CFL Family Newsletter
Welcome Back Families
Dear CFL Families,
Thanks to all the families that joined us for our Beginning of the year Pancake Breakfast. What a fun way to celebrate our students' first week and make connections with families.
We have had a great few weeks of school. Teachers are building relationships with your child(ren) and together they are creating procedures, routines and systems in their classrooms. If you ever have questions or concerns please reach out to your child's teacher. We are here to partner and support however we can!
Kiss and go protocol has started. Thank you to all for being flexible Remember we will open doors at 7:25. Parents say their goodbyes and staff members will greet students and support getting them to their class.
Remember to sign and return all paperwork that your child has brought home over the last 2 weeks.
If you haven't please read our Attendance policy. Having your child at school every day is so important to their success. It is located below.
Mark your Calendars, we will be having our Family Scavenger Hunt on September 11th from 5pm-6pm. See information below!
Late Students - If your student arrives late, you will need to bring and check in your child at the front office.
Early Check-Out - If you are checking your student out early, please call ahead and we will try to have your student ready by the time you get to the school. Please allow 10 minutes before you arrive. Students will still need to be signed out by a parent or guardian at the front office.
Changes in End of Day routines - If you need to change your child’s normal end of day routine please call the school before 2:00 pm to allow us time to ensure the message gets to the teachers before students are released.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the school! Veronica Duran and Miriam Baltazar, our friendly and super helpful secretaries. Our office is open Tuesday through Friday and can be reached from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school at (970) 285-5702.
With Gratitude,
Kim Frees
Just a quick reminder that we are a four day school week!
Tuesday thru Friday
We open our doors at 7:25 a.m.
We begin our day at 7:35 a.m.
We end our day at 3:15 p.m.
PK News from Ms.Hills
Dear Preschool Parents,
We are thrilled to share that we’ve had a fantastic start to the new school year! Our soft start was a great success, and the children have smoothly transitioned into the following days with enthusiasm and curiosity. Thank you so much for taking the time to join us for the preschool orientation. Your involvement is invaluable, and it was wonderful to see so many of you there.
In these first days, the children have been busy learning the classroom expectations, getting to know their teachers and classmates, and diving into engaging learning activities. We’re excited to continue this journey together and look forward to all the growth and fun that this year will bring!
Regular attendance is crucial for your child’s success in preschool. Being present every day helps your child fully engage in learning activities and build strong routines.If your child needs to be absent, please notify us by calling the Center for Family Learning at 970.285.5702. Your cooperation in keeping us informed is greatly appreciated.
We are excited to enhance our communication with you through the Teaching Strategies GOLD app. We invite you to download the app and keep an eye out for an invitation from your child's teacher, which will provide more information on how to get started.Please see the attached document for further details.
I’d like to share a valuable tip to help support your child’s learning and development at home. Reading books together is a wonderful way to bond and build language skills. Choose stories that capture your child’s imagination, and take turns discussing the pictures and guessing what might happen next.Remember, these moments not only support your child’s development but also create lasting memories.
Mrs. Nicole Hills
Assistant Principal & Preschool Director
Important Events
News From our Specials Teachers
Reading Intervention News:
Welcome back. We are all so glad to have all the smiling faces roaming through our school again. As a Reading Interventionist I love fall. It may mean the end to some of us, but for me fall is a time of beginnings. The beginning of cool weather, all things pumpkin, and of course school. I love the beginning of school. It is a great time to reflect, and make changes. It is also great time to start fresh with new habits. In the summer we are usually running around, staying up late, and making unhealthy food choices. One way I used to reset when my kids were young was by setting a family reading time. We would read for just 15 minutes each evening. I found it to be a great way to get in the habit of reading, It also helped my kids to settle down before the dreaded bed time. I encourage you this fall to start something similar. It doesn’t have to be any big drawn out process. Simply grab some books for the kids, and a magazine for yourself, set a timer and start reading. I promise it will be a habit you will be glad you started.
Melissa Bradley~Reading Interventionist
ELL News
I hope you had a fabulous summer break and are ready for some learning fun! We will get started with our learning adventure by getting to know our new kindergarten students and reacquainting with our first grade students! I’m super excited to introduce Jessica Cornejo to our ELL team as my teammate and para! We will be spending time working on the WIDA Screener where we will get to work one on one with your kindergarten child, and new to our school first graders. This will probably take up much of August and some of September. This will enable us to see where your child's learning needs are and help us to better target our teaching. It is also a wonderful opportunity to get to know them individually and bond with them. I look forward to this year and our adventures in learning!
Melanie Kerrigan CFL-ELL
Counselor News:
Hello Families of CFL!
I am Camille Landry, the school counselor this year. I am so thankful to be here and working in this community. We’ve started talking about tools we can use when we need to calm our minds and bodies. We’ll continue in September to go over the zones of regulation, how all are feelings are okay as well as different parts of our of brain!
-Ms. Landry
Music and PE Information
Hello CFL Families!
Welcome back to school! I am Mrs. Volk and I am so excited to be your child’s music teacher this year! After the success of last year, I can’t wait to see what this year holds!
Students will have the opportunity to attend music class everyday and there are a few rules that we will be following specifically for Music class:
Make good choices
Use Kind words
Speak when it is my turn
Include others
Care for our music room
These expectations are in addition to our CFL code of conduct!
We will also be focusing on our class vision of:
“I try my best in music class!”
By keeping these things in mind, your student will be successful in music and have an amazing year!
If you ever have any questions, please feel free to reach out at any time. svolk@garfield16.org
I can’t wait to have a fantastic and very musical year!
Musically, Mrs. Volk~
Student Drop off and Pick Up Changes.
Dear Families,
We are implementing a new parking protocol to ensure the safety of our students and staff. This year, parents will use the far East parking lot. Please walk your student to the front of the building to support them in safely crossing the street. This parking lot is bigger and the front parking lot was so congested. The staff will now use the smaller parking lot. After school, if you are picking up your child, please make contact with their teacher. Students are not allowed to meet you in your car. Thank you for your support in keeping our school community safe.