TuES News Family Newsletter
October 11, 2024
A Message From The Principal
Happy Friday Tuscarora,
Tuscarora we did it!!! We have the Battle of Ballenger Creek Attendance Trophy at TuES...we won September! It was close with the competition of our sister schools (Ballenger Creek Elementary School, Carroll Manor Elementary School, and Orchard Grove Elementary School). Check out the attendance statistics for September below:
Ballenger Creek Elementary School - 94.8%
Carroll Manor Elementary School - 94.97%
Orchard Grove Elementary School - 95.20%
Tuscarora Elementary School - 95.33%
Let's keep striving to be here every day on time receiving the best first instruction from our teachers at Tuscarora.
Mike Green is BACK!!! Mike joined us in the 2021 - 2022 school year and we are excited to have his enthusiasm for science back at Tuscarora on Wednesday! Michael Green a.k.a. The Science Machine is a husband, father, graduate of Morehouse College (the grandson of Dr. Hugh M. Gloster – President Emeritus, Morehouse College) and serves as president of Science for Everyone (SFE). SFE is a 20-year-old, Atlanta-based science and technology company committed to inspiring and educating the next generation of leaders, scientists, mathematicians, innovators and engineers. This mission is accomplished by presenting the most educational, mind-boggling, jaw-dropping interactive science show on planet Earth! And that will happen for our Timberwolves Wednesday, October 16 due to the generosity of our PTA and its members - THANK YOU for enriching our students!
Thank you to all our families for scheduling a conference with their homeroom teacher; this partnership is powerful and it is important for the success of your student(s).
Have a wonderful weekend,
Carrie Zimmerman
Tuscarora Elementary School PTA Update
PTA Officer Elections and Volunteer Opportunities:
Congratulations to our newly elected PTA officers! Alison Simms has been elected Treasurer, Ginger Byrd as Vice President, Nicole Costa as Fundraising Chair, and Danyelle Munck as Food Drive Chair. We are still in need of volunteers to chair major events such as the Talent Show and Spring Carnival. If you are interested, please contact us at team.tuscarora@gmail.com. For more details, check out the October 1st PTA meeting minutes. Your involvement makes these events possible!
Charleston Wrap Fundraiser Update:
Our Charleston Wrap fundraiser is in full swing and runs through October 28th. With 40% of all sales benefiting the PTA, we’re thrilled that participating students have already sold over $4,500 in retail sales, earning more than $1,600 for our school! These funds help support events like field trip subsidies for our students. There’s still time to participate! Visit registercw.com and enter ORGANIZATIONAL ID: 28324 to unlock your participant dashboard. From there, you can check your progress and share your link via text, email, and social media. Students earn prizes just for site visits and can win bigger prizes based on sales. Prize pickup is available during arrival on Wednesdays, from October 16th to October 30th.
Tuscarora Tuesday:
Join us for Tuscarora Tuesday on October 15th at Panda Express in the Westview Promenade. All day, 20% of sales will be donated to our PTA. For online ordering (English/Spanish) use code 375451 or show the fundraising flyer in-store (English/Spanish).
TuES Halloween Playdate:
Join us for a fun Tuscarora Families Halloween Playdate on the school playground on Tuesday, October 22nd from 5:00 to 6:00 PM! Costumes are optional but encouraged, and Andy the Armadillo from Texas Roadhouse will make a special appearance and the first 50 kids will get a free TXRH kids meal ticket. It’s a great chance to meet other parents while the kids play. The Judy Center will co-host the event and provide a craft for the kids, and candy will be given to all children attending.
Food Drive:
Our annual food drive runs from November 1st to November 19th, benefiting families within our Tuscarora community. Drop off non-perishable items in the collection boxes located throughout the school. Fliers with suggested donation items will be distributed later this month.
Movie Night:
Save the date and join us for a fun family Movie Night on Friday, November 8th to watch Despicable Me 4! Food trucks will be available starting at 6:00 PM for food purchases. Doors will open at 6:30 PM, and the movie will begin at 7:00 PM. Non-perishable food or monetary donations for our food drive will also be collected at the event and will get you entered into a raffle!
Chess Club:
Chess Club starts on October 15th, from 3:45 to 4:45 PM in the media center. It’s not too late to sign up! Check the flyer sent home for details.
Follow Us on Social Media:
Stay connected with us on Instagram: @tuespta and Facebook: Tuscarora Elementary School PTA. Visit our website at tues-pta.givebacks.com for updates and information.
If you haven’t already, please consider joining the PTA. Events like Movie Night, Holiday Craft Night, the Talent Show, and Spring Carnival can’t happen without your membership. Join today at tues-pta.givebacks.com/store. All levels of support are appreciated - whether that be just paying the membership dues, or volunteering for an event, you are the key to our success!
Next Tuscarora Elementary School PTA Meeting:
Our next PTA meeting will be on Tuesday, November 12th, from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. We encourage all parents to attend and get involved in planning upcoming events and supporting our school community. During this meeting, we will be discussing our upcoming Holiday Craft Event, tentatively scheduled for December 5th, getting updates from Mrs. Zimmerman, and voting on the PTA budget. Hope to see you there!
Thank you for supporting Tuscarora Elementary School PTA!
Friday, October 18: Schools Closed for Students
Friday, October 25: End of Term 1; 2 Hour Early Dismissal (Dismissal at 1:30 PM)
Monday, October 28: Schools Closed for Students; Teacher Work Day
Tuesday, November 5: Election Day - FCPS Schools & Offices Closed
Tuesday, November 26: 2 Hour Early Dismissal (Dismissal at 1:30 PM)
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving Holiday; FCPS Schools & Offices Closed
Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) has updated expectations for use of personal mobile devices (PMD). These are devices NOT provided by FCPS which include: cell phones, headphones, smartwatches, smartphones, speakers, and/or cameras. Non-FCPS issued laptops are NOT permitted. Exceptions will be made under special circumstances, including but not limited to documented accommodations.
For more information visit the FCPS Student Code of Conduct
Transportation – Walkers, Bus Riders and Car Riders
In order to get your student(s) to and from school each day, we need to know what this will look like. Confirm how your student(s) arrives at school and how they depart from school on a regular basis while at Open House, Monday, August 19 4:00 - 5:00.
Clarification about each modality is listed below:
A walker is a student who walks on/off school property to/from their home or care provider.
A car rider is a student who arrives/departs from a vehicle that enters/exits the school through the car rider line; the driver ALWAYS remains in the vehicle.
A bus rider is a student who arrives/departs using FCPS transportation and the Tuscarora bus loop. Bus Information will be available on or before August 10.
Please visit the TuES Family Handbook for additional specifics to our arrival/departure times, procedures and how to make a change if needed.
Physical Education at Tuscarora
Hello from the PE Team,
Please and thank you for continuing to have your children wear sneakers/tennis shoes on their Physical Education (PE) days! This allows your children to be the most active and safe during our lessons in Physical Education class.
We wrapped up our soccer/kicking unit (2nd-5th) and locomotor movement unit (PreK-1st). We will continue to revisit various concepts/games from those units throughout the school year.
However we are moving on to our throwing/catching units (2nd-5th grade) and rolling and tossing units (PreK-1st grade). We will continue to go outside for class (weather permitting) until Mid-November, so please have your child/children bring jackets/sweaters to PE class if they need them.
Finally, We are super excited to welcome Cameron Lauer to our PE team. Mr. Lauer will be our student teacher from Towson University! He will be teaching with us from Mid-October until Mid-December.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mr. Hahn and Mr. Keimig
2024 - 2025 Tuscarora Elementary School Sponsored Events
Thursday, November 21 6:00 - 8:00 PM Tuscarora Math Night
Thursday, January 9 6:00 - 7:30 PM Tuscarora Literacy Night
Thursday, January 9 7:00 - 8:00 PM Tuscarora Feeder Concert at Tuscarora High School
Thursday, March 13 6:00 - 7:30 PM Tuscarora STEAM Night
Thursday, April 10 6:00 - 8:00 PM Tuscarora Multicultural Night
Thursday, May 15 Field Day (during school hours)
Tuesday, May 20 7:30 - 8:30PM Tuscarora Feeder Grade 4 & 5 Spring Band Concert at Tuscarora High School
Wednesday, May 21 7:30 - 8:30 Tuscarora Feeder Grade 4 & 5
Spring Orchestra Concert at Tuscarora High School
Here Is What You Need To Do To Volunteer
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Tuscarora Elementary School. The first steps are:
- Step 1: Take two trainings - Follow these detailed directions (instrucciones detalladas en español) on how to create an account in Unified Talent and then how to complete the two required trainings.
- Step 2: Register in Volunteer Registration Platform - Use the link provided in the volunteer training resource documents to register to the FCPS Volunteer Center. This link is also provided in follow up confirmation email after completing your training.
- Step 3: Notification of Completion - You will receive an automated email that you have completed the volunteer registration process from the FCPS Volunteer Center.
Please be aware that the process can take 72 hours and MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR to you volunteering for FCPS.
This link will provide additional information that may be helpful in completing the process:
Please contact Marcie Bell at Tuscarora if you have further questions (Margaret.Bell@fcps.org )
Car Rider Family Number Visor Tag
Parents whose children are daily car riders may request an additional car tag for a second vehicle by completing this form. We are unable to provide more than 2 car tags per family. This is only to request a second tag for families that already have an assigned family carline number.
If You Want To Volunteer In FCPS, The Volunteer Handbook Is Where To Start
Anyone who wants to volunteer in FCPS must complete the FCPS required volunteer training. The process to be a volunteer can take up to 72 hours once training has been complete to be eligible to volunteer. Check out the FCPS Volunteer Handbook to get started today.
FCPS Expectations and Student Code of Conduct
Every student deserves a safe and supportive space to learn and grow. In Frederick County Public Schools, one of our core goals is the safety and well-being of all students. FCPS fosters an environment of respect, responsibility and trustworthiness.
FCPS Communication Update
Recently, several school districts in our region, including Frederick County, VA, and nationwide, have been addressing concerns related to vague social media posts. We want to assure you that there are NO safety threats to our schools.
If you have any safety concerns, please report them immediately to school staff and/or local law enforcement.
FCPS Communication Methods During Crises:
- Emergency Alerts: We use FOF/SchoolMessenger for emails and text messages with real-time updates.
- Website Updates: Information is posted on fcps.org.
- Social Media: Official FCPS channels on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) provide timely updates.
- Local Media: Important updates are shared with local news outlets. Please note the difference between FCPS, Maryland and FCPS, Virginia.
Thank you for helping us keep our community safe.
Email: TUES.Attendance@fcps.org
Website: https://edu.fcps.org/tues/home
Phone: 227 - 203 - 1260
Location: 6321 Lambert Drive, Frederick, MD 21703
Twitter: @TuES_Pack