Jaguar Band Newsletter
Your Place for JHS Jaguar Band News
September 20, 2020
A Message from Mr. Lucita
Picture order info coming soon!
Important Dates
First Spirit Night of the Year!
Chrome Car Emblems
New Spirit Gear
Game Day Meals
Football Program Ads
Band Sponsorships - please share!
Football Game and Ticket Sales Info
Band Booster Membership and Committees
Formulario de Membresia e Interés del Comité
Remind 101 for 2020 - 21
VIPS REQUIRED District Volunteer Program
Sync Your Calendar
Dear Jaguar Band Families,
The first thing I would like to do is take a moment to reflect on and appreciate all that happened last week! We had an incredible week of Zoom Classes, SLT meetings, Marching Band Rehearsals, Jag Jog, Uniform Preparations and Band Pictures! Having acknowledged those things it is extremely important to acknowledge these: our VOLUNTEERS!!
I want to break this down and share what our volunteers did--just last week alone! It started with those that came to rehearsals to set up equipment, helped monitor online COVID screening submissions, issued clothing and water jugs to new students and directed traffic at rehearsal dismissal! Then, there were the countless things behind the scenes such as preparations to repair and upgrade the semi trailer as we approach our first football game and designing and ordering equipment for shelves and storage units our volunteers are building for the Jag Band Hall.
Then, there were the preparations for the Jag Jog. This has actually been going on for almost a year because it began the very next day after last year's race was run! This included soliciting sponsors for the jog and setting up the various stations for check-in, water, moral support, safety and the myriad of other items needed to prepare for a race of this magnitude!! Next, there was the Jag Jog itself with a full crew of volunteers on hand for the big event! Volunteers were there to man tables, provide water, organize the runners, cheer them on along the way and also ensure that everyone followed safety protocols yet still enjoyed the day!
Next, there were those preparing uniforms for our freshmen and new students. Although it was not our usual complex task of custom fitting the entire band with uniforms, measured, adjusted and fitted perfectly, which usually takes weeks! It was, nonetheless, a monumental effort to have a uniform ready when a student arrived for their picture on Saturday or to immediately find and fit one when a surprise student arrived that was not on the list! There were also the preparations for the day of pictures where there were multiple photography screens in place, changing areas built, check-in stations set up and volunteers who manned those locations throughout the day!! And, do you know what the craziest part is???? Even though I tried to cover everything that volunteers did for our Jaguar Band this week, I am 100 percent positive that I missed some!
To every volunteer at every job that was done this week, to those that I am sure I missed and to those that wanted to volunteer but couldn’t, I want to say THANK YOU!! I know the old saying of “it takes a village” but I want to add that because of our volunteers, “our village is strong”! Again I say Thank You!!
Wow that was a lot!!! So, I’ll keep this part short and sweet! The first football game is coming soon and you will get a detailed schedule of times and procedures shortly! We have rehearsals this week on Monday & Thursday 5 - 8 p.m.! We have a Band Booster meeting on Tuesday where we will review all things marching band and will also share information about the Jag Bands “BIG” trip in the spring of 2022!
Let’s have another great week Jag Band!! We are driven for success; it’s who we are! JOHNSON: This Is Us!!!
Have a great week,
Mr. Lucita
Band Pictures!
Information regarding ordering band pictures will be sent out soon! Be on the lookout for a Charms email. We will also post on Facebook when the email is sent.!
September 21 & 24
Full Band Rehearsal
5 - 8 p.m.
September 22
Band Parent Meeting
"Band" includes winds, percussion and guard!
Check your email for a Zoom link from Mr. Lucita.
6 p.m.
September 26
Spirit Night
Chipotle @ Southpark Meadows
4 - 8 p.m.
Oct. 1
JHS vs Crocket (Shelton Stadium @ Hays High School)
7 p.m.
First Spirit Night of the Year!
If you order online for pick-up, make sure to use the order code XE7GT72 before checkout in the "promo" field. Orders placed on or using the Chipotle app using this unique code will be counted toward the fundraiser!
*****A minimum of $!50 in total sales is required in order to receive a donation, so let's get out there and support our Jaguar Band!
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who was a part of our 2nd Annual Jaguar Jog this past Saturday. This year's event faced many challenges and curveballs but TOGETHER was a huge success and great community event. There were approximately 225 participants and much fun was had, safely, by all. A HUGE shout out to our amazing Jaguar Jog committee (Joe Carter, Melissa Frensley, Trish Jarrott, Shelly Allen, Joan Forsythe, Carmen Sifuentes and Shannon Cameron) on organizing this event that would not have been possible without the support of our race organizer, For the Love of Go; Jennifer Crosby and the City of Buda (Greg Olmer and Mayor of Buda); Whispering Hollow HOA and community; Buda Fire Department; and the Hays CISD. Thank you to all of our fantastic sponsors and vendors and our 50+ adult and student volunteers who brought so much positive energy to this event. We hope to make next years event even better with a return to normal.
Please share your event photos with us and we will publish on our website once reviewed.
Mark your calendars now for next year's Jaguar Jog, Saturday, September 18th, 2021!
New Spirit Gear
The new hats and spirit gear are now available for order via our website.
We have a soft-style and trucker style hat available along with two new t-shirt designs and an ultra-comfortable long sleeve hoodie shirt. Items are in stock and will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis with additional items being ordered at regular intervals. Orders will be available for pick up at JHS on Mondays and this information will be communicated via email.
Game Day Meals
Do you want to help with Game Day Meals? Click here to sign up and feed our hungry band members before the game!
Football Program Ads: Celebrate your student! Promote your business!
We are currently taking orders for FOOTBALL PROGRAM ADS and ask all of our band families to share this information with friends and acquaintances. For details and templates, click here.
Order a personal ad to celebrate your student in this year's Jaguar football program! These programs are a great keepsake and is open to all Johnson students. Your personal ad will be featured in every home Jaguar football game program published this season! The football programs are also great advertising space for local businesses!
Brian and Emily Pierce
Carmen Sifuentes
Thank you for your support of the Johnson Jaguar Band!
Band Sponsorships and opportunity to put Student names on trailer!
The Johnson Jaguar Band depends in large part on the fundraising efforts of the Band Boosters. Sponsorships are a very important part of fundraising. Our Sponsorship levels have been updated, and we have a lot of exciting options for businesses AND families! We ask that every family please share this brochure with anyone you know that has a business. We are eager to help promote businesses in our community that support the Jaguar Band! If you would like color copies of our Sponsorship Brochure, we are happy to provide them.
Melissa Frensley
Carmen Sifuentes
A new addition to our Sponsorship options is the Friends and Family Level. This level offers various options for businesses as well as an option for band families: For $200, you can have your child’s name and graduation year on our band trailer indefinitely with the option to simultaneously add sibling name for an additional $100.
Thank you for your support of the Johnson Jaguar Band!
Football and ticket information
How can you help?
¿Cómo puedes ayudar?
Update your CHARMS information to include BIRTHDAYS!
Log in at: the school code is: JohnsonJaguarBand
After logging in, click RETURNING students. The password is your child’s Hays CISD Student ID#. It will ask you to create a new password at that point. Please feel free to use a password of your choice.
Include birth dates so we can celebrate student birthdays!!
Find helpful documents regarding Charms on our website:
Visit our website to find the correct Remind 101 codes for you and your student.
Text that code to 81010, and you're ready to go!
Questions or feedback?
Contact Juliette Kroeger
Visit the Johnson Band Website ( and click on the Calendar tab at the top for instructions.
Location: 4260 FM 967, Buda, TX, USA
Phone: 512.268.5172
Twitter: @JHS_JaguarBand