WMS Newsletter
August 30th, 2024
📚Welcome Back!!📚
Meet your Administrators!
Ms. Thompson - WMS Principal
Ms. Sears, WMS Assistant Principal
Ms. Thompson and Ms. Sears are happy to welcome all students back to Ware Middle School! They strive to create solid relationships, with students, families and staff and love to have conversations with our community members. This year, we will be recruiting parents and guardians to serve as volunteers in our school. You will receive more information soon!
Attendance Matters!
As we have in the past, WMS is spotlighting the importance of regular attendance. Every month, Ms. Thompson and Ms. Sears will offer an attendance challenge. For the month of September, the grade level with the highest attendance rate will earn a DJ-hosted lunch experience with a playlist created by the students! Please encourage your student to attend school every day they are feeling healthy!
Notes from the Nurse
While we want all of our students and staff here every day, we also want them to be healthy! Please keep your student home if they have a fever or vomiting–keep them home 24 hours until fever free without meds or 24 hours without vomiting. When unsure if you should keep them home, feel free to contact Nurse Hegarty or their doctor. Below are some notes from the CDC regarding new Covid guidelines:
Welcome to New Staff!
This year we are happy to welcome the following new staff members:
Ms. Delude - Grade 4
Ms. Gonzales-Kreisberg (Ms. G-K. for short) - Grade 4
Ms. Hayes - Grade 5
Ms. McCarthy - Music
Ms. Jacobs - RTI
Ms. DuBois - School Counselor
$3 off each ticket sold will be donated back to Ware Schools! I hope you all can join us in a new year of amazing hockey for an extremely reasonable price!
If you have never been to a game, it is family friendly, loud, exciting, and a blast!!!!!!!
Teacher Spotlight
Meet Mrs. Stacy!
September Calendar
Community Partners
Baystate Wing Hospital
Ware Middle School and Stanley M. Koziel Elementary want to send a huge thank you to Baystate Wing Hospital for the very generous donation of school supplies! We all look forward to continuing this very special connection with our community.
Quaboag Hills/Healthy Quaboag
Healthy Quaboag and The Quaboag Hills Foundation regularly organize events to support our community. Here are some of the exciting upcoming events: