Ms. Steinberg's Weekly News
Week of October 17th, 2016
Good afternoon!
I hope you've all had a nice week. We had another busy week here at CBA!
Language arts
In Language Arts we focused on short e words, high-frequency words and blends. Students loved listing blends! We learned about interrogative sentences- asking sentences. Students wrote their own interrogative sentences. We read Get the Egg! and discussed the realistic fiction genre as well as the characters and plot in the story. Students answered questions about the story. In writing we discussed some elements spooky stories have then began writing our own spooky stories!
In Math we worked on subtraction concepts. We started with vertical subtraction problems. We worked on subtraction word problems as well. We used the same strategy used when solving addition word problems: underline what you know, circle what you need to find out, write the number sentence. We learned about comparing groups to determine how many fewer a group had than the other. We began subtracting from 4 and 5. We played at various subtraction centers throughout the week on the iPads, computer, whiteboard table, etc.
In Science we learned about the pumpkin life cycle. We watched a few videos on the life cycle and about different farms and the types of pumpkins they offer. We colored, cut and pasted the different stages of the pumpkin life cycle and compared the pumpkin life cycle to the human life cycle. We also used the MyStory app to create pumpkin life cycle videos! We read Pumpkin Surprises and learned that some people make boats out of pumpkins! We played a pumpkin sight word game and did some pumpkin math problems. We carved a pumpkin for the Parade of Pumpkins! Students got to feel the pulp and seeds inside. They used magnifying glasses to explore further before recording their observations.
On Wednesday the 26th we will have a Math test on subtraction.
Next Friday, the 28th, from 12:30-3:30, will be the school Halloween Parade and Party! If your child is planning on wearing a costume, send him/her to school with it.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Ms. Steinberg