LSPS Title 1 Services
Title 1 Services
LSPS offers qualifying students at Rodgers, Masonic and Violet Elementaries to supplemental instruction via Title I services. Title I is a Federal grant that provides funding and resources to assist students that are identified as at-risk of failing the State assessment. These students are identified through multiple assessment sources including parent and teacher concern ratings. Identified students may receive interventions from a certified teacher in a small group or one-on-one within or outside of the classroom.
Title One Information
What is Title 1?
Title 1 is a federal program that provides funds to schools and districts that qualify. Qualification is based on the percentage of students who come from low-income families. It is designed to provide supplemental services that support students academically.
Who is eligible?
Students who show a reading or math deficiency through local and/or State testing may qualify.
How are students placed?
Students will be placed in Title 1 programming based on academic need in the areas of reading/science/social studies and math. They are identified through district-wide assessments such as NWEA, M-STEP results. Individual reading levels and teacher input also are used to make placement decisions.
What happens after placement?
Students assigned to Title 1 will receive additional instruction in either a small group environment or in the regular classroom by a certified teacher. They will receive instruction in the math areas in which they struggle by way of research-based math interventions that supplement our Math Expressions program. In reading, students will participate in a specific phonic, fluency, comprehension or vocabulary intervention or Guided Reading group. Parents will receive a report from the Title 1 teacher outlining their child's progress in the program. Teacher/Parent conferences will be held when requested by the parent or the teacher.
What is Parental Involvement?
Parental involvement means that parents participate in regular, two-way communication about academic performance and other school activities. We believe that:
-Parents play an integral role in their child's learning
-Parents are encouraged to be involved in their child's education as partners in their child's learning as well as in school committees and decisions where appropriate.
How Can Parents Be Involved?
How can parents be involved?
Here are some examples of ways that parents can be involved in their child's education at Masonic, Rodgers or Violet Elementary Schools:
Encourage your child to attend school regularly
Encourage your child to show positive school behavior
Review your child's homework, including reading with your child
Monitor television watching and encourage positive use of your child’s extracurricular time
Volunteer in your child's school and classroom if time or schedule permits
Attend parent-teacher conferences and participate, when appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of your child.
Participate in school activities and committees
Sign and follow the Title 1 Parent Compact that is provided at the beginning of each school year.
How will Lake Shore Engage Families in Programming for 2023-24?
Parents have the opportunity to learn more about their child's progress and learning through the following events:
Open House
Please come to our annual open house in September! Students and families have the chance to meet their new teachers, drop off school supplies and even visit teachers from their previous years.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Held in October and March and as requested by parents or teachers throughout the year.
Literacy and Math Game Nights
Students identified for Title 1 services will receive a special opportunity to receive a complimentary educational game along with lots of resources and activities to do at home with your child. Watch your school newsletters and teacher communication for dates and times.
Fine Arts Performances
Students from various grade levels opportunity to perform for their parents and families each year. Various grade-level performances are held throughout the year. Please refer to the school calendar for specific dates.
Title I Parent Information Meetings
Parents are invited to come to the parent information meetings that are held at regular intervals throughout the school year. Topics will provide parents with valuable information about helping their child with homework in reading and math, children's social-emotional needs as well as community resources that are available to families.
We love and welcome volunteers. Please contact the school office or your child's teacher to volunteer at our school!