Eagle Updates
August 25, 2024
The next Eagle Updates will come out on Monday, September 2nd.
In This Issue:
- From Mrs. Barry
- Car Rider Reminders - Dismissal
- Track Construction Update
- Hot Temperatures = Indoor Recess...HELP!!
- Register to Volunteer - Changes this year!
- MWE Calendar
- Kinetic Kids Fall Programs
PTA News:
- A Big Thank You to Our Family Sponsorships!
- Big Form
- Watch DOGS Pizza Night
- Yearbook Cover Contest
- Order Your Yearbook!
From Mrs. Barry
I've been hearing a bit of a buzz about two different topics that I'd like to address. These are the fact that campus administration are copied on all emails sent by teachers and that students are no longer allowed to stop by former teacher classrooms in the morning.
I require our staff to copy Mrs. Watson and myself on all emails that they send. Though I jokingly tell them that this is because the only surprises I like are food, flowers, and jewelry, the truth is that I need to keep track of the pulse of the campus, and I am always looking for patterns in the emails that I read. For example, if a first grade teacher sends an email about the gaga ball pit, and later so does a second and fourth grade teacher, this tells me there is a systemic issue that needs to be addressed. In addition, I might be able to offer additional support or guidance that a staff member wasn't aware of or provide assistance in a different way. This is in no way, shape, or form meant to cause you any distress. It's simply a way for me to stay informed as to what is happening on campus. Again, it is something I require.
The other huge topic of conversation lately has centered around the fact that students must go directly to class or to breakfast without stopping at previous teachers homerooms. I've heard it said that "it only takes 2 seconds for a hug" but there is more to this than it seems. Unfortunately, as we have grown, this practice has become both a distraction and a safety issue. One example: on the first day of school, one teacher had 12 students lined up to give her a hug. That teacher could not greet her new students or monitor her classroom due to the number of children wanting to visit with her - and this was a teacher who had only been at MWE one year! You can imagine the line at some of our more experienced teachers! In addition, rarely do our teachers just hug and send the students on their way - there is always some conversation before having them head to class. Again, this takes away from the current students, as well as from the responsibility that the teacher has of monitoring his or her students. The students are also not where they are supposed to be, should an emergency occur. After talking to our teams, they have come up with the idea that we will add "visiting a former teacher" to their rewards list. This will be worth different points at different grade levels, and students can earn it, while we will be able to control it in a safe and orderly environment. Though not exactly the same as being able to see a former teacher every day, we feel this is an appropriate compromise for our students to work for!
If you have a question or concern, please don't hesitate to reach out and talk to me about it. There is usually a solid reason behind what we do, and I am always willing to share it and talk about solutions and/or ways to lessen the impact of a decision. I appreciate all of you who have come to me directly with your ideas and suggestions. Together, we continue building the legacy started 60 years ago!
Car Rider Reminders - Dismissal
At dismissal, MWE utilizes a two-line system for car rider dismissal. Students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, First grade, or Second grade are picked up in the inside line (closest to the school) and Third grade and above are picked up in the outside line. If you have multiple children at Meadow Wood, please use the line appropriate for your youngest child. Please do not switch lines - this actually slows down your progress and our system!
If your child is unable to buckle themselves into their car seat, we ask that you park and have your child be a walker. Our patrols are unable to perform this duty for you, and if you exit your car to do this, it backs up the carpool line tremendously.
All cars picking up through the car rider line are required to have their hangtag displayed. Hangtags can be obtained through the front office. Green, blue, or salmon cards are for walkers only and will not be accepted for car riders. Note: Beginning September 3rd, if you do not have a hang tag, you will be asked to park and come inside to pick up your child. You will need to show your ID.
Track Construction Update
From SBISD's Project Manager:
The district received notification this week that the City of Houston’s Structural Department for Permitting has reviewed and approved the drawings for permit for our track. This was the final department to review/approve. We should see a permit issued in the next couple of days, once the Architect has received the invoice for permit fees. There were a few issues that needed to be resolved before construction of the new underground detention and concrete walking surface could begin.
The City of Houston, which is the Authority Having Jurisdiction for this project, allows for demolition of an existing structure, or in this case, an existing asphalt sidewalk to commence without a construction permit in place. This work was done early on in anticipation of receiving the permit sometime in June. However, there were challenges with the permitting review process within the COH, that caused lengthy, unexpected delays and several resubmissions by the Engineer. This has all been resolved over the last couple of weeks and as mentioned above, the project has received its FINAL department approval from the COH.
Due to the delays with the Permit, the contractor had to stop progress and demobilize. SBISD Planning & Construction requested a revised proposal from the contractor for the additional days for lost time, the temporary construction fence required to separate the playground from the construction area and for remobilization once the Permit is received.
The revised proposal requires Board approval which is on the agenda for the upcoming Board Meeting on 8/26.
Now that we have approval from the Permitting office, SBISD's project manager will be meeting with the Architect and Contractor to determine the schedule for remobilization and the total project schedule. He will update Principal Barry once that schedule is finalized and will continue to provide regular updates throughout the duration of the project.
Construction should begin on Tuesday, September 3rd, and is estimated to take 3-4 weeks to complete if everything goes as planned, and we don’t incur any substantial weather delays.
Hot Temperatures = Indoor Recess...HELP!!
Register to Volunteer - Changes this Year!
Click here for the volunteer application: English | Spanish.
As a reminder, all volunteers must register and gain approval before starting volunteer service each year. New this year, all 2023-2024 volunteer applications expired on June 30, 2024. All volunteers, new and returning, must be registered and approved for the 2024-2025 school year before beginning any volunteer activity.
Please note: Application processing may take up to 10 business days. Volunteers who apply using a valid email address should receive a confirmation email upon submission. Once your application is approved, you should receive an approval email from donotreply@raptor.com.
Thank you for being a Meadow Wood Volunteer!
MWE Calendar
Reminder: Every week we have T-2-4 Tuesday - students are encouraged to wear their favorite college or military shirt. Fridays are MWE Spirit Day! Wear your Eagle attire!
August 27
CIT Meeting - 3:30 p.m. (Multipurpose Room)
September 2
September 3
1st day for lunch visitors
September 5
Watch DOGS pizza night
September 10
Curriculum Night - PreK, Kinder, 1st & 2nd - 5:30-6:30 p.m.
September 12
Curriculum Night - 3rd, 4th & 5th - 5:30-6:30 p.m.
September 17
Choir begins
September 25
Early Release - Students dismissed at 12:00 Noon
No lunch visitors, please!
September 26
2nd grade field trip - AYAM
CIT Meeting
September 30
First day for Watch DOGS
All Things PTA
Wow! A big thank you to the 83 Family Sponsorships MWE PTA has received so far!
It's not too late to join PTA or be a part of this Family Sponsorship list! Go to the Big Form to support us. If you have already completed part of the Big Form but didn't do the Family Sponsorship, you still have time! Deadline to be on the list is September 30th. Go to mwepta.com, My Account, Family Account Page and look under New Forms for Family Sponsorships.
Calling all budding artists 👨🏻🎨 Entries are now open for the Yearbook Cover Contest!
Visit the below link to learn how to submit your child’s work for consideration by 10/1.
For additional information, go to our website: www.mwepta.com.
Follow us on Facebook (Meadow Wood Elementary PTA) and Instagram (#MWEPTA).