conduct to ensure your child is adhering to district policy. Please monitor your child's daily folder and their Wednesday folder for weekly updates. We want to ensure the safety and security of everyone on campus or visiting our campus.
Attendance, Tardies, and Appointments
The state of Texas has a mandatory Attendance Requirement of 90%. Please know that under the Compulsory Attendance Law, all students must be in attendance at least 90% of the time they've been enrolled in a public school. In order to receive credit for a final grade for a class, a student is required to attend class 90 percent of the days a class is offered regardless of whether the student's absences are excused [see FEA] or unexcused.
Appointments & Excuses
If your child has a doctor's appointment, please try to schedule it after snapshot at 9:30am. Any student who arrives after 9:30am is counted absent, regardless of what type of appointment it is. However, it is recommended that in this instance, you still provide the documentation for any medical appointments to ensure the absence has been resolved versus left unexcused. Unexcused absences do not tell the story. But doctors' notes and parent notes do! Please submit doctor's excuses and parent notes within three days of the absence.
Early Pick Ups
Parents we understand that circumstances do arise. However, in the past few years, we have noticed that our early pick ups have increased, substantially. Many of you express that it is due to the car rider line. However, early pick up causes students to miss instruction and fall behind. We will be closely monitoring early pick ups this year. Please make sure you are submitting all documentation for outside therapy, appointments, etc. that involve you having to pick up your child(ren) early.
Koala Kare is available for before and after school care on campus. Check it out! https://www.koalakare-llc.com/
School starts at 8:00AM. We have free breakfast each day and students can arrive as early as 7:35am! Students who are late, enter the room frustrated or off task, causing a disruption to the instructional day. Help our scholars learn meaningful lessons about life and work, by getting them to school on time to assist them in getting a GREAT START!
Campus Behavioral Expectations
Parents, we need your assistance. Behaviors of bullying, disrespect, and classroom disruptions are on the rise. As we all know, one of the leading causes to these extreme behaviors is exposure to social media. We want to continue to promote a positive campus culture that ensures the safety of all students and staff. and a learning environment conducive to improve student success. We will not tolerate any of these behaviors from our scholars and will render consequences, accordingly.
Also, parents, be mindful that we must also model appropriate behaviors for our students at all times and show mutual respect for each other. So, we want to send a friendly reminder to adults that the same guidelines will be enforced with staff, parents, and visitors. There will be zero tolerance for inappropriate interactions with staff, students, or other adults on campus. This includes parents skipping in the car rider line, parents failing to follow drop off procedures and/or parents engaging in verbal assault or threats on social media, the phone or in the lobby with any staff, student, or adult. Also, remind the others about our procedures and guidelines, when sending them up to get your child. ID's are required to get information or to get a student from anyone requesting assistance. We have also activated our metal detectors and all visitors must adhere to our safety procedures. Our goal is safety first at all times. See or Hear Something Compromising the safety of our school, please, Say Something! We must ensure the well being of our staff and students and you, too!
NEED ADMINISTRATIVE HELP? Please reach out and request a conference!
Administrator Conference Request
It is important for us to communicate with you. If you would like to meet with any administrators or teachers, please be sure to contact us in advance to schedule a meeting so that we can best serve you. Often times we are in classrooms meeting with our students and providing strategic instruction, meeting with our staff, or attending off-campus meetings.
We appreciate you scheduling an appointment, in advance with the campus secretary in order to avoid a long wait or a return to trip our campus.
Thank you for understanding, it is greatly appreciated.
Dress Code Expectations
We will also start our new Attendance Rewards and free dress code days will also be a part of the Attendance Incentive Program. So, always check out our Booker Brief to find those opportunities for FREE DRESS CODE DAYS.
If your student is not participating in the designated event for free dress code, then he/she must follow Booker's dress code!
Looking for ways to help! We would love to have you!
We are looking for volunteers and parents who are interested in supporting our scholars and staff this year. There are many ways to get involved. You can get involved behind the scenes, holding a PTO Board Office, volunteering at campus events, or so many other ways. Please complete both forms below:
BOOKER VOLUNTEER FORM 24-25 Spring ISD Volunteer Form.
It is important to do both forms. One is tailored just for us and specifies what you'd like to do as a volunteer and the other application is a district mandate for all Volunteers in Schools.
Booker Volunteer Interest Form
Spring ISD VIP Volunteer application:
We must get you approved by the district before serving on campus as a volunteer. Booker's volunteer interest form is just a way that we can try to track our interested parents and community members on the district's spreadsheet and get them in faster! However, it is not the actual volunteer request form! So, please visit the VIP Website and complete the application! Please call the front office and let the front office know that you have been approve as a VIP for our district! This system will allow us to track your status and get you registered for next year. We would like to start developing our Parent Engagement Team interest to hopefully roll out BIGGER AND BETTER THINGS FOR BOOKER!
We are looking for all TYPES OF VOLUNTEERS:
- Creative Artists
- Workroom Helpers
- Behind the Scene Helpers
- Frontline Helpers Library Helpers
- Business Partners
- Career Day Speakers
- Board Members for our PTO
- Hall Monitors
- Lunch Duty & Dismissal Volunteers for our Baby Bengals
- Mentors
- Seasonal Prop/Stage Crew
- Photographers
- Creative Souls
SO THAT MEANS YOU! And YOU! AND YOU! So, sign up now. We would like to have a parent meeting to see the interest in starting a board! Stay tuned!
Booker Elementary School
PRESS 1 - REGISTRAR - Ms. Velasquez - dvelas1@springisd.org
PRESS 2 - ATTENDANCE CLERK - Ms. Yulissa Camacho ycamacho@springisd.org
PRESS 0 - RECEPTIONISTS - Ms. Enciso/Ms. Martinez
PRESS 3 - Counselor - Mrs. Ashleigh Foley - afoley@springisd.org - 281-891-8755
PRESS 4 - School Nurse - Ms. Shereka Kossie - skossie@springisd.org - 281-891-8757
FAX NUMBER: DIAL 281-891-8751
Website: https://booker.springisd.org/
Location: 22352 Imperial Valley Drive, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281-891-8750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/booker.bengals.3
Twitter: @BookerBengals
NOVEMBER 5, 2024
Voter Approval Tax Rate Election on Nov. 5 ballot could increase funding for Spring ISD by $20 million annually
After being approved by the Spring ISD Board of Trustees in early August, the district will include a Voter Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE) on the upcoming Nov. 5 ballot.
The measure proposes a tax rate of $1.1569 per $100 of property valuation for the 2024 fiscal year, a 5-cent increase from the current rate. This would cost the average homeowner an extra $7 per month, generating about $20 million for the schools on an annual basis and allowing the district to eliminate its budget deficit and provide teacher and staff raises.
Homeowners who are receiving a homestead exemption for disability or are age 65 or older would not see an increase above their tax ceiling as a result of the VATRE.
The proposed tax rate, if approved by voters, would provide critical funding for teacher and staff salaries, including a 2% across the board raise for all staff. Starting teacher pay would increase from $60,500 to $61,500 per year, and targeted adjustments would be made for teachers with 5-15 years of experience, putting it in line with other local school districts.
With no increase in the state’s per-student allotment since 2019 and an inflation rate that has hit 17%, many school districts, including Spring ISD, have had to look to tax increases to generate needed funding.
Voters will have the chance to vote on the measure on Tuesday, Nov. 5.
HEAT PROTOCOLS (For All Athletics Events, Recess, and Student Outdoor Activities)
Spring ISD follows the recommended Texas UIL policy for conducting practices, conditioning workouts, walk throughs and games in all sports during times of extremely high heat and/or humidity for all athletic events, recess, and student outdoor activities.
New research has found the gold standard for implementation of heat illness protocols is to use the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) as a means to track appropriate conditions for outside activity and therefore mitigate the chance of exertional heat illness.
Spring ISD Heat Protocols follow modified guidelines of the American College of Sports Medicine in regard to:
The scheduling of practices at various heat/humidity levels
The ratio of workout time to time allotted for rest and hydration at various heat/humidity levels.
The heat/humidity level that will result in practice being terminated.
Recent research has demonstrated that as environmental temperature and humidity increase, there is an increase in the heat stress that is placed on the exercising individual. Exercise in the heat causes athletes to rely on evaporation of sweat from the skin as the primary method of dissipating heat that is produced by the working muscles. As humidity increases, the ability to dissipate heat through evaporation is further hindered, thus causing the body to have an increased body temperature, which increases the risk of EHS
A Wet Bulb Globe Temperature device is a measurement tool that uses ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind, and solar radiation from the sun to get a measure that can be used to monitor environmental conditions during exercise. Establishing WBGT guidelines that dictate modifications in activity (work:rest ratios, hydration breaks, equipment worn, length of practice) at given WBGT temperatures play a huge factor in helping to prevent heat stress.
Spring ISD Heat Temperature Table
Temp. Heat Index Spring ISD Outdoor Activity Guidelines for Students Below 82.0 Below 80.0 Normal Activities – Little to no risk from expected heat. Recess is permitted. 82.0 – 86.9 80.0 – 90.0 Use Discretion – Minor risk from expected heat. Dress comfortably. Exercising in direct sunlight will stress your body after 45 minutes. Use effective cooling and/or adequate hydration. Recess and outdoor activities can occur. 87.0 – 89.9 90.1 – 105.0 Use Caution – Moderate risk from expected heat. Dress in light clothing (i.e. shorts & t-shirt). Exercising in direct sunlight will stress your body after 30 minutes. Provide a 4-minute break for every 15 minutes of physical activity. Use effective cooling and/or adequate hydration. Recess and outdoor activities may occur. 90.0 – 92.0 105.1 – 115.0 Use Extreme Caution – High risk from expected heat. No jackets, hoodies or heavy clothing while outside. Dress in light clothing (i.e. shorts & t-shirt). Exercising in direct sunlight will stress your body after 20 minutes. Physical activity should be limited to less than 20 minutes. Followed immediately by effective cooling and adequate hydration. Recess and outdoor activities are not recommended. Above 92.1 Above 115.0 No Outdoor Activities allowed – Extreme risk from expected heat. Exercising in direct sunlight will stress your body after 15 minutes. Recess and outdoor activities are not permitted.
To identify the WBGT temperature:
Schools are to utilize the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) website.
Scroll down to map, type in your address
Scroll down to Flag Level Guidelines and choose KSI Region 3: Southern U.S.
Then click submit.
A chart will appear that will give you the forecasted WBGT temperature trends for your area throughout the week in intervals of 12 hours.
Use the WBGT calculation for the time of day and correlate to the Spring ISD Heat Temperature Table to determine allowable outdoor student activities
Note: Secondary schools can also obtain their current WBGT temperature from the Kestrel WBGT Measurements tool monitored by Campus Athletic Coordinator.
To find the Heat Index temperature:
Type in weather.gov in your search bar
Type in your zip code in the search box on the upper top left hand of the website
Click go
You will see the weather for the area. Next to the current bolded temperature scan the bolded titles and find the Heat Index for your area.
Temperatures are often record breaking when school begins in August. Teachers and coaches are responsible for ensuring the safety of their students during any and all outside activities. The following procedures should be put into place to support the health and safety of all students during recess, P.E., athletic periods or any outdoor activities in alignment with the Spring ISD Heat Temperature Table (see above).
Recess & Outdoor Activities:
Teachers will discuss the heat with the students.
Teachers will remind students to get a drink of water before and after going outside.
Teachers will not require students to stay outside in the sun, but will provide shade as needed.
Teachers will limit the amount of time the students are outside in the direct sun.
Teachers will monitor and limit the amount of physical activity in the direct sun and provide frequent water breaks.
Teachers will monitor the students closely for any beginning signs of heat exhaustion.
Physical Education & Athletics Classes:
Coaches will limit the outside physical fitness endurance requirements on days when the Heat Index is in excess of 105°.
Coaches will monitor the fluid intake of the students involved in outside activities.
Coaches will limit outside physical activity to periods of 15 to 20 minutes, encouraging and allowing water intake as desired.
Coaches will closely monitor the students for any beginning signs of heat exhaustion.
For secondary schools, UIL Heat Stress & Athletic Participation Guidelines must be followed.
Beat the Heat Flyer (Signs & Symptoms of Heat Stress)
Texas UIL Guidelines for Heat Stress & Participation for Secondary Schools
If you have questions, please reach out to Spring ISD district contact below:
Nursing and Health Services – Dr. Felicia Thomas, fthoma2@springisd.org
Emergency Management Coordinator – Artilla Haughton, ahaughto@springisd.org
Recess and PE – Lori Carrol, lcarroll@springisd.org
Athletics – Coach Derrell Oliver, dolive4@springisd.org
Performing and Visual Arts – Dr. Joe Clark, jclark@springisd.org
The mySpringISD portal provides an easy platform for staff and families, where they can access all of their digital resources, including Schoology and the Home Access Center. The single sign-on option gives parents, students and staff instant access to all their online resources from any device and any location.
To get started, log on to my.springisd.org, and sign in by using your parent Spring ISD network login username and password.
If you forgot your log-in/username, please call our front office at 281-891-8750 for assistance.