Cougar Chronicle
Important Dates to Remember
9/2 - Labor Day (school closed)
9/3 - Teacher Workday (no school for students)
9/4 - Professional Development (no school for students)
Morning Carpool
For families that choose to drive their children to school in the mornings, it's important to remember that students are expected to be in their classrooms when the bell rings at 7:40. That means that if you're dropping your child off at 7:38-7:39 (for example), they will not have time to walk down the hall and get to class before the bell rings and will be marked "tardy". We realize that mornings can be hectic, so please give yourselves a few extra minutes so that no one feels rushed and students are on time and ready to learn. If you arrive when the bell rings or anytime thereafter, please escort your child into the front office to sign them in.
Thank you for your understanding and support!
FCS Student Code of Conduct
Cogburn Families,
The 2024-2025 Fulton County Schools Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Handbook is available for your review and signature in Infinite Campus. You can view the handbook here.
Once you have read the electronic version and have reviewed the contents with your student(s), please take a moment to complete the Acknowledgement of Receipt Form. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to sign that you have read and reviewed the handbook in Infinite Campus. All parents/guardians of FCS students must sign! If you have a student 10 years and older, they are also invited to sign that they understand the information outlined in the handbook.
I have attached both documents linked above to this email if you have trouble accessing the digital links. Please contact your grade level assistant principal if you have any questions about completing this process!
Thank you,
Lauren Busing, Assistant Principal- busing@fultonschools.org
Prek, First, Third, and Fifth Grade
Sunny Wright, Assistant Principal- wrightsunny@fultonschools.org
Kindergarten, Second, and Fourth Grade
Spring 2023-2024 Milestone Results
Parents can access Georgia Milestones student score reports for the Spring 2023-2024 test administration by logging into Georgia SLDS. This helpful guide will give instructions on how to access Georgia Milestones Score Reports through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
On Wednesdays, We Wear Green!
As we celebrate the 20th birthday of Cogburn Woods Elementary this year, we invite all students, staff, and visitors to wear something green every Wednesday. Help us commemorate 20 years of excellence in education by WEARING YOUR GREEN!!
August 2024 -Welcome Back Families!
Attendance Matters ALL DAY, EVERYDAY. Excused and unexcused absences easily add up to too much time lost in the classroom, putting students at risk academically. In order for students to learn and achieve their fullest potential, it is critical that they attend school and are engaged in the learning process. Student absences, whether excused or unexcused, impact a child's ability to succeed in school. Some absences are unavoidable. The important thing is to get your children to school as often as possible and on time! Please don’t forget to email cogburnattendance@fultonschools.org (and cc the teacher) when your child is absent.
Additionally, please remember that the late bell rings at 7:40. Students need to be in their classroom ready to learn at that time. If you are a car rider, please leave a few minutes earlier in the morning to get your child to school on time. Lateness causes disruptions in learning, and it has an impact on academic success. You will receive an emailed letter from your school social worker once your child has accumulated 12 tardies.
If you have any questions, please reference FCS Attendance Policy, https://www.fultonschools.org/attendancematters, reach out to the school, or contact Randi Downey, LCSW, school social worker: downeyr@fultonschools.org
From Our Art Department
We are in need of plastic mini-muffin and mini-cupcake containers. Please send supplies to the front office in care of Sue Miller.
Thank You!
Counselor's Corner
This year, Cogburn Woods students, staff, and families will be working together to ensure that our school is “No Place for Hate”. A “No Place for Hate” school is one in which all students feel welcome, respected, and included. We will work together to earn this designation by signing a pledge and completing school-wide activities throughout the year that support this pledge.
No Place for Hate Pledge:
I promise to do my best to treat everyone fairly.
I promise to do my best to be kind to everyone- even if they are not like me.
If I see someone being hurt or bullied, I will tell a teacher.
Everyone should be able to feel safe and happy at school.
I want our school to be No Place for Hate.
For more information about what it means to be “No Place for Hate”, visit: https://www.noplaceforhate.org/
Girls with Pearls
Girls with Pearls is a service organization (sponsored by the CWE counseling department) for young ladies in our 4th and 5th grade classes. If your daughter is interested, please click on the link provided for more information and to sign up. The form will be active through 9/3.
Be a Good Digital Citizen!
We know that with all the advantages the Internet can bring to your family’s life, there can also be pitfalls. To help you talk with your children about Internet safety and how to be a good Digital Citizen, we offer the following links to Common Sense Media’s Parent Resource pages:
Digital Citizenship Resources For Parents - Fulton County School System (fultonschools.org)
Fall Into Reading - September 2024
Fall brings crisp, new beginnings and all things cozy! Fall into a great book this season and log your reading to earn badges throughout the challenge.
How to log into Beanstack:
1. Go to classlink https://launchpad.classlink.com/fcs
a. Username: FCS student id #
b. password: birthday (MMDDYYYY)
(reach out to your teacher for this info)
2. Click on elibrary
3. Click on Beanstack
4. Click on "Fall into Reading 2024"
5. Start logging your minutes or download the app, which allows you to log your minutes on the go.
The Homeroom with the most minutes logged will get to visit the Book Vending Machine!!