Dragon News
Findley Elementary School
May 3, 2024
Message from the Principal
Thank you for attending Parent/Teacher Conferences. I hope your conference(s) went well. We so appreciate being able to partner with parents and caregivers, we couldn't do it without you.
There are a lot of upcoming events this month, including Staff Appreciation, our last general PTO meeting of the year, Beautification Day and the annual Spring Carnival. I hope to see many of you at one, or more, of these school-wide events.
Have a great weekend!
With Gratitude,
Sherry Marsh, Ed.D.
New Information
Find your helmet and pump up your tires because next week is....
There will be a visit from the "Bike Fairy" too. We hope you can join us.
Beaverton Safe Routes to School Parent Surveys
It’s data collection time again for Beaverton’s Safe Routes to School program. The purpose of this program is to make walking and biking to school safe, convenient, and fun.
Parent’s and guardian’s input into how students travel to and from schools and their impression of the safety of the route is valuable as the city and county prioritize needed improvements for our roads.
The following links will take you to a district survey and will be combined with classroom tallies to give us a good picture of how students are getting to and from schools throughout the district.
The district survey will be open for responses for approximately four weeks from May 1st until May 31st. We appreciate your help in giving us information to make the Safe Routes to School program effective for all Beaverton School District students.
Beaverton Rutas Seguras a la Escuela: Encuestas para Padres
Es hora de recopilar datos nuevamente para el programa Rutas Seguras a la Escuela de Beaverton. El propósito de este programa es hacer que caminar y andar en bicicleta a la escuela sea seguro, conveniente y divertido.
La opinión de los padres y tutores legales sobre cómo viajan los estudiantes hacia y desde las escuelas y su impresión de la seguridad de la ruta es valiosa ya que la ciudad y el condado priorizan las mejoras necesarias para nuestras carreteras.
Los siguientes enlaces lo llevarán a una encuesta del distrito y se combinarán con los recuentos del salón de clases para darnos una buena idea de cómo los estudiantes van y vienen de las escuelas de todo el distrito.
La encuesta del distrito estará abierta para recibir respuestas por cuatro semanas desde el 1 de mayo hasta el 31 de mayo. Agradecemos su ayuda en brindarnos información para hacer que el programa de Rutas Seguras a la Escuela sea efectivo para todos los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de Beaverton.
Survey Links:
English https://forms.office.com/r/8Z4q4fzWns
Español https://forms.office.com/r/y6zs0DkgBc
اللغة†العربي†ة https://forms.office.com/r/qwdJyEvb5k
中文 https://forms.office.com/r/1jwZrY1ZAv
日本語 https://forms.office.com/r/BneQWbzbPp
한국어 https://forms.office.com/r/dEap7BUuWP
Русский https://forms.office.com/r/qjL4NXX9g4
Soomaali https://forms.office.com/r/F59AAK2qAg
Tiếng Việt https://forms.office.com/r/6WwWhk1itL
Findley Carnival Update
Mark your calendars! The 2024 Findley Carnival: A Star Wars Event is coming on Friday May 31st from 5-8pm. This fantastic community event will have games, inflatables, food trucks, special guests and entertainment, prizes, raffles, silent auctions and so much more!
More information will be coming soon, but for now the Carnival Crew was reaching out to Findley parents for any possible silent auction or raffle items to spare. Sporting tickets, vacation home use, local business connections.... all are appreciated. All proceeds from the Carnival are returned to the PTO for future student enrichment. Please contact Carnivaldads@gmail.com with anything you might have. As always, thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the Carnival!
Findley Spelling 🐝 Champ!
Congratulations to Claire Chou in 5th grade. She is the winner of our Findley Spelling Bee and will be representing our school at the district spelling bee on April 30th. Way to go Claire! 👏 👏 👏
Repeat Information
Change of Go Home Plans?
If you are changing how your student is going home, please make sure you contact the office. You may email fndly-communications@beaverton.k12.or.us or phone 503.356.2100.
Notifying the office allows them to know exactly where your student should be and helps us keep them safe!
Thank you for your help!
ParentSquare Tutorials for Incoming Families
English ParentSquare 101 - https://youtu.be/UiX7gUTzeQU
Spanish ParentSquare 101 - https://youtu.be/Fg1iC4OL34E
Important Dates
May 2024
6-10 Bike to School Week/Staff Appreciation
9 PTO General Meeting 6:30-8pm
11 Beautification Day 9-2pm
15 Passport Club
22 Kindergarten Orientation 4:30-5:45pm
27 Memorial Day-No School
31 All School Assembly/Spring Carnival
June 2024
7 Field Day
12 Last Day of School
Findley Elementary
Email: sherry_marsh@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://findley.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 4155 Northwest Saltzman Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-356-2100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/findleyES