Garfield Tiger Updates
Weekly updates and reminders for Garfield Elementary

This Week at Garfield
Monday January 27
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00 am
- Agape 3:30-4:15 pm (Room 306)
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00 am
Wednesday January 29
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00 am
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00 am
Friday January 31
- No School Teacher Work Day
- Progress Reports will be sent home next week
Looking Ahead ...
Wednesday February 5
- PTA Dine Out Ice Cream Bar 3:00-8:00 pm (Colby Ave)
- Tiger Pride Assembly 1:30-2:00 pm (Gym)
- Learning Improvement Day 2:15 pm Dismissal
- Agape 3:30-4:15 pm (Room 306)
- Riverside Neighborhood Meeting 6:30-8:00 pm (Library)
- Mid Winter Break, No school
Resources and Support
Garfield Elementary Family Support
Greetings Garfield families! Our Counseling Department is here to support both our students and our families. We offer several different types of support - from classroom teaching, small groups, emotional and behavior support, family resources, and 504 coordination. Feel free to reach out to our counselors (information below) for more information or questions regarding services! Also check out the links on this page for community resources and more!
Michael Smith - School Counselor
- 425-385-4710
- msmith4@everettsd.org
Hayley Simkins - School Counselor
- 425-385-4712
- hsimkins@everettsd.org
Community Resources and Services
Housing/Shelter, Financial Assistance, Medical, Mental Health:
Community Resource Guide: (Housing/Shelter, Utility & Financial Assistance, Medical, Mental Health, Clothing & Food) English Link , Spanish Link
- United Way of Snohomish County Call 211: 211 is a free telephone number & website that is your best "first call" to quickly find the right source of help. The information line is staffed by trained operators from Volunteers of America Western Washington who can connect you to a wide range of community services. North Sound - Washington 211
Clothing Resources
- Operation School-Bell: Operation School-Bell provides clothing for any student in Everett Public Schools. Students receive all the clothing they need to be school ready, including shoes and winter clothes! (Contact Counselors) https://www.assistanceleague.org/everett/operation-school-bell/
- Clothes for Kids: Clothes for Kids provides free wardrobes to lower-income students. Any youth who attends school (or lives) in Snohomish County or the Northshore School District and is income eligible qualifies for Clothes for Kids. Students who qualify, can receive one wardrobe between August 5 and March 14 for the 2024-2025 School Year. You may shop in person or our Counselors can submit an order and have items available to pick up at school. https://clothesforkids.org/
Food Resources
- Friday Food Backpack Program: Garfield Elementary provides weekend food bags to help replace the free meals students receive at school during the weekdays. This includes extra items for holidays & longer breaks. Bags are sent home on Friday of each week. If interested in this program please contact the Garfield Counseling Team!
- Everett Free Meal Schedule: Everett Free Meal Calendar
- Volunteers of America Food Bank Schedule: Our Everett Community Food Bank serves guests in a walk-thru, grocery style experience. Appointments are suggested. https://portal.soxbox.co/pantry/voaww-everett-food-bank
1230 Broadway, Everett, WA 98201
Hours of Operation
MON • WED • THURS | 10am - 2pm
2nd & 4th TUES | 2pm - 5pm
Bethany Compassion Center
The Bethany Compassion Center has a small food pantry, they also carry basic hygiene kits. These items can be picked up any time during our walk-in hours. The center also has a washer and dryer for those who are struggling with the high cost at the laundromat, It is available on Thursday afternoons beginning at 3 PM (last load goes in at 4:30 PM) and Saturday mornings beginning at 9 AM (last load goes in at 10:30 AM. Visit the website for complete list of resources they have available.
Dawson Place Advocacy Center
Dawson Place is a safe place for children and their families for safety, justice and healing. Dawson Place provides: compassionate people who listen, advocates to help navigate services and be informed, medical and mental heath professionals, and professional law enforcement support.
Dawson Place location:
1509 California St
Everett, WA 98201
Reporting Abuse
- Call 911
- Call Department of Children, Youth and Family (DCYF) (863) 363-4276
- Providence Intervention Center for Assault and Abuse Advocacy Line. (425) 297-5771
Everett, WA 98201
Principal: Kathleen Stilwell
Email: kstilwell@everettsd.org
Phone: 425-385-4700